Hot seared beef and seasonal vegetable pan fry


225g (8oz) thin beef frying steak

4-5 asparagus tips

4 baby courgettes

50g (2oz) purple sprouting broccoli

2 heads of pak choi

1x 15ml spoon (1 tbsp) fresh mint

1x 15ml spoon (1 tbsp) fresh dill

1 lime

1x 5ml spoon (1 tsp) vegetable oil

100g (4oz) peas

1x 15ml spoon (1 tbsp) mint jelly


Weighing scales, 2x chopping boards, knife, vegetable knife, measuring spoon, zester, juice squeezer, wok or frying pan, mixing spoon, measuring scales, small mixing bowl and serving bowls.


1. Thinly slice the steak into strips.

2. Using a clean knife and chopping board prepare the vegetables and herbs:

• snap or slice the asparagus in the 4cm pieces

• thickly slice the courgettes

• cut the broccoli into chunks

• cut the pak choi into quarters

• roughly chop the mint

• roughly chop the dill

• zest and juice the lime.

3. Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan.

4. Add the strips of beef and cook for 3-4 minutes until browned.

5. Add the asparagus, courgettes, broccoli, pak choi and peas and cook for a further 3-4 minutes.

7. Mix the mint, dill, mint jelly, zest and juice together in a small bowl.

8. Stir the mixture through the beef and vegetables.

9. Serve immediately.

Top tips

·  Serve with noodles, rice or crusty bread.

·  Try using strips of lean lamb instead of beef.

·  Be careful to not to overcook the vegetables, they should still be very slightly crunchy.

·  If some vegetables are not available try substituting with different ones, e.g. runner beans, courgette, red pepper, broccoli or cabbage.

Did you know?

·  The seasonal vegetables used in this recipe are from spring time. Other spring vegetables include savoy cabbage and spinach.

Nutrition information per 100g/serving: Energy 324/972kJ, protein 9.2/27.6g, carbohydrate 3.5/10.5g, carbohydrate of which sugars 2.1/6.2g, fat 3.0/9.1g, saturated fat 1.1/3.2g, dietary fibre 1.62/4.86g, salt 0.1/0.3g, iron 2.1/6.2mg

A more comprehensive nutritional analysis is available at

© Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board 2013. This resource may be reproduced and used in all educational settings.