Draft Minute 07/2009

A meeting of the above Council was held on Monday 13th July 2009 in Sullom Hall

Present were: Mr J A Cromarty (Chairman)

Mrs J Copland

Mrs G Hughson

Mr P Brown

In Attendance:

Clerk: Mrs M Hay

Apologies: Mr A Doull, Mr D Robertson, Mr A MacDonald

Approval of Minute

The minute from the previous meeting held on 15th June 2009 at Ollaberry Primary School was approved by Mrs Gael Hughson and seconded by Mrs Jessie Copland.

Police Report

The police were not represented at the meeting.


Redundant Aqua Equipment – Stow, Eshaness

The clerk recently visited the site with Mr N Sineath of the SIC Planning Dept. Photographs of the site were available for members' information. Mr Sineath explained that the owner of the site had completed a schedule of works and contractors were now due to begin work on the site in August. This is later than previously planned due to the work commitments of the contractor. During the site visit a number of further required improvements to the site were identified and Mr Sineath will contact the owner in order to add these to his schedule of works. Members also expressed concern about visitors being able to gain access to the builds as the doors are now unsecured. The clerk will contact Mr Sineath to ascertain whether anything can be done.

Hillswick Shop

The Chair confirmed the NCDC had organised a meeting with the community which was well attended and very positive about future plans for the community-owned shop at Hillswick. It is hoped the sale of the development will be complete in the next few days.

Community Council Bi-Election – Co-option

Members expressed concern that the people of Hillswick remain unrepresented on the council. The clerk will contact the member of the Hillswick community that has been approached to consider joining the Community Council. Members also suggested a number of further people to contact.

Hillswick Post Office Consultation

Members noted that the consultation period for comments one the Hillswick Post Office ended on 8th July and they now await comments from Post Office Ltd. It was also noted that if the outreach service proposed at the Hillswick hall was open during the late afternoon, users may be able to catch the late bus home.

Greenfield Passing Place

Previous comments made by member Derek Robertson regarding the need for an additional passing place at Greenfield have been passed to the Roads Dept. Members also asked the clerk to contact the Roads Department to confirm the content of the current works programme for Northmaven.

Stair lift for sheltered accommodation

No response received as yet from the SIC Housing Department.


Road Grants 2009/2010

The Chair confirmed a budget of £16679.00 for this years' road grant applications. Applications exceed this limit, but as in previous years many folk may not take up their full allocation. Members agreed to increase the per meter rate for unadopted roads and implement a new formula for calculating peat roads with a minimum award. Members considered the list of applicants and approved those present with the exception of an application which would not directly benefit a permanent resident. It was suggested that the applicant should re-apply under the local grants scheme or ask the resident at the end of the road to apply is their own right.

Viking Energy Consultation

Members discussed this proposal in detail and agreed to make a submission to the Energy Consents Unit based on the very limited number of representations made to them by Northmaven residents.

Northlink Consultation

Northlink is currently seeking the opinion of ZetTrans on a proposal to introduce some additional summer sailings. In order to fund this, a reduced winter service would be necessary, similar to the dry dock timetable. ZetTrans are now seeking community opinion and the Chair read out a letter received from ZetTrans.

Members felt this would deter people from travelling to and from Shetland in the winter and affect the direct routes between Lerwick and Aberdeen, which are important. Bad weather already impacts on winter sailings and a reduced timetable could mean additional days without a lifeline service. Members also felt that Orkney will benefit greatly from this proposal but without any reduction in their service, unlike Shetland who has a greater dependency on the Northlink ferry service. The clerk will pass on comments to ZetTrans.

20mph Speed Limit – North Roe School

The proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit at North Roe School was noted.

Shetland Hospice

A letter was read out from a group of volunteers who are currently gauging the views of community councils with regard to the provision of a hospice in Shetland. A questionnaire was also enclosed for completion by members. Members agreed that a service of this nature would be a welcome addition to services already provided in Shetland as many are already stretched beyond capacity, but they felt the survey from this group had been too oversimplified and would appreciate more information on what services are already available in Shetland and areas where this is lacking. The clerk will respond to the group.

Planning Application – 2009/176/PCD – Form car park - Hillswick hall

Members agreed that the proposed car park would be much safer for visitors to the hall and gave the application their full support.

Planning Application – 2009/188/PCD – Wind turbine - Hillswick hall

This proposal received the full support of members.


Local Grant

The Chair outlined a local grant application received from the Urafirth School to replace benches and tables. Mrs Gael Hughson declared an interest and did not take part in the discussion. Total project costs were listed as £1591.50 with a remaining balance of £500. Members agreed to contribute £250 to the project.


Mr Derek Robertson, member for Eshaness had contacted the clerk with regard to access at Stenness. Residents in the area are finding that household and croft access is often blocked by visitor traffic. Members agreed that folk are now being encouraged to visit the area due to the interpretation and walks, but parking facilities are poor. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the Shetland Amenity Trust and the SIC Roads Dept to ascertain whether anything can be done to alleviate this problem.


The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 10th August 2009 and will be held at 7:30pm in the Eshaness Community Centre.

Please note change of venue due to school holidays

CHAIR: ______

CLERK: ______