Todd Ellensohn

Econ 331

Business Proposal

26 February 2009

The business I am looking to establish is EAS, which stands for Ellensohn Ag Services. Service is the focus of the new business, as we will be offering farmers several services of seed, insurance, crop scouting, and soil sampling. This business offers a variety of goods and services to the customers that allow for shopping at one location.

This business is well suited to farmers in row crop systems offering competitive seed hybrids. Crop insurance offered to customers with competitive policies. Crop scouting services allows farmers who do not have the time or the knowledge to scout their fields. Precision farming is becoming popular as technology allows for reduced fertilizer application. Customers have the option to hire soil sampling done by the business. Using the results can reduce the application of excess fertilizer from applied, which results to less money spent.

What makes our company different from other all companies is we provide the best service, and in the future will provide more services. The goal with this company is the customer comes first, and that business strategy will allow the customer to gain confidence in the business by providing the company all its business. The value the customer will have towards the business is quality product, and providing a service whenever needed. This business is not about whole sales, but the business stands behind the product. At the end of the day, the goal is customer satisfaction.

EAS is a small family owned business that offers growth in the market place. Starting the business in Northwest, Iowa, will give the business a chance to get started and gain market share. Each year the goal will be to expand the business to serve, more customers bring in a larger customer base. Depending on the company growth, and target size of the company will depend on the amount of income the company makes in a year. The larger the business means hiring more staff to carry on the tasks around the office. Getting the business off will require a loan from the bank to install seed storage, purchase soil sampling equipment, and office spaces to serve customers. Sales of seed and insurance will be the main financial support of the business, as crop scouting and soil sampling will be seasonal work.

Over the years, holding various internships in sales will allow me to become an aggressive sales clerk selling seed. Providing crop insurance would start with current experience from my father teaching me the ropes, but continue working with the current company. Crop scouting and soil sampling would come from my experience in the field with my degree in Agronomy. Having the degree as well as job experience will aid in the success in starting the new business.

With current economic times makes the challenge of becoming an entrepreneurial tougher, but the business I am starting is taking a small insurance business and expanding it into a business that offers more than just insurance. I feel this is the best method for starting a business by expanding a current business. The skill that makes an entrepreneurial team well rounded is having creativity. Having a team that is constantly thinking of new ideas to improving customer service or the business, and making those changes or adjustments to better the company will be the most successful.