Continual Improvement

1.0 Introduction:

The Company has a policy of continual improvement, which runs as a theme throughout all its processes and procedures.

2.0 Objective:

To explain the methods for attaining continual improvement in the Company’s operations.

3.0 Procedure:


q  Continual improvement is mentioned consistently throughout the QMS

q  All employees should be involved in the process of continual improvement of the Company’s Quality Management System

q  The ongoing review of Policies, Processes, Procedures and Quality Records is essential for continual improvement


There are two fundamental ways to conduct continual improvement to processes:

A Specific projects - complete revisions of existing processes or the implementation of new processes.

B Small Step - amendments to parts or sections within existing procedures.

q  Prioritisation may be required if there are many potential activities requiring improvement, and can arise (for example) from consideration of:

Ο  Safety, environmental or other regulatory requirements

Ο  Urgency of satisfying customer requirements

Ο  Cost of quality considerations

Continual Improvement

q  Most projects will usually involve a significant redesign of some existing processes or procedures.

q  The key steps will probably require:

Ο  Analysing the existing situation:

§  Work out where the process/procedure is now; if necessary monitor and take measurements using Key Performance Indicators

§  Determine root causes of the problems

§  Determine what needs to be changed, especially to eliminate or minimise the root cause

Ο  Defining what the project should achieve (objectives)

Ο  These objectives should be:

n  S – Specific - to the process involved

n  M – Measurable

n  A – Accurate

n  R – Realisable

n  T – Timed

Ο  Planning the changes.

Ο  Establishing key points of measurement (Key Performance Indicators), which will enable you to measure the effectiveness of the intended improvement. (It may be useful to apply the same KPI’s as those used when originally analysing the unsatisfactory previous process or procedure)

Ο  Implementing the changes to improve the processes

Ο  Maintaining the integrity of the operational system during the change

Ο  Reviewing for technical correctness, safety, environmental, customer and commercial requirements, as required

q  Evaluate the change to ensure it has worked properly and given the right result. (Compare the objectives against the actual results)

Continual Improvement

q  Introduce appropriate ongoing monitoring, measurement and analysis of the results, if so desirable

q  Review for lessons learned, as it may be possible to use those lessons to trigger similar improvements in comparable or related services and processes.

q  Adjust any associated policies, procedures, work instructions, quality plans as appropriate

q  Examine any further training requirements

q  Let any employees involved know that it’s been successful

q  Thank the participants for their contributions

4.0 Persons Responsible;

Group Director

All employees

The Group Director is responsible for authorising this procedure

All employees are responsible for continual improvement.

5.0  Associated Documentation and References:

Ref. Title

QM 4.14.2 Continual Improvement

6.0 Document History

This section shows the approval and revisions of this document since its first issue. A vertical line in the left margin opposite the change will usually indicate changes from the previous version.

Version / Comments / Approved by / Date approved / Date of next review
01 / First issue of document / Q M / 08.07.05 / 08.07.06

Continual Improvement

Text, graphics and pictures published in this document are the intellectual property of Briarcare Ltd. They may not be passed to other parties, either wholly or in part, except with the express permission of Briarcare Ltd

Br-SM/OP 4.14.2 Issue 01 Authorised By K Stokeld Printed on 20/03/2006 Page 3 of 4