Telehealth Alliance of Oklahoma (TAO) Meeting Minutes 10/9/2013
Attendance:Steve Casady, Monty Evans, Sandra Harris, Lane Hooton, Jane Kellogg, Micha Post, Jack Sappenfield, Cynthia Scheideman-MillerCandace Shaw, Maribeth Snapp, Rick Snyder,Sherri Snyder, Debi Sovereign,Chris Tarpley, Reji Varghese, Lynne White, Robin Wilson
Welcome/Opening Remarks–Ms. Shawwelcomed all those in attendance. The meeting began at 10:07am.
Review of minutes: Minutes from the Sept. 11, 2013 meeting were distributed to all members in attendance. Motion made byMr. Sappenfieldto accept the minutes, seconded by Mr. Hooton, motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer Report: The treasurer report was presented by Ms. Scheideman-Miller for Ms. Davis. Motion made by Mr. Casady to accept the report, seconded by Mr. Hooton, motion carried unanimously. Ms. Scheideman-Miller announced that Chris Hudson, CPA, was secured as TAO’s accountant.
Website –Ms. Scheideman-Miller advised the group that the website must have a privacy policy before it can be put on-line. A copy of a privacy policy that Ms. Towler reviewed and gave approval for was distributed to the board. Ms. Snyder moved to adopt the policy. Mr. Sappenfield seconded. It passed unanimously.
Ms. Harrison asked to have talking points put on the website.
Legislative Summit:Ms. Shaw supplied the group with an updated agenda/speaker list. She asked for volunteers to help with event preparation and roundtable discussion facilitators.
Healthcare Connect Fund: Ms. Sovereign and Ms. Kellogg reported on the Healthcare Connect Fund training in Washington, D.C. They found the training event very helpful, particularly the networking with USAC personnel and network that were part of the pilot program.TAO has submitted a Form 460 as a Consortium. Ms. Sovereign said they were updating the Kickoff Flyer and would distribute electronically to the group.
Oklahoma Corporation Commission: Judge Snapp from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission was present to address the group regarding suggested rule changes and next steps for the Universal Service Fund. Judge Snapp looked to the group for feedback regarding the definition of a Hospital as an entity that has been granted a license as a hospital from the State Department of Health in the rules. 402 entities sought funds – between 50 and 100 did not qualify this round. They set up guidelines they used for bandwidth.
We have to have legislation (139.109) to add other entities such as mental health, clinics, provider-based status, extended care facilities, etc. OHA’s question is to further clarify the rules by adding facilities rather than take away. Not-for-profit still stands.
Commissioner White advised the group they are running legislation this year to have mental health facilities included for Universal Service Funds.
Survey: Survey draft was shared with the group. The survey will be used for both providers (MD, Nurse, etc) and Healthcare Entities. The first two questions were repeated from the 2011 survey and will be used for trending. The next section addresses mindset, the last section deals with operations.
Mr. Sappenfield asked the group how the ACO would affect telehealth. Ms. Snyder mentioned from an advanced practice nurse from his perspective is that telehealth will enhance care under the new who dealt with extended care facilities. Ms Scheideman-Miller mentioned that ATA also feels that the changes in national healthcare will increase the use of telehealth.
Oklahoma Medical Board: Mr. Varghese mentioned that the OMB wanted to step in and address the face-to-face issue. They are having companies such as American Well that are licensing physicians in Oklahoma. For the first time, the board has allowed physicians to appear over Telemedicine to request licensure. There will be public hearing on November 7, 2013 on telehealth at their regular meeting. There was a special board meeting to make a position statement that the board thinks face-to-face meeting can be done over audio/visual technology.
Updates:The next meeting will focus on outcomes of the legislative summit. Ms. Snyder mentioned that Dec. 13, 2013 is the last date to submit legislation.
Upcoming events:
Nov. 15, 2013 – INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center - Day of the Judges
Dec. 6, 2013 – Interim Study 13-080 Leveraging Technology to Improve Healthcare Access and Outcomes
A motion was made by Mr. Casady moved to adjourn, Mr. Hooton seconded, the motion carried unanimously.
Next meeting:November 13, 2013, 10:00 to noon atOUHSC Bird Library in the History Conference Room.