Subject / National Curriculum links / Outcomes/focusScience / Electricity
- Identify common appliances that run on electricity.
- Construct a simple series electrical circuit, identify and naming its basic parts, including cells, wire, bulbs, switches and buzzers.
- Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit.
- Recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.
History / NO HISTORY
Geography / Study of a south American Country / Similarities and differences between local area and Brazil
Understand key aspect of each in Brazil
- Settlement location
- Land use
- Trade links / exports
- Natural resources and energy
- Food and water sources in Brazil
Art / NO ART
Music / NO MUSIC
ICT / Survey creation
Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish give goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data.
Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content. /
- I can use search technologies effectively.
- I can collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information.
- (databases)
Lesson / Subject / LO / Success Criteria / Activity (including differentiation)1 / Science / Tbat: Share knowledge of electricity
Identify appliances that use electricity. / Things which use electricity
Sources of electricity / On the board show the word electricity, what does this mean to you? Use lolly sticks and record some facts people already know about electricity or things they want to find out already.
Pupils complete a KWL grid in their books for the topic. Feedback from the KWL grid. Introduce the ideas of the source of the electricity, does all electricity come from a plug? Explain how there are lots of different ways of generating electricity.
On the board sort the items into groups by whether or not they use electricity to make them function. Pupils go back to tables and carry out a similar activity, but also indicating the source of electricity that is used e.g. a mobile phone has a battery etc.
2 / TBAT: Construct a simple series circuit / Series circuit
Add in a new component in series. / Model to the class a simple circuit, all of the components are in a single loop, if there is a break in the circuit then nothing works. Ask the pupils to make a simple circuit using a cell and a bulb.
Stop the class and draw this in their books using the correct symbols for each. Then challenge the class to now add a buzzer to the circuit. What happens now? Is the bulb still as bright?
Record this circuit using symbols as well. Then bring the class to the carpet for a plenary, what did they notice happened when the extra component was added, what might happen if a third component was added to the circuit?
3 / ICT / TBAT: Create a survey and database of information (2 lessons) / Survey of class features
Input data using closed and open answers. / On the board show the class the software they will be using to create a database, they will be create a database using information about the class, as a class decide on the features which will be used for the information. List these on the board. Then introduce the idea of closed and open answers for questions e.g. age being able to be typed, but eye colour must be selected from a drop down list.
Pupils survey each other in the ICT room about the different features and type this into the database itself, trying to fill as many fields as they can during the lesson time.
4 / TBAT: Locate Brazil and its landmarks on a map / I can locate Brazil on a map
I can locate cities on a map / Show the pupils a map of South America, do they know what continent it is. Use atlases to locate Brazil and some of its neighbouring countries, colour these in on the map. Then use the map to locate cities in Brazil, labelling their locations and that of the Amazon river.
5 / TBAT: Research effectively / Use search engines effectively
I can select appropriate websites for information / On the board give the class a blank framework for facts about Brazil including population, size, national dish etc. The pupils work in pairs to use kidrex to find the answers to the questions and create a fact sheet I their books.