Council Rock

School District



G R A D E 3

Developed by:

Pat Toner, HPE District Coordinator

Mary Bloom, Newtown Elementary

Megan McFadden, CR South

Joan Scott, Richboro Elementary

Matt Weaver, Welch Elementary

Lesson 1:
(HPE Staff)
Germs & HIV
  • What is a germ?
  • How are germs spread?
  • Bag of “Germs” Activity
  • What is HIV?
  • How can I protect myself from getting HIV?
/ Lesson 2:
(Classroom Teacher)
Discussion & Assessment
  • Video: The Magic School Bus: Inside Ralphie (21:33) – United Streaming
  • Follow -up discussion
  • “What I’ve Learned” Assessment


GRADE 3 Lesson 1

2. E. Level I / SKILLS
Decision Making
Self-Management / MATERIALS
  • Chalkboard or Whiteboard
  • Chalk or Markers
  • “Germ” Powder
  • UV Lamp
  • “Germs Among Us”
  • “Germs Among Us”
Answer Key (Teacher)
  • Pencils

Lesson 1: Germs & HIV

(HPE Staff Lesson)

Performance Objectives

Students will be able to:

• Describe how germs enter the body and cause sickness.

• Explain how germs are spread.

• Suggest ways to keep from getting sick.

• Discuss ways to avoid HIV infection


Ask, “How do people know when they are sick?” Encourage the childrento discuss physical and emotional symptoms such as, sneezing,coughing, fever, earache, runny nose, sore throat, tiredness, feelingsad, or afraid.


• Say, “Have you ever had the flu? How do people get

the flu?”

• Write children’s answers on the board. (Anticipated answers:

being sneezed on, drinking from someone’s glass, using someone’s

towel or washcloth, kissing someone who has the flu, etc.)

• Explain, “Many sicknesses are caused by germs that get into

people’s bodies through body openings. There are different types of germs. Germs are so small theycan only be seen with a microscope.”

Bag of “Germs” Activity:

• Say, “I have something I would like each of you to look at.Tell me what you think this is.” Pass the bag of “germs” to each student.

• Say, “Each of you just touched the same bag. Do you think we could spread germs by touching the same object? Let’s see if we did.”

• Explain, “This is a bag of pretend germs. They are not real germs, so you won’t get sick from them. I am going to turn out the lights then shine a special lamp on your hands. If you touched the pretend germs, they will show up under the light.”

• Walk around the room and shine the lamp on each student’s hands.

• Next, have the student’s wash their hands, or use hand sanitizer.

• Shine the light on their hands again to see if they washed off all of the “germs.” Explain the importance of washing your hands thoroughly in order to prevent the spread of germs.

• Explain, “There are different types of germs that can be spread in many ways.Viruses are one type of germ. Certain viruses are dangerous and can make you very sick. One of the most dangerous viruses is HIV. If a person becomes infected with HIV, he or she may become so sick that their body can no longer fight off any disease. When the person gets very sick from HIV, the disease is now calledAIDS.At the present time, there is no cure for AIDS. Doctors and scientists are working very hard to find a cure.”

• Say, “Let’s list ways people can protect themselves from viruses or other germs entering their bodies.” (Anticipated answers: don’t get

too close to people with a cold or the flu; don’t share glasses or silverware or eat from same plate;always wash hands; etc.)

• Explain, “By keeping viruses out of their bodies, people are less

likely to get sick.”

• Say, “To avoid getting the dangerous HIV virus it is also important that you never touch anyone else’s blood. If someone is bleeding, hand them a towel or napkin and then get an adult to help. Never share toothbrushes, razor blades, or anything else that could get blood on it.”

• Explain, “If you know someone with HIV/AIDS, you do not need to be afraid of them. You should treat them with kindness and respect.”


• Hand out the “Germs Among Us” worksheet.

• Have students circle the pictures that show germs being prevented.

• Have students place an “X” through the pictures that show germs being spread. Ask for volunteers to tell which pictures have a circle and which have an “X.”

  • Discuss the answers.

Germs Among Us

Grade 3

Name ______


  1. Put a circle around the pictures that show germs being prevented.
  2. Make an “X” through the pictures that show germs being spread.

GRADE 3 Lesson2

2. E. Level I / SKILLS
Decision Making
Self-Management / MATERIALS
  • Video: The Magic School Bus: Inside Ralphie (21:33) – United Streaming
  • “What I’ve Learned”
  • Pencils

Lesson 2: Video, Discussion & Assessment

(Classroom Teacher Lesson)

Performance Objectives

Students will be able to:

• Recall how germs enter the body and cause sickness.

• Explain how germs are spread.

• Suggest ways to keep from getting sick.

• Discuss ways to avoid HIV infection

• Discuss what they have learned in the two HIV/AIDS lessons


• Say, “Today you are going to see a video called: “The Magic School Bus: Inside Ralphie”

• Show the video on United Streaming.


• Say, “Yesterday you had a lesson on germs and today you watched a video. I am going to give you an assessment called “What I’ve Learned. Please write 4 things that you learned about germs, or how to prevent getting sick in the boxes. Write one thing you learned in each box.”

• After each student has completed the assessment, ask for volunteers to explain what they have learned.

• Say, “Yesterday you did the bag of “germs” activity. Can someone tell me a way that germs are spread?” (Anticipated answers:being sneezed on, drinking from someone’s glass, using someone’stowel or washcloth, kissing someone who has the flu, etc.)

• Ask, “Can someone tell me a way to prevent yourself from getting sick?” (Anticipated answers: don’t get too close to people with a cold or the flu; don’t share glasses or silverware or eat from same plate;

always wash hands; don’t touch other people’s blood.)

• Ask, “Does anyone remember the name of the very dangerous virus we heard about yesterday?” (HIV)

• Say, “If a person has HIV, it can be spread by touching that person’s blood. You should never touch another person’s blood. Does anyone remember what you should do if someone is bleeding?” (Hand them a towel or napkin and then get an adult to help.)

• Ask, “Should you be afraid of someone who has AIDS?” (No, you should treat them with kindness and respect.)