Name ______Date ______

Colour first person pronouns in green and third person pronouns in red or use two colours of your own choice.

You should find a number.

they / they / hers / they / hers / them / they / hers
them / hers / me / I / we / me / them / they
them / me / we / mine / us / mine / hers / his
me / I / mine / we / I / I / hers / them
hers / he / hers / me / we / mine / they / she
them / she / them / I / us / we / his / hers
she / they / she / mine / we / me / hers / his
hers / she / they / we / us / ours / they / hers
they / hers / she / ours / me / mine / them / she
hers / they / them / we / ours / we / they / his
they / them / hers / I / me / my / his / hers
his / theirs / his / we / my / we / them / hers
them / his / them / mine / us / me / his / they
they / hers / his / we / mine / I / theirs / hers
she / they / hers / we / we / my / his / hers
theirs / hers / they / we / mine / me / hers / they
hers / them / they / mine / ours / we / hers / they
theirs / ours / we / I / mine / we / ours / we
them / they / theirs / hers / them / hers / they / them

2 Write sentences in the first person and then change them to the second person. Colour the pronouns in your sentences using the same colours as in the grid above. An example is shown below.

First person

I said the tabby cat was mine.

Third person

He said the tabby cat was his.

Name ______Date ______

1. Divide the connectives into 3 groups showing time, logic or speculation.

possibly / perhaps / yet
as a result / because / later
nevertheless / so / but,
meanwhile / at length / however
consequently / furthermore / in the end
until then / notwithstanding / similarly
on the other hand / so / moreover
instead / next / additionally
besides / also / finally

2. Choose one connective from each group in a to use in sentences.

Name ______Date ______

Use this sheet to jot down ideas and information about an event in your own life. Put in the details that only you know as this makes the writing interesting and personal.

List who was involved.

Where the event happened.

What happened.

Thoughts and feelings – then and now.
Name ______Date ______

Planning the biography of ______

Ask the interviewee to think back to events that stick in his / her mind. Fill in each event box below. Use some of the connectives in the arrows to link your paragraphs (You don’t have to use them in the order that they are shown).

Planning the autobiography of ______

Think back to events that stick in your mind and fill in each event box below. Some connectives are shown in the arrows. Highlight the ones you think you will use to link your paragraphs (You don’t have to use them in the order that they are shown).

possibly S

A.  Daley

autobiographical and biographical writing