Role responsible: / Head of HR
Reviewed by: / Head of HR
Date created: / August 2015
Date of review: / August 2015
Next review: / August 2018
Approved by: / Director of Corporate Services
Ratified by Chief Executive Officer: / Pam Court
Saint Francis Hospice is regulated by the Health & Social Care Act 2008
and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulation 2009
This policy relates to the following CQC standard set of key lines of enquiry (KLOEs)
SAFE / People are protected from abuse and avoidable harm / S1 & S2
EFFECTIVE / Care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes agood quality of life and is evidence-based where possible
CARING / Staff involve and treat people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect / C1 & C3
RESPONSIVE / Services are organised so that they meet people’s needs
WELL-LED / Leadership, management and governance of the organisation assures the delivery of high-quality person-centered care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture / W1 & W2
Policy has been circulated to:
(tick as appropriate)
Hospice team
Quality & Care Team / Medical Team
Quality & Care Team / Medical Team (excluding Admin)
Quality & Care Team / Medical Team (excluding AHPs)

The impact of this policy has been considered in terms of equality and diversity



Saint Francis Hospice (SFH) is committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst our workforce. Our aim is that our workforce will be truly representative of all sections of society and each employee feels respected and able to give of their best.

To that end the purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness for all in our employment and not to discriminate on grounds of gender, gender reassignment, marital status (including civil partnerships), race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

All employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary including volunteers, will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability.

All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the Hospice.

The above principles apply to all aspects of employment, including pay, hours of work, holiday entitlement, work allocation, sick pay, pensions, recruitment, training, promotion and redundancy.

It is accepted that the success in achieving this must be measured by practical outcomes and not just policy intentions. The Hospice acknowledges that reasonable resources are required to plan, implement and monitor the policy.

Our commitment:

  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff are recognised and valued.
  • Every employee is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity and respect to all.
  • No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
  • Training, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff.
  • Equality in the workplace is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
  • We will review all our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness.
  • Breaches of our Equality and Diversity Policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings.
  • This Policy is fully supported by Senior Management and Trustees


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has the responsibility for ensuring that a culture of equality and diversity is embedded in all the work, processes and procedures of Saint Francis Hospice life.

The Head of HR has the responsibility for overseeing the Equality and Diversity Policy and the procedures involved in the delivery.

It is the responsibility of all Managers and Heads of Department to ensure compliance with this Policy.

Every employee is required to assist SFH to meet its commitment to provide equal opportunities in employment and avoid unlawful discrimination.

Employees can be held personally liable as well as, or instead of, the Organisation for any act of unlawful discrimination.

Employees who commit serious acts of harassment may be guilty of a criminal offence.

Acts of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation against employees, service users and customers are disciplinary offences and will be dealt with under SFH Bullying & Harassment (Dignity at Work) Policy and Disciplinary Procedure.

Discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation may constitute gross misconduct and could lead to dismissal without notice.

3Equal Opportunities in Employment

Saint Francis Hospice will avoid unlawful discrimination in all aspects of employment including recruitment, promotion, opportunities for training, pay and benefits, discipline and selection for redundancy.

Person and job specifications will be limited to those requirements that are necessary for the effective performance of the job. Candidates for employment or promotion will be assessed objectively against the requirements for the job, taking account of any reasonable adjustments that may be required for candidates with a disability.

Saint Francis Hospice will consider any possible indirect discriminatory effect of its standard working practices, including the number of hours to be worked, the times at which these are to be worked and the place at which work is to be done, when considering requests for variations to these standard working practices and will refuse such requests only if SFH considers it has good reasons, unrelated to any protected characteristic, for doing so.

Saint Francis Hospice will comply with its obligations in relation to statutory requests for contract variations. The organisation will also make reasonable adjustments to its standard working practices to overcome barriers caused by disability.

The Organisation will monitor the ethnic, gender and age composition of the existing workforce and of applicants for jobs (including promotion), the number of people with disabilities withinthese groups, and will consider and take appropriate action to address any problems that may be identified as a result of the monitoring process.

4Family Friendly Policies

Saint Francis Hospice recognises that staff have family commitments which have to be balanced against work commitments. SFH has developed family friendly initiatives, which aim to give employees the flexibility to be able to deal with family and carer responsibilities, if possible, as and when necessary. In addition all posts will be considered for job share arrangements.

5Access & Facilities for people with Disabilities

Saint Francis Hospice is aware of its responsibilities towards facilitating applications and the employment of people with a disability. To this end SFH will also work towards ensuring that people with disabilities have appropriate access to and facilities within the workplace. All applications from people with a disability will be considered within the guidelines set out in the Disability Discrimination Act.

6Flexibility within employment

Saint Francis Hospice recognises its responsibilities to provide flexibility within employment under latest legislation, and will consider all applications for a change in employees Terms and Conditions.

7Appraisal, Training and Development

All staff have a right to individual appraisals and the training and development necessary to undertake their job.

Employees will be encouraged to undertake training relevant to their present job or personal development. Where payment by SFH is required or the training is to take place in SFH time, consideration will have to be given to both the absence from their post and the availability of funding.

Training courses should be non-residential and in working hours whenever possible. In such circumstances where residentials are unavoidable or positively desirable, SFH will make every possible effort to assist the appropriate staff members to attend.

Records of training undertaken will be kept in order to establish if any discrimination in access to training appears to be occurring, and for remedial action to be taken.

Saint Francis Hospice actively encourages all staff to reach their maximum potential. It does this through the use of the appraisal system and identifying training and development needs.


If you consider that you may have been unlawfully discriminated against, you may use the Organisation's grievance procedure to make a complaint. If your complaint involves bullying or harassment, please also use the grievance procedure.

The Organisation will take any complaint seriously and will seek to resolve any grievance that it upholds. You will not be penalised for raising a grievance, even if your grievance is not upheld, unless your complaint is both untrue and made in bad faith.

Use of the Organisation's grievance procedure does not affect your right to make a complaint to an Employment Tribunal. Complaints to an Employment Tribunal must normally be made within three months of the act of discrimination complained of.

9Communication and Monitoring of the Policy

All staff and volunteers will receive a copy of SFH Equality and Diversity Policy, as part of their induction pack. Staff and volunteers will be required to attend a workshop covering ‘equality and diversity’ and this will be raised during a staff member’s annual appraisal. Staff and volunteers will also be required to attend refresher workshops as and when organised.

Copies of the Equality and Diversity booklet will be displayed on notice boards around the Hospice, enabling staff, volunteers, patients, families/carers and visitors to be aware of the policy in force. Mention of the policy will be made in public areas, patients/carers handbooks, Hospice information literature and on our website.

Saint Francis Hospice has made a commitment to achieving equality and diversity and will monitor the success of the policy using different methods. Monitoring forms will be issued with application packs and the information collated to provide statistics on a regular basis. Information will be collated from allapplicants, not just those who have been appointed to a Hospice position. Monitoring through feedback from the Compliments, Comments and Complaints process/cards will also be recorded.

Equality reports will be submitted to SFH Corporate Governance Committee as required as part of the monitoring and accountability process.

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