Suite 100, 1995 Olympic Way, Canmore, AB T1W 2T6
What is it:
The 2018 Biathlon Canada Precision Shooting Competition is open to all members of Biathlon Canada and will provide an opportunity for you to compete against athletes from across the country while promoting the development of strong shooting skills.
Shooting regulations:
• You must be a member of Biathlon Canada in 2018-19 to participate -
• You must complete all components of this competition in one shooting session.
• Shooting must be done on a 50m outdoor shooting range, except air rifle which is 10m.
• Each shot must be single loaded.
• Novice Air Rifle will use the cadet target, while all other categories will use model 151CP.
• One target will be used for every shot on the cadet targets and one for every 10 shots on the 151 CP target.
• If there is a crossfire on a target, please indicate which shot is a cross fire, otherwise there are to be 10 shots per target only.
• Targets received with more than 10 shots will have the highest valued shots discarded, as it is not fair to the person marking them to chose which shots count and which do not.
• Please score your targets, date when it took place and confirm that you have followed all the rules of the competition.Coaches will then verify scores and have a witness verify the scores as well.
• Please indicate whether each target is prone or standing.
• Due to the cost and time required to ship targets to Biathlon Canada and for Biathlon Canada to review each target we are now going to go on the honor system having coaches review, record and then have target sheets and scores verified by another individual. The individual verifying must be able to score sheets and provide us with their name and email address.
• You will be placed in the competition category that corresponds to the target submission, if there is a discrepancy between targets and category selected.
• In the event that there is a tie and those tied are the winners of the competition – both will be awarded prizes.
• Coaches must send an excel document to Marian Harvie each month with the list of athletes, their scores and who verified the target scores.Registration forms only need to be emailed once to register unless the participant is changing categories. Spreadsheets prepared by the coach should be labeled and dated by the coach so they can be added to the correct month’s competition.
Fees: There are no fees associated with this competition.
Prizes: All entries and scores will be listed on the Biathlon Canada website. The top scoring participant (cumulative overall) in each category will receive a prize. Points will be awarded based on monthly results and prizes will be awarded at the end of the series for top female, top male and most improved.
• Novice AIR RIFLE (14 and under) – 10p at 10m distance (score out of 100)
• Junior Boys/Girls Using rests (14 and under) 20 P (Score out of 200)
• Senior Boys/ Girls and younger-.22 calibre (16 and under) – 20P20S (score out of 400)
• Youth Men/Women - .22 caliber (18 and younger) – 20P 20S (score out of 400)
• Open Men - .22 calibre – 20P, 20S (score out of 400)
•Open Women - .22 calibre – 20P, 20S (score out of 400)
• Master Women – Master Men - .22 – 20P, 20S (score out of 400)
How to enter: There are 6 separate competition deadlines and all entries must be emailed no later than: May 31st, June 30th, July 31st, August 31st, September 30th, or October 31st. All entries must be in an excel workbook document that can be added to a spreadsheet. All results will be posted on Biathlon Canada’s website:
Please email a completed registration form, along with your scoresformatted in excel to
REGISTRATIONS only need to be filled out once – excel sheet with monthly results is to be emailed monthly – deadline for each month’s entry is the last day of the month.
Precision Shooting Competition Registration
Name: ______
Gender: □Male □Female
Date of Birth: ______(dd/mm/yyyy)
Age on December 31st, 2018: ______
Name of Range: ______
Name of Biathlon Club: ______
Email of participant:______
Phone: ______
Coach’s Name: ______
Coaches Email:______
Verified by: ______
Verifiers email: ______
□Novice Air Rifle(14 and under)
□ Junior Boy □ Junior Girl Using Rests (14 & under)
□Senior Boys □Senior Girls .22 calibre (16 and under)
□Youth Men and older □ Youth Women and older .22 calibre (18 and under)
□ Open Men- .22 calibre
□ Open Women - .22 calibre
□ Master Men - .22 calibre
□ Master Women - .22 calibre