Macbeth Comprehension Questions
Act I, Scene III
1. What do the witches promise Macbeth?
2. What do they promise Banquo?
3. What is the effect on Macbeth of the news that he is Thane of Cawdor?
Act I, Scene IV
1. Compare Duncan’s reception of Mabeth with his reception of Banquo.
2. What is the effect on Macbeth of Duncan’s naming of his eldest son as heir to the throne?
Act I, Scene V
1. What opinion of Macbeth does Lady Macbeth express?
2. Why does she call on the spirits to ‘unsex me here’?
3. What does she plan about Duncan?
Act I, Scene VI
1. What is meant by ‘dramatic irony’? Give an example from this scene.
Act I, Scene VII
1. What does the first speech here show about Macbeth’s stage of mind?
2. What is Lady Macbeth’s plan?
Act II, Scene I
1. What is the purpose of the scene between Macbeth and Banquo?
2. What does the ‘dagger’ speech show about Macbeth?
Act II, Scene II
1. What is the purpose of Lady Macbeth’s first speech?
2. What effect has his murderous deed had on Macbeth? What does this cause him to do?
Act II, Scene III
1. The knocking from Scene two continues. What is the significance of the knocking?
2. What is meant by equivocation?
3. In one way Macduff’s arrival is fortunate for Macbeth - in what way?
4. What do Malcolm and Donalbain flee? What are their reasons?
Act II, Scene IV
1. How is the plot advanced by this scene?
Act III, Scene I
1. Why does Macbeth decide to get rid of Banquo?
2. How does he persuade the murderers?
Act III, Scene II
1. What indication is there that Macbeth is becoming the leader rather than Lady Macbeth?
Act III, Scene III
1. What is the significance of Fleance’s escape for Macbeth?
Act III, Scene IV
1. What is the reason for Macbeth’s seeing Banquo’s ghost?
2. What does it indicate about his mental state?
3. How does Lady Macbeth cover up for Macbeth?
Active IV, Scene I
1. What do the apparitions tell Macbeth?
2. What reaction does he have to each?
Act IV, Scene II
1. Why are Lady Macduff and her son killed?
Act IV, Scene III
1. What news has Macduff brought?
2. What does Malcolm plan concerning Scotland?
Active V, Scene I
1. What is the significance of Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking? How does she behave?
Act V, Scene II
1. What are the purposes of this scene?
Act V, Scene III
1. What is Macbeth’s state of mind?
2. How is it shown?
Act V, Scene IV
1. What is the significance of Malcolm’s order to his soldiers?
Act V, Scene V
1. What information is brought to Macbeth?
2. What does the last line signify?
Act V, Scene VI
1. Why does Shakespeare change the scenes so frequently in this Act?
Act V, Scene VII
1. What does Macbeth still cling to, to believe that he is safe?
Act V, Scene VIII
1. Explain how the witches deceived Macbeth in their promises and statements?
Act V, Scene IX
1. How does this scene bring the play to an end?