Newsletter 3 Autumn Term 201714November, 2017

Although a little belated we would like to welcome back Sonny & his family to the school. Looking ahead, we will have another hectic half-term and I would just like give you an update on events leading up to the festive period.

Photographer – Thursday 16th November 2017

We are producing a school brochure and we will have a photographer in school, so it would be appreciated if the children could look exceptionally smart, obviously, we will not include any children who do not have photo permission.

Family Communion in Church- Thursday 16th November 2017

We will be holding our communion service at St Mary’s Church at 9.00 am, please come and join us.

Children in Need – Friday 17th November 2017

We will be supporting Children in Need, please can the children come to school in their pyjamas, onesies or any spotty clothes and make a donation to this very worthy cause.

Farewell to Buffy – Friday 17th November 2017 9.00 am

Buffy Ross is leaving the village at the end of this month, she has been not only been a “rock” in her role as Governor at the School, but also the Church and local community for many years and for which we are extremely grateful and we will miss her but wish her well with the move. We will be holding a special assembly and you are welcome to attend to say your farewells.

School Photographer – Wednesday 22nd November 2017

We will have the Tempest photographer in school at 8.45 am for those parents who wish to have photos of children with younger siblings, can we please ask that you bring children into school first thing so we can have these photos taken first before the class photos.

Year 5/6 Class Assembly – Tuesday 28th November 2017

Class 3 welcome parents to their Class Assembly at 9.00 am on Tuesday 28th November 2017.

Flu Vaccinations – Reception to Year 4

Please note the flu immunisation will take place on the morning of Wednesday 29th November to those who have given consent, a separate letter & leaflet was sent out from NHS Children & Young People’s Health Service yesterday, please ensure your form/s are returned to the school office no later than Monday 27th November.

School Clubs

Please note that ALL clubs will finish onFriday 8th December 2017. New clubs will start on Monday 8th January and letters will go out during the last week of term.

Christmas Post Box

The school post box will be in place for the children to post their cards week beginning Monday 11th December 2017.

Cross Country

Congratulations to our runners who represented the school at West Norfolk Rugby Club on Wednesday 8th November, many of our runners appeared in the top ten within their year group. We would like to send our thanksto the parents who were able to help out transporting the children to this event at short notice.

Norwich Cathedral ‘Be a Chorister’ day – Saturday 4th November 2017

Claudette Brown had thanked the school for the flyers they sent round before the half-term holiday, Freddie attended the above event and had an amazing experience, not only did he get the opportunity to sing with the current boy and girl choristers in the song school and Evensong, they also had a short tour of the Cathedral!

Healthy Schools Week

Further to the letter yesterday, Mrs Gardener would like to advise that the class with the best record for healthy options will receive a whole class reward.

Christmas Pantomime – Friday 8th December 2017

The whole school will be going to the Corn Exchange in Kings Lynn to see Jack and the Beanstalk in the morning, the PTA have very generously agreed to purchase the tickets for the children, the school will ask for a contribution towards coach, further details to follow in due course.

School Christmas Production

The school production of “The Raggedy King” will be held on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th December 2017. Both performances will take place at 2.00 pm in the school hall. Due to growing numbers entry will be by tickets only. We are issuing maximum of 3 tickets per family at a cost of £2.50 per ticket (which will be donated to a local charity); this includes a coffee and a mince pie. Please order your tickets. Pre-school children count as a seat and should have a ticket but will not be charged. If we have any spare tickets, they will be available from Mrs Leadley on Thursday 7th December. Access to the hall will be from the front door and the pedestrian gates will be open.

We do appreciate that family and friends will be keen to watch the children perform but as our school continues to grow we do have to adhere to Fire and Safety regulations, which I am sure you will understand.

Christmas Lunch

This will take place on Thursday 14th December 2017 at 12 Noon, further details to follow in a separate letter.


We have had an incidence of threadworm in schoolrecently, please ensure you encourage children to wash their hands regularly, especially after going to the toilet.

Making a Mud Kitchen – Request for Help

Do we have any volunteers, or is anyone handy with woodwork, does anyone have access to pallets as we would like to build a mud kitchen for the children to go in the Friendship Garden area.


For your information, the office will now be closed on a Friday.

Emergency School closure – Arrangements

Obviously we are at that time of year when the weather can be very unpredictable, therefore I would to like advise our new parents and remind you of the procedures if it is necessary to close the school due to bad weather. Please log on to the Norfolk County Council website below or listen to local radio stations such as KL.FM (96.7) or Radio Norfolk.

If the weather is bad please:

  • Listen to your local radio stations (BBC Radio Norfolk, KLFM) where updated lists of schools closing will be read at regular intervals.
  • Check Norfolk County Council’s website ( and select ‘Emergency Schools Closures’ from the list on the right for a regularly updated list of closed schools.
  • We will endeavor to notify parents via our parent text message service (please ensure your contact telephone numbers are up to date). Norfolk County Council now offers the option for you to sign up to received alerts by text message or email whenever school is closed. To sign up for alerts or find out more, visit:

Guidelines we follow:

  • Should it be necessary to close the school during the day the school will telephone or text parents (please ensure that we have your correct contact numbers, it is your responsibility to update your numbers should they change).
  • Parents are asked not to phone school if they think the school may be closing as this prevents us phoning them.
  • If we are unable to contact parents we will keep the child at school until normal time.
  • If there are serious weather problems- floods, storms or snow, Mrs Gardener will inform Norfolk County Council and local radio stations of the decision.

Please remember that as all our staff live some distance from the school there may be no staff on site if the school is closed due to snow. As you will appreciate, we do need several members of staff on site before we can safely open the school.

Dates for the diary

Thursday 16th November / - / 9.00 am Family Communion at Flitcham Church, parents welcome
- / Photographer in school – School brochure
Friday 17th November / - / Children in Need Day / 9.00 am Farewell to Buffy Assembly, parents welcome
Wednesday 22nd November / - / 8.45 Tempest School Photographer@ Flitcham
Friday 24th November / - / KS2 Trip to Duxford Imperial War Museum, separate letter to follow
Tuesday 28th November / - / Year 5/6 Class Assembly at 9.00 am
Wednesday 29th November / - / Reception – Yr 4 Flu Immunisations
Friday 1st December / - / 3.30 pm Xmas Fair – School Hall
Friday 8th December / - / Whole School to Pantomime at Kings Lynn Corn Exchange
Tuesday 12th December / - / 2pm “The Raggedy King” Christmas Production
Wednesday 13th December / - / 2pm “The Raggedy King” Christmas Production
Thursday 14th December / - / Christmas Jumpers for Save the Children
12 Noon Christmas Lunch School Hall
Monday 18th December / - / 1-2pm Final Certificates Assembly followed by Carol Service in Church
Tuesday 19th December / - / School closes at 1.00 pm.
Wednesday 3rd January 2018 / - / School closed, Staff Training Day
Thursday 4th January 2018 / - / School open

2017 Christmas Production Tickets – The Raggedy King

Please remember there are only 3 tickets available per family

Name of Child: ……………………………………………………… Class ……………………………..

Tuesday 12thDecember : Number of Tickets : ……………………………………

Wednesday 13th December: Number of Tickets: ………………………………….

Tickets @ £2.50 each Total Enclosed: ……………………………….

Please complete the order form above and send with money for tickets in an envelope marked Christmas Production tickets.