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COMMITTEE: Delta Omega DATE: January 26, 2016 TIME: _5:00_pm___TO: _6:30_pm______

Membership: L. Shanks, G. Kabb-LangKamp, L. Hart, B Brunt, R. Patterson, A. Eliades, M. Enlow, L. Ramnytz, K. Rose, C. Sutter
Excused: C. Buchanan, A. Hiner, L. Benedict, D. Dornack






I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
III. Correspondences
IV. Treasurer’s Report
V. Committee Reports
A. Research Grants and Recognition
B. Membership
C. Program
D. Governance-C. Sutter
E. Leadership Success-A. Eliades
F. Newsletter-R. Patterson
VI. Old Business
A.  Open-M
B. Region 10 Conference
VII. New Business
A.  Retention of Records
B.  Key Award Update
C.  2015-2017 Strategic Plan
D.  Chapter Giving Club
E.  Science Fairs
F.  Other
VIII. Adjournment / I. Meeting called to order by L. Shanks at 5:10 pm.
II. Minutes of November 2015 distributed to those present. Move A. Hiner to excused list. Correct D. Dornack’s name.
III. L. Shanks read correspondences received. Thank you for Region 10 Conference
Thank you from M. Enlow for providing financial support for the upcoming trip. Thank you from the organization in charge of the Christmas from Love of Children campaign for the Delta Omega donations.
IV. Treasurer’s report given by K. Rose to L. Shanks and it was distributed. Balances listed on handout. 11/27/15 deposit for 11.37- K. Rose stated she did not receive confirmation indicating what the deposit was for. L. Shanks stated she did not receive anything either. K. Rose read report. More checks will be ordered.
K. Rose, L. Hart, and L. Shanks scheduled audit to take place on February 7, 2016.
A. No research grants requests have been received as of yet. Point made that this is the last opportunity for this current year for Research grants applications.
B. G. Kabb-LangKamp reported that there are 446 active members. 2208 inactive members. Recently: 41 paid, 31 went inactive, 4 out of state, 3 out of the area/Ohio.
2016 Chapter induction set for 4/17/2016. The Chapter induction program has been saved on a jump drive. Ballroom has been reserved from 12-4pm. Area can be set up for 300 people. C. Sutter, need to set up pizza party, give invites, answer questions. Tentative date is Wednesday March 2nd at 4 pm. Also give students a list of faculty who belong to Delta Omega so students can ask them questions. Register 5:30, program 6-7. CEs will be given to those attending.
Speaker at induction. C. Sutter recommended B. Brunt to speak. B. Bunt accepted.
C. L. Hart reported that on March 2nd there will be a winter program at Quaker Station. Annette Mitzel will speak on Ohio Law and focus is for APRN laws. EventBrite will be used for people to schedule the event. People can also register at the door.
Plans for Spring Research Conference are coming along well. Date: 5/17/2016. Evening program. Keynote speaker: Dr. Mary Quinn Griffin. Professor at Case Western University and has done a lot of research and dissemination. Abstracts due Feb 17th, 2016. Last year there was a raffle. Think the purpose for the raffle. C. Sutter stated it would be nice to do it for a charity. This will be discussed next month.
D. C. Sutter is just beginning to look this over.
Region 10 request to make donation to help people in Flint Michigan. K. Rose to get more information on what the money would be used for.
E. A. Elaides is going to explore who, of current board member, wants to remain on the board.
F. Newsletter: First one went out and it was nice. Thank you to R. Patterson for all her hard work. R. Patterson asked how many newsletters go out each year. In the past there have been three. L. Shanks stated that three for the year is good the next one should go out the end of March, one in June, and then the followed by fall 2016).
Adopt a family went well. Thank you to D. Dornack and everyone else for their support and help.
Hot lunch will be Friday January 29, 2016. Then the next one will be in September 2016.
B. The new Chapter Key award criteria has not been posted.
Regions 10 Conference will be in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 15-16th.
A. Length of time Chapter records should be kept. After discussion L. Hart made a first motion to keep financial reports for 10 years but keep photos albums indefinitely. Seconded by K. Rose. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 12th key award was received and will be placed with the others.
C. Waiting to Key Award template before making strategic plan.
D. Chapter Giving Club: Sent Thank you for previous donation. Asked if the chapter would like to donate again next year.
F. We always supported one Science Fair per year. L. Shanks checked with organizer from Tallmadge at North High School. This will occur on Saturday January 30th. L. Shanks stated there is not enough time to find volunteers.
The Western Reserve District V Science Fair at UA is on March 19th, 2016. K. Rose stated that this is a larger Science Fair and the projects are quite elaborate. L Hart stated that supporting this one would be best. K. Rose stated that last year we provided support of one $50.00 prize and the money goes to the poster winner that we choose. G. Kabb-LangKamp stated that the amount seems small. L. Shanks made motion that there be two $100 awards for the Science Fair that is held at the University of Akron, seconded by G. Kabb-LangKamp Motion passed unanimously.
L. Shanks stated she needs more certificates. First motion C. Sutter to order 40 certificates and 40 pocket plaques, seconded by G. Kabb-LangKamp. Motion passes unanimously.
G. Kabb-LangKamp raised question as to whether or not we want to raise membership fees. Current membership is $30.00 for now and look to see what other chapters have for membership fees. G. Kabb-LangKamp raised that for future reference Sigma Theta Tau recommended that someone with bookkeeping background would be able to keep the books. A. Elaides stated that our membership fees are similar to other chapters. After reviewing other areas chapters our membership fees are similar to other chapters.
Meeting Adjourned 6:40 pm.
Next Meeting Monday, February 22, 2016
Respectfully submitted,
M. Enlow / II. K. Rose moved to approve as presented, seconded by L. Hart. Pass unanimously.
IV. See attached report
A. B. Brunt to send out notices regarding Research grants and recognition nominations.
L. Shanks to order 40 certificates.