
Table e-1. Age- and sex-adjusted incidence and adjusted hazard ratios and their 95% confidenceintervals for the development of all-cause dementia and its subtypes determined by clinical diagnosis, according to glucose tolerance status defined by WHO criteria

Glucose tolerance level / Person-years at risk (n) / Number of events (n) / Age- and sex-adjusted incidence / Crude HR (95% CIs) / P / Age- and sex-adjusted
HR (95% CIs) / P / Multivariable-adjusted
HR (95% CIs) / P
All-cause dementia / Normal / 6,658 / 115 / 20.1 / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent)
IFG / 854 / 13 / 16.0 / 0.89 (0.50-1.58) / 0.70 / 0.74 (0.42-1.31) / 0.30 / 0.63 (0.35-1.13) / 0.12
IGT / 2,611 / 63 / 24.9 / 1.46 (1.07-1.99) / 0.02 / 1.40 (1.03-1.91) / 0.03 / 1.35 (0.98-1.86) / 0.07
DM / 1,544 / 41 / 29.3 / 1.62 (1.14-2.32) / 0.008 / 1.71 (1.19-2.44) / 0.003 / 1.74 (1.19-2.53) / 0.004
IGT+DM / 4,155 / 104 / 26.3 / 1.52 (1.17-1.98) / 0.002 / 1.51 (1.16-1.97) / 0.002 / 1.46 (1.10-1.92) / 0.008
Alzheimer’s disease / Normal / 6,658 / 61 / 10.4 / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent)
IFG / 854 / 4 / 5.4 / 0.52 (0.19-1.42) / 0.20 / 0.42 (0.15-1.16) / 0.09 / 0.41 (0.15-1.14) / 0.09
IGT / 2,611 / 31 / 12.3 / 1.36 (0.88-2.10) / 0.16 / 1.30 (0.84-2.00) / 0.23 / 1.44 (0.92-2.26) / 0.11
DM / 1,544 / 20 / 14.2 / 1.50 (0.91-2.49) / 0.11 / 1.60 (0.97-2.66) / 0.07 / 1.75 (1.03-2.96) / 0.03
IGT+DM / 4,155 / 51 / 13.0 / 1.41(0.97-2.05) / 0.07 / 1.41 (0.97-2.04) / 0.07 / 1.55 (1.05-2.29) / 0.03
Vascular dementia / Normal / 6,658 / 29 / 5.7 / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent)
IFG / 854 / 5 / 6.1 / 1.36 (0.53-3.51) / 0.53 / 1.09 (0.42-2.83) / 0.86 / 0.74 (0.28-1.96) / 0.55
IGT / 2,611 / 21 / 8.4 / 1.90 (1.08-3.33) / 0.03 / 1.82 (1.04-3.19) / 0.04 / 1.26 (0.70-2.26) / 0.45
DM / 1,544 / 12 / 8.4 / 1.86 (0.95-3.64) / 0.07 / 1.90 (0.97-3.73) / 0.06 / 1.56 (0.78-3.14) / 0.21
IGT+DM / 4,155 / 33 / 8.2 / 1.88 (1.14-3.10) / 0.01 / 1.85 (1.12-3.04) / 0.02 / 1.35 (0.80-2.28) / 0.26
Other dementia / Normal / 6,658 / 25 / 4.1 / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent) / 1 (referent)
IFG / 854 / 4 / 4.5 / 1.25 (0.44-3.60) / 0.68 / 1.08 (0.37-3.11) / 0.89 / 0.98 (0.33-2.87) / 0.97
IGT / 2,611 / 11 / 4.3 / 1.17 (0.58-2.37) / 0.67 / 1.13 (0.56-2.30) / 0.74 / 1.08 (0.52-2.23) / 0.84
DM / 1,544 / 9 / 6.8 / 1.62 (0.76-3.48) / 0.21 / 1.67 (0.78-3.58) / 0.19 / 1.53 (0.70-3.36) / 0.29
IGT+DM / 4,155 / 20 / 5.1 / 1.34 (0.74-2.41) / 0.33 / 1.32 (0.73-2.38) / 0.35 / 1.24 (0.68-2.28) / 0.49

HR: hazardratio; CI: confidenceinterval.IFG: impaired fasting glycemia; IGT: impaired glucose tolerance; DM: diabetes mellitus.

Multivariate adjustment was made for age, sex, hypertension, electrocardiogramabnormalities, bodymassindex, waist to hip ratio, totalcholesterol, history of stroke at entry, education, smokinghabits, alcohol intake, and physical activity.