English III-CP

Writing Assignment

Take-home Quiz on Tennessee Williams’: The Glass Menagerie

Due Date: 04/10/2017

At the beginning of class

This assignment will require you to have read most of The Glass Menagerie as it deals with motifs throughout the story. Remember that a motif is any element, subject, idea or concept that is constantly present through the entire body of the story. Using Motif refers to the repetition of a specific theme dominating the literary work. (Please recall the example I gave you in class on fairy tales).

Your assignment will be on the importance the role of memory plays throughout The Glass Menagerie. In the story, Tom narrates past events based on his memory of them, Amanda repeatedly relives her past with her many gentlemen callers and southern lifestyle, and memories of the father’s abandonment still weigh heavily on the family.

In the stage directions, Tennessee Williams notes:

“The scene is memory and is therefore nonrealistic. Memory takes a lot of poetic license. It omits some

details; others are exaggerated, according to the emotional value of the articles it touches, for memory is

seated predominately in the heart.”

Your assignment is to write a short essay discussing Williams’ statement above and discuss your reaction to the description he gives of memory. Discuss the parts of this statement with which you agree, as well as the parts with which you do not agree. In concluding your essay, think about your own concept of the word memory, and write your own definition of what memory means to you. I want you to think critically about what Williams’ says “that memory is seated predominately in the heart;” most of our memories come straight from the heart (or do they really?).

Your paper should be at the very least 11/2 pages in length; and I say 11/2 because it may end up being a little longer than one page due to the fact that I want description in your work. Your paper should be in MLA format, meaning that it must have your heading double-spaced, your page number at the top right corner with your last name and a centered title (be creative with your title). All paragraphs must be indented and double spaced as well with 1” margins all around.

If you need any assistance, please let me know so I can help you.

Good Luck,

Ms. Guerra