New Dentist Committee FINAL

October 2, 2015

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New Dentist Committee

October 2, 2015

In-person meeting

Committee Members Present
Dr. Nipa Thakkar (4), Chair and ADA Consultant
Dr. Alyssa Nielubowicz (2)
Dr. Kevin Dyer (5) via conference call
Dr. Richard Miller (7), Vice Chair / Staff/Guests/Consultants/Others Present
Dr. Jim Tauberg, Trustee Liaison, via conference call
Ms. Christine Chico, ADA Manager, Member and Client Services, via conference call
Ms. Andrea Hoover, component and membership coordinator
Ms. Michelle Rozman, member services coordinator
Committee Members Absent
Dr. Amanda Hemmer (2)
Dr. Mary Grace Rizzo-Fryzel (3)
Dr. Eric Ecker (6)
Dr. Gabe Mancuso (8)
Dr. Drew Carlin (9)
Dr. Janel Marcelino (10)

ADA Webinar

Ms. Christine Chico presented an ADA webinar, beginning at 8:35 a.m. Highlights of the presentation included: review of national and state membership data, market share trends, dental student conversion and best practices of other state New Dentist Committees.

Ms. Chico agreed to forward the following documents to NDC members or PDA staff: ADA conversation booklet, summary of 2015 ADA Membership Program for Growth (MPG) programs, list of Provisional Members in Pennsylvania, ADA mentoring information and a list of nonmembers in Pennsylvania who graduated from a Pennsylvania dental school.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Dr. Nipa Thakkar.

NDC Task Forces

Committee members discussed the Task Force groups and how to increase their effectiveness. They agreed the committee should review the list of 2015 ADA MPG programs and each member post his or her top three program ideas on PDA’s Social Network (SoNet) (10/2/15NDCDA1). The committee will then choose their top program(s) of interest and apply for 2016 ADA MPG funding. Staff will facilitate an online vote to determine the top program(s) of interest, if necessary (10/2/15NDCDA2).

New Member New Dentist Outreach

The committee shared feedback about their new member new dentist outreach during the month of August. Dr. Thakkar shared that she has had the most success making personal phone calls, but often feels the new dentist member does not know what s/he needs from PDA. The committee was encouraged to make personal phone calls to welcome new members (10/2/15NDCDA3).

To help foster conversation during phone calls, the committee was directed to brainstorm questions to ask new members. The questions should be open-ended and hopefully help the new member to learn more about ADA and PDA benefits (10/2/15NDCDA4).

Communication with District and Local Leaders

Dr. Thakkar suggested the committee discuss this item during the October 6 conference call, when more committee members are present.

New Dentist Receptions

The committee discussed the Second District new dentist reception that will be held on Thursday, October 22. Drs. Amanda Hemmer and Alyssa Nielubowicz will be the hosts. Dr. Thakkar directed staff to also invite Fourth District new dentists in hopes of increasing registration numbers (10/2/15NDCDA5).

Committee members discussed the timeline for the 2016 new dentist receptions, scheduled to be held in First and Sixth District. Staff was directed to research the possibility of inviting fourth-year dental students from Temple and Penn to a spring reception in Philadelphia (10/2/15NDCDA6). The committee suggested hosting the reception before the dental school graduations so fourth-years could be welcomed to ADA/PDA membership.

Student Outreach Events Updates

Staff shared a review of the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh student outreach events.

Location / Dentist attendance / Student attendance / Student no-show / Ratio of dentists to students / Mentors requested / Mentors matched / No-show mentees / No-show mentors
Philadelphia – Harvest / 19 / 94
Temple: 22
Penn: 66
Not indicated: 6 / 39 / 1/5 / 11 / 6 / 0 / 1
Pittsburgh – Roland’s / 22 / 100 / 8 / 1/4 / 0 / 0 / N/A / N/A

Connections Mentoring Program

The NDC reviewed the Connections mentoring program and discussed ways to increase mentor participation. There has been significant interest in mentor matches from dental students from Temple and Penn. Students are particularly interested in being matched with a mentor who is a specialist.

In order to increase mentor participation, the committee directed staff to research developing a budget for each mentor/mentee pair (10/2/15NDCDA7). Mentors would be encouraged to use the money to take their mentee to lunch or dinner or pay for them to attend a local meeting.

The committee also discussed ways to increase specialist mentor participation, particularly in the Philadelphia area. Committee members suggested contacting specialty program residents in Philadelphia to encourage them to enroll as mentors for current dental students. The committee believes that a budget or monetary incentive to mentor would entice residents to enroll as mentors (10/2/15NDCDA8).

Dr. Thakkar suggested that PDA use mentoring information from the ADA’s diversity program to aid mentors and mentees. The ADA is currently updating the information (10/2/15NDCDA9).

ADA MPG 2015 Update

Staff shared an overview of the remaining MPG programs for 2015.

·  MATCH program: Thursday, December 3, 6:30 p.m. Location: TBA.

·  University of Pittsburgh faculty reception: Thursday, December 17 4-6 p.m. Location: TBA

Ms. Rozman shared information on the student bus to ADA 2015 in Washington D.C. She encouraged any NDC members who are attending the conference on Saturday, November 7, to sign up to greet students when the bus arrives around 10 a.m. (10/2/15NDCDA10)

America’s Dental Meeting – ADA 2015

The meeting will be held November 5-10 in Washington D.C. Three NDC members can attend and receive reimbursement for three days food, travel and accommodations.

Dr. Miller and Dr. Nielubowicz confirmed their attendance at the meeting. Staff was directed to send reimbursement information to them (10/2/15NDCDA11).

2016 Dental Career Expo

The committee discussed promotion for the 2016 Dental Career Expo. They suggested that promotion to residents should focus on general practice residents only, as there have been no specialty job opportunities at past Career Expos (10/2/15NDCDA12).

Committee members also suggested changing the focus of the CV review booth at the Expo. Leaders who are interested in reviewing CVs should supply their business cards to be displayed at the table. Students can choose business cards and contact the leaders via email to request a CV review (10/2/15NDCDA13).

Staff was directed to research the possibility of changing the Career Expo format to a less formal networking event. The committee suggested the Expo be in a separate room from the Day on the Hill lunch. Exhibitors would still set up tables, but students would also have the chance to network with PDA leaders during this event. Committee members also discussed the idea of providing alcohol during this event, as the majority of students will ride buses home (10/2/15NDCDA14).

Pennsylvania’s Dental Meeting 2016

Dr. Jim Tauberg encouraged the NDC to save the date for the upcoming Pennsylvania’s Dental Meeting.

·  Thursday, May 19 through Saturday, May 21 at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, PA (10/2/15NDCDA15).

The committee offered their help to assist with any planning for the 2016, 2017 and 2018 meetings. Staff was directed to contact the planning committee to share that the NDC is available to assist, if needed (10/2/15NDCDA16).

Future Meetings

Committee members agreed to choose the next meeting date during the October 6 conference call. They agreed that more frequent, shorter meetings would be beneficial (10/2/15NDCDA17).

·  January 19, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Webinar/conference call

Good of the Order

Dr. Tauberg shared that the 2015 ADA House may choose to reduce funding for the ADA’s MPG program. He encouraged interested NDC members to speak during the reference committee on this topic (10/2/15NDCDA18).


The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.