Operational plan

The operational plan supports and underpins our statement of purpose. It describes how we organise our resources to operate flexibly and effectively and our approach to improving the quality of care we provide. Any changes to the operational plan will be reflected in the statement of purpose.

The Scout Hall, Heol-Y-Delyn, Lisvane, Cardiff, CF14 0SR

Tel: 07763 917724

Charity Number: 1027527

Operational Plan

Treetops is a playgroup run by a committee of parents. Treetops currently employs 6 permanent staff. All staff are required to hold an appropriate childcare qualification or to work for a suitable qualification as soon as possible after employment. Of the 6 staff one holds an NNEB Diploma, three hold a level 3 qualification, one holds a level 2 and one is qualified to WPPA Foundation level. There are also 6 other members of staff who are on zero-hour contracts. They work in our lunch club and/or provide 1.1 support for children with special needs. Of these, two hold a level three qualification and they also work one or two sessions a week. In addition we have a volunteer who helps out regularly (usually 3 to 5 sessions a week). All staff and helpers are DBS checked. Treetops has a commitment to staff training and a training budget exists to allow for staff to attend relevant courses. At the discretion of the officers staff may be paid for the time they spend away from the group on training. Staff attend interviews in the autumn and spring terms (Reflecting on your Practice) and an annual appraisal interview in July with the Playleader.

Fees are set each spring for the following September and staff salaries are reviewed at the same time. Fees are set at a level to cover rent, staff salaries, electricity costs and other essential expenses such as basic craft items (paper, glue, paint etc.), materials for focused activities and the daily snack. Extras such as trips and new equipment are met by fundraising. As a community group Treetops is committed to keeping fees as low as possible to ensure accessibility to all members of the local community. When finances permit free places may be offered to needy families. Staff are given a discretionary Christmas bonus and are entitled to 5.6 weeks holiday pay per year.

Age Groups

Children are offered a minimum of 2 morning and/or afternoon places. Sessions are run for a maximum of 19 children. We maintain ratios of 1 staff member to 4 children aged 2 to 3yrs and a minimum of 1 staff member to 8 children aged 3-5yrs (but where possible we try to work with a 1.6 ratio for this age group).

Planning and Observation

We follow the foundation phase curriculum incorporating the seven areas of learning. Our priority is to give the children the opportunity to have fun and form friendly relationships with other children and adults. Each child is allocated one member of staff who will act as their keyworker. The child’s parents are informed of the identity of their keyworker in writing. In the case of children who also attend a nursery unit at a primary school (and whose development will therefore be assessed at that school in accordance with the [parameters of the foundation phase) the keyworker will concentrate on ensuring the child is happy and participating fully in the activities on offer. For all other children the keyworker will also perform regular observations and, in the case of children over the age of three, maintain a record of each child’s progress. A photographic record of each child’s time with us will also be maintained. Annual meetings are arranged between keyworkers and parents although, if a parent has any concerns about their child’s time at Treetops, they are encouraged to speak to us at any time. Planning is undertaken on a long term, medium term and short term basis. All staff attend regular planning meetings. Planning and provision are enhanced by ongoing child observation and staff appraisal.

Lunch club

We operate a lunch club for children attending the nursery unit at Llysfaen Primary School. Children are either collected from the nursery unit at 11.30am or walked to the nursery unit for 12.50pm depending on which sessions they attend there. During the lunch club they are supervised on our premises eating a packed lunch provided by their parents. All children attending the lunch club are required to also attend a session at Treetops.


Treetops retained a ‘Gold Standard healthy snack award’ in 2014 and continues to offer healthy and nutritious snacks each day. We ensure that we comply with all religious and dietary requirements. Fresh drinking water is available at all times. Menus are displayed for parents on the notice board. Any member of staff handling food must hold a current food hygiene certificate. We retained a 5 star food hygiene rating in May 2015.


Each child is signed in by their parent/carer (or the member of staff in charge of the lunch club if the child has been at the school’s nursery unit) as they enter the building and a member of staff fills out a register. Activities are planned for in a weekly timetable to ensure equality of access to all equipment for every child regardless of attendance pattern.

The home corner is situated in a corner of the main hall. It is furnished whenever possible to enhance the term’s context. For example as a travel agency, café or bedroom.

There is a small-world table which changes each week and may contain cars, trains, pirate ship, fort, happy land etc.

We have a construction area where children can choose their play from a selection of toys such as Duplo, a wooden construction bench and Lego.

We always have a malleable activity (such as playdough, flubber or gloop), a fine motor activity (such as threading, lacing, cutting food), puzzles, a maths table where there will be one or two simple maths activities such as a number puzzle or matching game.

We also offer a quiet area with sofas and books where children can sit for a quiet moment.

We have an art table where children can choose their own art craft materials. Adjacent to this is an art easel, sand and any other messy activities the children play with.

We maintain a discovery table on which we place a selection of items relevant to the term’s context to stimulate the children’s interest.

During the free play session a member of staff presents a focused activity in the quiet room off the main hall. All children are encouraged to participate.

Also during free-play there will be a period during which children will have free access to the outside play area. Toys on offer may include a giant Connect Four, sand or water play, a builder’s table with appropriate toys on it and a slide or trampoline. During some sessions the children may play on bikes and scooters instead of these toys.

After free-play we have tidy up time when a song is played to encourage the children to finish what they are doing and then tidy up. One member of staff prepares the snack and drinks of milk or water while the children have circle time. At the end of circle time the children are asked to find a card with their name on it and to go to sit at a table.

All children then wash their hands (having also been encouraged to use the lavatory) before eating their snack. After break the children go outside with two members of staff for a variety of games, bikes parachute etc. We aim to go outside at the end of every session whatever the weather and parents are asked to provide their children with wellington boots and appropriate outdoor clothing. If it is not possible for us to go outside we will do indoor music and moment or ride bikes inside. During this time other staff clear away cups and plates, wash up (after afternoon sessions all cups and plates are put in the dishwasher which is then run in time for the following morning’s snack) , clean the lavatories and sweep and mop the floor. The children then go into the quiet room for a story and songs before home time. Parents/carers (or the member of staff in charge of the lunch club) have to sign their child out before the child is released into their care.

This operational plan for Treetops was passed for use
By: Position:
Date of planned review: