MALAP Update – CQC Review - Action Plan LACAppendix 2

Recommendation for: Stockton on Tees and Hartlepool CCG and North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, in partnership with the
local authority should:
Recommendation / Action / Lead/Timescale / Outcome / Assurance Process / Progress
4.1Ensure that all children who become looked after should receive their initial health assessment within statutory timescales.
Performance framework to be developed to ensure ongoing monitoring / compliance with statutory timescales and early identification of delays
In partnership with StocktonLA agree escalation process to be instigated when consent is not received to allow initial health assessments to be scheduled and completed.
Identify community paediatrician to be Lead for Looked After Children in Stockton / NTHFT
Clinical Director Paediatrics
CYP Manager
Community Services
End April 2014
End April 2014 / All children and young people will have their health needs identified within 20 days working days of coming into care.
Social workers will ensure that consent is gained to ensure compliance with timescales.
There will be an identified paediatrician who is responsible for ensuring children and young people are assessed within timescales and that their health needs are identified with a plan of action. / NTHFT
Monthly Audit
Monthly Audit
Paediatrician will be in post
NTHFT will present evidence/outcome of audits to the Clinical Quality Review Groups. This information will be triangulated with outcomes from Stockton Local Safeguarding Children Board (SLSCB) Multi Agency Case File Audits (MACFA) relating to Looked After Children / May 2014
Key performance indicators agreed and collated on monthly basis;
Meeting held with LA and escalation process agreed in Stockton and Hartlepool
Lead Paediatrician confirmed.
Audit tool agreed being ratified with CCG; audits have not commenced until audit tool agreed.
First MACFA meeting for Stockton planned in June; Senior Nurse LAC member of panel
4.2Ensure that all young people who are leaving care are provided with a comprehensive leaving care health summary. / Leaving care summary record to be agreed with the C&YP LAC participation group / Senior LAC Nurse
1 Month
End April 2014 / Health information will be maintained in an electronic record with appropriate reporting schedules in place to provide meaningful health data of LAC. / Project plan and agreed implementation date.
NTHFT will present audit evidence to support assurance to the Clinical Quality Review Groups. / Leaving Care summary agreed and developed with participation group; to be shared with Steering group; Implementation date to be agreed as soon as paperwork received.
4.3Provide the children looked after healthcare team with appropriate I.T. support to enable meaningful and accurate reporting on the health of children looked after. / NTHFT
Agree Systmone role out schedule / NTHFT
C&YP manager
Business Manager / NTHFT
Health information will be maintained in an electronic record with appropriate reporting schedules in place to provide meaningful health data of LAC. / NTHFT
Project plan and agreed implementation date.
NTHFT will provide detail of the project plan, implementation dates and assurance of effectiveness via CQRG / May 2014
SystmOne role out plan now agreed priority to LAC service; Clinical Lead working with LAC to develop care plans; BAFF from is a licensed product – Stockton LA are the licenced holder; requesting permission to use electronic BAAF from LA
Recruit to the post of Designated Doctor for looked after children to ensure that the health needs of this vulnerable group of children are represented strategically and that initial health assessments are quality assured. / CCG
  • HAST CCG will recruit to the post of Designated Doctor for Looked After Children. A key responsibility for the Designated Doctor for LAC will be to ensure quality assurance processes for Initial Health Assessments are in place. This will include a programme of audit and subsequent action planning
  • As an interim arrangement the Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children will work with Specialist Looked After Children Doctors and Nurses in North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust to develop quality assurance processes regarding Initial Health Assessments
  • Executive Nurse HAST CCG/Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children and Looked After Children in conjunction with North East Commissioning Support Human Resources Department
September 2014
July 2014 / CCG
There will be effective commissioning and assurance processes in place relative to Looked After Children. This will support improved outcomes for this group of children and young people / CCG
Confirmation of appointment of Designated Doctor Looked After Children.
The Designated Nurse will work with North East Commissioning Support (NECS) Contract Managers to advise on the introduction of Quality Requirements relating to Looked After Children into NTHFT contracts. This will include detail of reporting mechanisms from NTHFT to the HAST CCG. / CCG
Job description in developed awaiting agreement by CCG then recruitment process to commence
An Audit Tool is currently being developed in conjunction with Specialist Looked After Children Nurses and Doctors across Tees to quality assure the Initial Health Assessments undertaken
Quality Requirements relating to Looked After Children have been agreed for 2014-2015
Ensure that children and young people looked after are aware of the importance of their contribution to the initial and review health assessments to promote a developing sense of personal responsibility for their own health.
In Consultation with Children and young people who are looked after develop ways of working which will ensure that LAC have the opportunity to contribute to health assessments
Task and finish group to develop consultation exercise / NTHFT
C&YP Manager Community
Senior Nurse LAC
September 2014
End April 2013 / NTHFT
Children and young people who are looked after will be aware of their own health needs, how they can contribute towards the development of their own health plan and this will support effective interventions to meet their health needs. / NTHFT
To be agreed
The CCG will receive a report from NTHFT (via CQRG) reflecting the outcome of the Consultation and subsequent action plan and timescales / May 2014
First task and finish group planned for beginning of June and work to be aligned with LA development group;