Supplementary MBBS I (First) Professional Examination 2012-13

Course Code:MBS101 Paper ID:S322129

Anatomy -II

Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes Max Marks: 40

Note: Attempt all questions. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer.

Part ‘B’

1. Describe hip joint under the following headings: (2+3+3+2)

a) Articular surfaces and ligaments

b) Muscles responsible for various movements at hip joint

c) Relations

d) Applied anatomy

2. Describe briefly: (5x4=20)

a) Microanatomy of hyaline cartilage

b) Development of pancreas

c) Right atrium of heart

d) Mediastinal surface of left lung

3. Discuss in short: (5x2=10)

a) Anatomical basis of referred pain in myocardial infarction

b) Varicose veins of lower limb

Supplementary MBBS I (First) Professional Examination 2012-13

Roll No. Student’s Name

Student’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature

Course Code:MBS101 Paper ID:S322129

Anatomy - II

Part ‘A’

Time: 20 Minutes Max Marks: 10

Note: 1. Attempt all questions and return this part of the question paper to the invigilator after 20 Minutes.

2. Please tick (√) correct one only. Cutting, overwriting or any other marking are not allowed.

3. For answering please use Ball- pen only.

Q.1 Sternal angle corresponds to all except:

a) Second costal cartilage

b) Termination of arch of aorta

c) Bifurcation of trachea

d) Termination of superior vena cava

Q.2 Bronchopulmonary segment of middle lobe of right lung is named as:

a. Upper and lower

b. Lateral and medial

c. Superior and inferior

d. Anterior and posterior

Q.3 Trabeculae carnae is seen in:

a) Out flowing part of Ventricle

b) Right atrium

c) Left atrium

d) Inflowing part of Ventricle

Q.4. Following are contained in posterior mediastinum except:

a) Oesophagus

b) Azygous vein

c) Trachea

d) Hemiazygous vein

Q.5 Plantar surface of cuboid is grooved by:

a) Peroneus tertius

b) Peroneus brevis

c) Peroneus longus

d) Flexor hallucis longus

Q.6 The subsartorial canal is located in:

a) Upper third of front of thigh

b) Middle third of thigh

c) Lower third of back of thigh

d) Middle third of back of thigh

Q.7 Medial boundary of femoral ring is formed by:

a) Lacunar ligament

b) Pectinate ligament

c) Conjoint tendon

d) Reflected part of inguinal ligament

Q.8 Skin along the medial border of foot up to ball of big toe is supplied by:

a) Sural nerve

b) Medial plantar nerve

c) Saphenous nerve

d) Lateral plantar nerve

Q.9 Transitional epithelium is found in:

a) Uterus

b) Gallbladder

c) Vagina

d) Urinary bladder

Q.10 When there is complete loss of cytoplasm resulting in cell death of secretary cell during secretion, the gland is said to be:

a) Merocrine

b) Apocrine

c) Holocrine

d) Cytocrine


Q.11 Myelin sheath in central nervous system is synthesized by:

a) Schwann cells

b) Oligodendrocytes.

c) Microglia.

d) Astrocytes.

Q.12 Submandibular salivary gland is an example of:

a) Serous gland

b) Mucous gland

c) Mixed gland

d) Simple coiled tubular gland

Q.13 Hassall’s corpuscles are present in:

a) Lymph node

b) Palatine tonsil

c) Thymus

d) Spleen

Q.14 Ligamentum teres is the remnant of:

a) Left umbilical vein

b) Right umbilical vein

c) Left umbilical artery

d) Right umbilical artery

Q.15 Secretary unit of permanent kidney develops from:

a) Metanephros

b) Pronephros

c) Mesonephros

d) Paramesonephros

Q.16 Primitive foregut gives rise to all except:

a) Stomach

b) Third part of duodenum

c) Liver

d) Spleen

Q.17 Mesoderm of second pharyngeal arch gives rise to following muscle:

a) Genioglossus

b) Thyrohyoid

c) Anterior belly of digastric

d) Posterior belly of digastric

Q.18 Foot drop may result due to injury of one of the following nerve:

a) Superficial peroneal nerve

b) Deep peroneal nerve

c) Tibial nerve

d) Femoral nerve

Q.19 Medial meniscus of knee joint is made up of:

a) Hyaline cartilage

b) Elastic cartilage

c) Fibrocartilage

d) All of the above

Q.20 Patella, a sesamoid bone develops in the tendon of:

a) Adductor magnus

b) Quadriceps femoris

c) Quadratus femoris

d) Biceps femoris