Jefferson · Orleans · Plaquemines · St. Bernard · St. Tammany


New Freedom





Regional Planning Commission

Regional Planning Commission for Jefferson, Orleans,

Plaquemines, St. Bernard, & St. Tammany Parishes









CHAPTER 53, TITLE 49, U. S. C. 5317

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Background of RPC’S Public Transportation, Section 5317

New Freedom Federal Grant Program

Background 1

Application Cycle 2

What are the goals for the New Freedom Federal Grant Program? 2

Where can we find New Freedom information and guidelines 3

Chapter 2

Eligibility and Project Definitions

What types of organizations are eligible to submit an application for New Freedom

funds? 5

What types of operating projects may be eligible? 5

Is there a match requirement for projects? 5

Federal grant programs operating match requirements 6

May fares and donations be used as match? 6

Chapter 3

Applying for Funding

When does the application process begin? 7

Where can an agency obtain an application? 7

How do you submit your application 7

When is the application due? 7

Where do you submit your application? 7

Chapter 4

Evaluating the Applications

What criteria will be used to evaluate the projects? 8

Who will evaluate applications? 9

How will the projects be evaluated? 9

How will agencies know the rank of their application(s)? 9

Will there be additional requirements before receiving the funds? 9

When can the projects begin? 9

Chapter 5

Getting Ready to Prepare an Application

Can you submit more than one application? 10

Does the project need to be included in a transportation plan? 10

Is the coordination of services and funding important

in this application process? 10

What required documentation must be attached to your application? 10

Can you get your application electronically? 13

Can you submit the application electronically? 13

Who can you contact for help? 13

Appendix A

RPC’s New Freedom Federal Grant Program Description A-1

Appendix B

In Good Standing B-1

Appendix C

Public Transportation Management System (PTMS)

Owned Rolling Stock Inventory C-1

Appendix D

New Freedom Application Form D-1

FTA 5317 – New Freedom Page | 13


Jefferson · Orleans · Plaquemines · St. Bernard · St. Tammany

Chapter 1

Background of RPC’s Public Transportation, Section 5317

New Freedom Federal Grant Program

The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is responsible for distributing the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grant Program Section 5317, New Freedom for public transportation in the New Orleans urbanized area, including Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and St. Tammany Parishes.


In a letter dated December 28, 2007, Governor Kathleen Blanco designated the RPC as the recipient of New Freedom funds. As designated recipient, the RPC intends to select subrecipients for said funds utilizing a fair and equitable advertising process, clearly defined criteria, and input from relevant agencies and stakeholders. The RPC will also provide technical assistance to potential grantees in the application process, and ensure that recipients adhere to guidelines set forth by the FTA, state and local governments, and those defined by the RPC.

RPC uses an application to apply for federal public transportation grant funds. Applicants are required to submit separate applications to apply for different federal funding sources. All applicants submit their grant proposals annually to RPC for the federal public transportation funding awards.

In April of 2007 the RPC released the Interim Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Plan for the New Orleans metropolitan area. This plan identifies the locations of disadvantaged populations in the New Orleans region, likely barriers to providing adequate public transportation to these populations, and potential strategies to overcoming these barriers. The creation of this plan involved coordination between representatives of the public, local officials, human service agencies, and transit providers. The RPC, as designated recipient of New Freedom grant monies, will ensure that all projects selected for these funds derive from this plan.

All applicants are strongly encouraged to read this application packet carefully to ensure their applications are properly completed and they meet all of the requirements.

Application Cycle

Competitive projects will be evaluated on the basis of local and state and federal criteria. Projects must be in line with the stated goals of the regional Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan, as created by the RPC, in April of 2007.

What do I need to know about SAFETEA-LU?

The federal government reauthorized the transportation legislation that provides the federal funding distributed through our grant process in 2010. FTA requirements are subject to change and additional requirements may apply as they are identified by FTA. RPC has included all known requirements in this document, and will assist grant recipients to understand applicable changes.

When are the applications due?

Applications must be received by RPC no later than 4:15 pm, November 30, 2011.

The actual amount of federal funds to be distributed will be based on the annual national transportation budget.

What are the goals for the New Freedom Federal Grant Program?

The goal of the New Freedom program is to improve public transportation opportunities and public transportation accessibility to the disabled. Toward this goal, the Federal Transit Administration provides financial assistance for transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the transportation needs of the disabled with improvements that go beyond those currently required by the American Disabilities Act (ADA). The program requires coordination of Federally-assisted programs and services in order to make the most efficient use of Federal resources.

The underlying tenets of the New Freedom Federal Grant Program are as follows:

·  Address Deficiencies

Encourage communities to identify and address deficiencies in their paratransit/special needs or regular transit service.

·  Provide a Community Benefit

Assist local areas in determining community benefits and support for paratransit/special needs, or regular public transportation.

·  Preservation and Enhancement

Provide funding to preserve or enhance paratransit/special needs transit where there is a demonstrated need and measurable benefit.

·  Community Connections

Support a sustainable network of services within and between communities.

·  Financial Partnerships

Establish opportunities for local jurisdictions, regional organizations, private sector agencies, state and federal governments, and tribal governments in Louisiana to work collaboratively; ensure stakeholders have voice in project development; and encourage appropriate cost sharing on projects.

·  Support Coordination

Require local agencies to coordinate their services with other transportation providers in their area, as well as programs who may be able to use or purchase the services.

Where can we find New Freedom information and guidelines?

Information and guidelines for the New Freedom Grant Program can be found on the Federal Transit Administrations website:

OverviewThissection includes a history of the New Freedom program and a fact sheet on funding levels authorized under SAFETEA-LU

New Freedom Policy, Guidance, and ProceduresThis section includes the New Freedom statutory language, the FTA circular, and related Federal Register Notices

·  Circular 9045.1 issues guidance on the administration of the New Freedom Program Guidance and Application instructions under 49 U.S.C. 5317, and guidance for the preparation of grant applications.

New Freedom Technical Assistance This Section answers frequently asked questions and provides additional resources.

New Freedom Allocations and Apportionments This section includes tables describing the New Freedomallocations and annual apportionments from Fiscal Years2000 to 2009.

New Freedom Program Performance This section provides information on the performance of the New Freedom program

Chapter 2

Eligibility and Project Definitions

What types of organizations are eligible to submit an application for New Freedom?

The RPC will consider three categories of eligible sub-recipients for New Freedom funding:

1)  Private Non-Profit organization

2)  State or local governmental authorities

3)  Operators of public transportation services, including private operators.

What types of projects are eligible?

Funds from the New Freedom program are available for capital, planning, and operating expenses that support new public transportation services or new public transportation alternatives that for the disabled the go beyond the current requirements of the ADA of 1990. Projects that were already operational or had established funding source prior to August 10, 2005 are not eligible to receive New Freedom grants.

An extensive list of eligible New Freedom projects can be found in FTA Circular 9045.1. Examples of projects from this list include:

1)  Enhancing paratransit beyond minimum requirements of the ADA

2)  Feeder services nor currently required by ADA

3)  Accessibility improvements to public transportation system facilities

4)  Travel instruction and travel training services

5)  Other new transportation alternatives beyond the ADA

New Freedom Match Requirement:

·  Operating projects require a minimum of 50 percent local match.

·  Capital and Planning Activities require a minimum of 20 percent local match.

For example, if the net operating expenses are $100,000, the federal grant cannot exceed $50,000. Net operating expenses are calculated by adding up all the operating expenses and subtracting the revenue collected in fares and donations. Funds received by your agency for the project from federal agencies other than those from USDOT may often be used for the entire match.

For eligible federal programs other than DOT funding sources can often be used to address the match for transportation needs of people moving from welfare to work refer to:

o; Use of TANF, WtW and Job Access Funds for Transportation. Guidance issued by the U.S. Departments of Transportation, Health and Human Services, and Labor (December 1998).

o  Other arrangements include the HOPE VI grants and other programs administered by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Social Services Block Grants.

May fares and donations be used as match?

Passenger fares and donations are considered program income and may not be used as match. They must be deducted from gross expenditures to determine net expenditures. The total match is then deducted from the net expenditures to determine the amount to be requested in your application.

What reporting requirements will be required after a grant award?

All recipients will be notified of FTA reporting requirements after award of grant. FTA requires reporting on an annual basis.

In addition to FTA reporting, recipients will be required to submit selected performance measures or narrative updates at the Regional Planning Commission’s quarterly Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Planning meeting. After the award of a grant, RPC will notify recipient as to the specific measurements required, as well as the schedule of meetings. Failure to report at quarterly meetings may disqualify a recipient for future award consideration.

Chapter 3

Applying for Funding

When does the application process begin?

Applications are available from RPC beginning Thursday, September 29, 2011.

Where can an agency obtain an application?

Applications are included in this packet and an electronic version of the application form may be downloaded from

How do you submit your application?

Applications, must be submitted on paper with original signatures, must be complete, and must be accompanied by two (2) copies of the application and its attachments. RPC will not accept electronic submissions or facsimiles for the New Freedom grant program application. The two (2) copies will be used for evaluation by the RPC staff for recommendations to the Transportation Policy Committee.

When is the application due?

Original signed application and copies must be received by RPC no later than 4:15 PM, November 30, 2011. Applications that are received after that date and time will be returned to the submitting agency and will not be considered for grant funding.

Where do you submit your application?

Applications that are sent via U.S. mail, Federal Express, or UPS, should be addressed to:

Regional Planning Commission

10 Veterans Memorial Boulevard

New Orleans, LA 70124

You may also hand-deliver applications to our office, located at the above address. The contact for this program is:

Jason Sappington, (504) 483-8507 or email:

Chapter 4

Evaluating the Applications

What criteria will be used to evaluate the projects?

RPC has developed the following criteria for evaluating all applications. All applications will be scored based on these components:

Purpose of Project (20%)

-  Applicants should propose projects that will provide a new service, or expand upon existing service, to an underserved area or targeted population, as identified in the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan. The populations or locations that will specifically benefit from proposed projects should be detailed.

-  The proposed project should be one component of a long term strategy at serving unmet needs of welfare recipients, the disabled, and the elderly in the region.

-  Only projects that are eligible for New Freedom funding will be considered.

Coordination (20%)

-  The project should demonstrate efforts toward cooperation and coordination between service agencies (such as a transit agency coordinating para-transit services with a human services agency).

-  Preference will be given to those projects with the capacity to effectively serve more than one target population (such as a route or van service that carries both elderly and disabled persons).

-  Projects should minimize duplication of existing services.

Organization & Management (50 %)

-  The applicant agency demonstrates the organizational and managerial capacity to plan, implement, administer, and conduct qualitative and quantitative performance measures on a New Freedom project.

-  The agency has exceptional experience in administering federally funded transit, transit-related, or human services and has demonstrated verifiable competence in doing so.

-  The agency has the financial and staffing resources to fund and to run an accepted project from beginning to finish, and can demonstrate this wherewithal with a reasonable financial plan and project schedule.

-  The proposed projects maximizes available resources, demonstrates a cost/efficiency relationship, and proves to be sustainable beyond the funding lifetime or if funding is less than anticipated.