


2nd July 2013

Minutes of the meeting of the held at Pershore Baptist Church, Broad Street, Pershore, on Tuesday 2nd July 2013 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:- Cllr D Watt (Chairman)

Cllr G Amphlett Hawkins (non member)

Cllr R Grantham

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr M Payne

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr M Winfield

324. Apologies

There were none

325. Declarations of Interest

There were none

326. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Parsons, seconded by Cllr Rowley and RESOLVED that the minutes

of the meeting held 20th June 2013 be signed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings

327. Matters of Report from the minutes

There were none

328. Planning Applications


Tiddesley Wood Nature Reserve Pershore

Replacing existing woodland track with a stoned track with a stoned surface to allow access for conservation forestry without damaging the surface and surrounding area

Decision: No Objection


Stocken House, Besford Bridge, Besford

Erection of general purpose agricultural storage building

Decision:- No objection


Asda Stores Ltd, King George’s Way, Pershore

2 no banner signs

Decision:- No objection.


The Vicarage, Church Street Pershore

Proposed replacement of lead roof with Tern coated stainless due to theft.

Decision:- No objection although note that property is not the Vicarage but St Andrews Parish Centre.


Perrott House, 17 Bridge Street, Pershore

Change of use of existing offices, hall and w.c. to ancillary residential accommodation

Decision:- No objection

329. Paper copies of plans

The Clerk reported that County Association of Local Councils had no formal view on the proposal to no longer provide paper copies of plans and had suggested a compromise that the District Council should guarantee that all relevant documents would be on the web site with notifications including a link and that for when there were large plans or lengthy documents, hard copy be provided. It was agreed the Clerk write again to the District Council with this proposal and suggest that the Town Council is provided with the necessary equipment, on loan, to pilot the scheme for 6 months to assist the District Council in assessing the feasibility of the scheme. The Clerk will write accordingly.

330. Recent Approvals and Refusals

The Vice Chairman reported on recent approvals and refusals.

331. Items for future agenda

There were none

332. Items for information

The Clerk advised that the application for 43 dwellings at Allesborough Farm was going to appeal and it was agreed the Clerk write to the inspector outlining their objections to the application.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.28pm

Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..
