Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Reference: Group Chat Database Schema

Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Published: March 2012

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Group Chat Database Schema

List of Group Chat Server Tables

Group Chat Server Table Details

ADCookie Table

PrincipalMemberDifference Table

ADUpdate Table

PrincipalMembers Table

PrincipalMeta Table

SkippedAffiliations Table

PrincipalType Table

Principal Table

PrincipalAffiliations Table

Node Table

Tree Table

RoleType Table

ScopePrincipal Table

PrincipalRole Table

SiopWhiteList Table

PurgedRoles Table

PurgedScoped Table

EnumAttribute Table

EnumValue Table

PrincipalInvites Table

Chat Table

LastInviteId Table

LastChatId Table

Preference Table

FileToken Table

ServerIdentity Table

AdminLock Table

SystemRevision Table

ActivePeers Table

Version Table

Config Table

Logs Table

ComplianceData Table

ComplianceFanout Table

ComplianceParticipant Table

ComplianceTranslator Table

LastComplianceID Table

ComplianceVersion Table

Sample Group Chat Database Queries

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Reference: Group Chat Database Schema

Group Chat Database Schema

This documents the schema of the Microsoft Lync 2010 Group Chat database in Microsoft Lync Server 2010communications software.

In This Section

List of Group Chat Server Tables

Group Chat Server Table Details

Sample Group Chat Database Queries

List of Group Chat Server Tables

The Group Chat database schema consists of the following tables.

Active Directory Sync

Table / Description
ADCookie Table / Contains the current Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Sync cookies. Each row corresponds to an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain that Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Group Chat is actively monitoring for changes. (Only the Active Directory domains that are relevant for Lync Server 2010, Group Chat are represented in this table.)
PrincipalMemberDifference Table / Contains group membership changes (both added and removed members) that have not yet been processed by the later Active Directory Sync steps and is one of the temporary tables (along with ADUpdates table) used by first step Active Directory Sync.
Membership changes are stored, processed, or both, only for groups that are listed in the Principal table or that already have members listed there.
ADUpdate Table / Contains changes to AD DS that have not yet been processed by the later Active Directory Sync steps and is one of the temporary tables (along with the PrincipalMemberDifference table) used by first step Active Directory Sync.
Changes to AD DS are stored, processed, or both only for principals that are already listed in the Principal table.
PrincipalMembers Table / Contains principal memberships.
PrincipalMeta Table / Contains the principals that have to be refreshed from AD DS.
SkippedAffiliations Table / Contains affiliations that could not be refreshed for some reason, usually due to Active Directory access errors.
This table is for informational purposes only. Its content is not used.
The principals with affiliations that could not be refreshed properly are kept in the PrincipalMeta table and given another chance to be refreshed.

Principals, Affiliations, Nodes, Scopes, and Roles

Table / Description
PrincipalType Table / Contains principal types to categorize what is in tblPrincipal. This table is static. It is set up during database creation and does not change.
Principal Table / Contains all principals (users, folders, groups, and so on). Group Chat Server handles this as a flat heterogeneous list. Various columns are based on the type of each principal.
Most of these principals are cached copies of objects stored in AD DS. Creating the cached copy in the Principal table of these Active Directory objects is referred as provisioning.
Some principals are created with more intention than others, and some Active Directory objects are ignored altogether.
PrincipalAffiliations Table / Contains principal affiliations that describe memberships in Active Directory security groups, Active Directory containers, federated groups, and so on.
Node Table / Contains the console tree (with category and chat room nodes), as managed in Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Group Chat Admin Tool.
Group Chat Server Table Details / Contains redundant information that can be computed from the Node table. This information helps optimize various types of searches through the console tree.
RoleType Table / Contains role types and their associated permission sets. This lookup table is static.
ScopePrincipal Table / Contains scopes assigned to nodes. Each node either inherits attributes from one of its parents (which can be quickly looked up by using the Node.scopeDefinerId table), or has a set of principals defined in the ScopedPrincipal table that together define a scope.
PrincipalRole Table / Contains explicit roles assigned to nodes. Determining effective roles requires more steps for the following reasons:
Roles inherit attributes throughout the console tree.
Principals can inherit roles through affiliations.
The Member role can be overridden (the overriding node can be quickly looked up by using the Node.roleDefinerId table) and obeys scope (“Voiced” is in the same category, although the user interface allows setting this only in chat rooms, rendering issues like inheritance and overriding irrelevant).
SiopWhiteList Table / Contains the registered Add-ins that can be associated with nodes.
PurgedRoles Table / Contains roles that have been deleted (purged) from the PrincipalRole table.
PurgedScoped Table / Contains scopes that have been deleted (purged) from the ScopedPrincipal table.
EnumAttribute Table / Contains only the hardcoded “Visibility” and “Behavior” attributes used in the Node table.
EnumValue Table / Contains the values of the hardcoded “Visibility” and “Behavior” attributes used in the Node table.

Invites, Chats, and other Client Support

Table / Description
PrincipalInvites Table / Contains invites for all provisioned users in the system for all nodes with Auto Invite enabled.
Chat Table / Contains all chat messages.
LastInviteId Table / Contains the last invite ID generated (and used in the PrincipalInvites table) for each user.
LastChatId Table / Contains the last chat ID generated (and used in the Chat table) for each user.
Preference Table / Contains user client preferences.
FileToken Table / Contains temporary tokens for file transfer purposes. Each time a file is uploaded or downloaded, the Channel service generates a token that the client uses to access the Web service file store.

Server Support

Table / Description
ServerIdentity Table / Contains the active servers in the Group Chat Server pool.
AdminLock Table / Contains the administrator lock to run some administrator commands. The system revision entry in the SystemRevision table is incremented after each release of the lock.
SystemRevision Table / Contains the revision number entry used (along with the AdminLock table) for achieving consistency across multiple clients.
ActivePeers Table / Contains current peer-to-peer connections between Channel Servers.
Version Table / Contains the non-compliance part of the Group Chat database version.
Config Table / Contains the Group Chat Server configuration.
Logs Table / Table not used at present.


Table / Description
ComplianceData Table / Contains the compliance events that have not yet been processed by all the registered translators.
This table includes chat-related events, such as chat messages and file downloads. (Participant events are tracked by the ComplianceParticipant table.)
(The servers that processed the events in this table are listed in the ComplianceFanout table.)
ComplianceFanout Table / Contains the servers that processed a compliance event. This is tightly coupled with the ComplianceData table.
ComplianceParticipant Table / Contains current participants per channel and per server. It is maintained based on join and part compliance events received from the Channel service.
ComplianceTranslator Table / Contains registered translators.
LastComplianceID Table / Contains the times of the latest processed compliance event for each translator.
ComplianceVersion Table / Contains the compliance part of the Group Chat database version.

Group Chat Server Table Details

The following topics detail the columns in each of the Group Chat database schema tables.

In This Section

ADCookie Table

PrincipalMemberDifference Table

ADUpdate Table

PrincipalMembers Table

PrincipalMeta Table

SkippedAffiliations Table

PrincipalType Table

Principal Table

PrincipalAffiliations Table

Node Table

Group Chat Server Table Details

RoleType Table

ScopePrincipal Table

PrincipalRole Table

SiopWhiteList Table

PurgedRoles Table

PurgedScoped Table

EnumAttribute Table

EnumValue Table

PrincipalInvites Table

Chat Table

LastInviteId Table

LastChatId Table

Preference Table

FileToken Table

ServerIdentity Table

AdminLock Table

SystemRevision Table

ActivePeers Table

Version Table

Config Table

Logs Table

ComplianceData Table

ComplianceFanout Table

ComplianceParticipant Table

ComplianceTranslator Table

LastComplianceID Table

ComplianceVersion Table

ADCookie Table

The tblADCookie table contains the current Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Sync cookies.


Column / Type / Description
prinGuid / GUID, not null / Principal GUID of the domain being monitored.
prinDCHost / nvarchar (255) / Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the current domain controller used for Active Directory Domain Services Sync. Has informational value.
adcContent / image (binary) / Active Directory Sync cookie.
lastUpdated / datetime / Time stamp with the row update time.
lockedUntil / datetime / Time until the row is locked for changes. This is part of a software interlock mechanism that ensures that only one of the Channel Servers does the Active Directory Sync at a time.


Column(s) / Description
prinGuid / Primary key.
prinGuid / Foreign key with lookup in Principal.prinGuid table.

PrincipalMemberDifference Table

The PrincipalMemberDifference table contains group membership changes (both added and removed members) that have not yet been processed by the later Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Sync steps.


Column / Type / Description
prinGuid / GUID, not null / Principal GUID of the group that changed.
memberADPath / nvarchar (256) / Distinguished name of the member.
memberRemoved / bit, not null / False if the member was added. True if the member was removed.


Column / Description
<prinGuid, memberADPath> / Primary key.

ADUpdate Table

The ADUpdate table contains Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) changes that have not yet been processed by the later Active Directory Sync steps.


Column / Type / Description
prinGuid / GUID, not null / Principal GUID of the object that changed.
prinADPath / nvarchar (256), not null / Distinguished name of the object.
prinAttributesChanged / bit, not null / True if at least one attribute of the object changed.
prinMembersChanged / bit, not null / True if the membership changed.
prinAffiliationsChanged / bit, not null / Not used.
prinDeleted / bit, not null / True if the object was deleted.
lastUpdated / datetime, not null / Time stamp of when the row was inserted.

PrincipalMembers Table

The tblPrincipalMembers table contains principal memberships.


Column / Type / Description
prinID / int, not null / Principal ID.
memberADPath / nvarchar (256), not null / Distinguished name of a member. A member does not have to be a principal (in Principal table).


Column / Description
<prinID, memberADPath> / Primary key.
prinID / Foreign key with lookup in tblPrincipal.prinID.

PrincipalMeta Table

The PrincipalMeta table contains the principals that have to be refreshed from Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).


Column / Type / Description
prinID / int, not null / Principal ID.
prinAffiliationsDirty / bit, not null / True if principal affiliations have to be refreshed.
prinAttributesDirty / bit, not null / True if principal attributes have to be refreshed.
prinDeleted / bit, not null / True if the principal has been deleted.
tryCount / int / Number of attempts to refresh the principal from AD DS that have happened so far.
lastTry / datetime / Time stamp from the latest attempt to refresh the principal. Can be null if no refresh has been attempted yet.
nextTry / datetime / Time stamp for the next scheduled refresh. Can be null if no further refresh has been scheduled.


Column / Description
prinID / Primary key.
prinID / Foreign key with lookup in Principal.prinID table.

SkippedAffiliations Table

The SkippedAffiliations table contains the affiliations that could not be read for some reason (usually due to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) access errors).


Column / Type / Description
prinID / int, not null / Principal ID.
affDescription / nvarchar (256), not null / A string identifying the affiliation.
The format is: guid: {0} uri: {1}> id: {2}
updatedBy / int, not null / ID of the principal that updated this row. It is always 1 (system user) because Active Directory Sync is the only source for these entries.


Column(s) / Description
<prinID, affDescription> / Primary key.
prinID / Foreign key with lookup in Principal.prinID table.

PrincipalType Table

The PrincipalType table contains principal types to categorize what is in the Principal table.


Column / Type / Description
ptypeID / smallint, not null / Principal type ID.
ptypeDesc / nvarchar (256), not null / Description of the type.
ptypeIsSystemUser / bit, not null / True if the type corresponds to the principals that are used for internal purposes.
ptypeIsUser / bit, not null / True if the type is a user type.
ptypeIsFederated / bit, not null / True if the type is a federated concept (group or user).


Column / Description
ptypeID / Primary key.

Principal Values

ID / Role / Description / SystemUser / User / Federated
1 / Any / Generic principal with no known type. Not used in tblPrincipal table.
2 / AnyUser / Generic principal of user type. Not used in Principal table. / Yes
3 / AnyGroup / Generic principal with group semantic. Not used in Principal table.
4 / SystemUser / Principal used internally by Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Group Chat. / Yes
5 / User / Regular user (not federated). / Yes
6 / ExternalUser / Carried over for MindAlign 6.x compatibility. Not used currently. / Yes
7 / FederatedUser / Federated user. / Yes / Yes
8 / DC / Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain controller.
9 / Group / Active Directory security group.
10 / Folder / Active Directory container or organizational unit.
11 / Federated Group / Federated group. / Yes

See Also

Principal Table

Principal Table

The Principal table contains all principals, including users, folders, and groups.


Column / Type / Description
prinID / int, not null / Principal ID.
prinGuid / uuid, not null / Principal GUID. This is broadly used as an alternate primary key because its meaning crosses over into the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) space. (The GUID for a cached principal is equal to the corresponding Active Directory object GUID.)
prinUri / nvarchar (256), not null / Principal URI. The sip scheme is used for users, and ma-grp is used for almost everything else.
prinName / nvarchar (256) / Display name. Used only by user types.
prinCompanyName / nvarchar (256) / Company name. Used only by user types.
prinEmail / nvarchar (256) / Email. Used only by user types.
prinADPath / nvarchar (256) / Domain name of the Active Directory object that the principal is a cached version of. Can be Null for types that are not Active Directory objects (such as federated users, system users, and federated groups).
prinADUserPrincipalName / nvarchar (256) / User’s user principal name (UPN). Used only by regular user types.
prinDisabled / bit, not null / True if the principal is considered disabled. This is used when a user leaves the company or the user’s SIP capabilities are disabled.
prinTypeID / smallint, not null / Principal type (from PrincipalType table).
prinAllowedPermSet / bigint, not null / Principal user rights and permissions (as set in the Manage Users and User Groups Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Group Chat Admin Tool window) when prinUseInheritedPerms is False.
Primary bits:
0: True if the principal can post files.
1: True if the principal is an administrator with administrator rights and permissions to manage users and groups (in Manage Users and User Groups).
2: True if the principal is an administrator with administrator rights and permissions to manage nodes (categories and chat rooms).
prinUseInheritedPerms / bit, not null / False if the principal has the user rights and permissions defined by prinAllowedPermSet.
True if the principal inherits the user rights and permissions from its groups, containers, and so on, in an additive manner.
prinAddedBy / int / Principal ID of the creator.
prinAddedOn / bigint, not null / Time stamp for the creation time.
prinUpdatedBy / int / ID of the principal that last updated this.
prinUpdatedOn / bigint, not null / Time stamp for the last update.
prinVerifiedOn / datetime, not null / Date and time of the last Active Directory Sync refresh for the principal.


Column / Description
prinID / Primary key.
prinTypeID / Foreign key with lookup in PrincipalType.ptypeID table.

PrincipalAffiliations Table

The PrincipalAffiliations table contains the principal affiliations that describe memberships in locations including Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) security groups, in Active Directory containers, in federated groups.


Column / Type / Description
principalID / int, not null / ID of the affiliated principal.
affiliationID / int, not null / ID of the principal representing the affiliation. Each principal (except system-user-types) has a self-affiliation as well.
index / int, not null / Index. The value for self-affiliations is -1, and for the other affiliations it increases sequentially from 1 within each <principalID, affiliationId> bucket.
updatedBy / int, not null / Principal that did the latest update. This is usually 1, which means Active Directory Sync.
