Minutes of the ACPRC Committee meeting held at 10.30am on Tuesday , 16th September 2014 at the offices of Asthma UK, 18 Mansell Street, London E1 8AA

Present / Catherine Thompson (CT) / Chair
Lizzie Grillo (LG) / Vice Chair
Melanie Curtis (MC) / Treasurer
Susannahn Cooke (SC)
Ian Culligan (LC)
Sian Goddard (SG)
Lynn McDonnell (LM)
Charlotte Pereira
Jenny Plummer (JP)
Claire Davey (representing Harriet Shannon) (CD)
In attendance / Angela Hurlstone (AH)
1. / Apologies for absence and welcome
Apologies for absence were received from Matthew Cox and Lynn McDonnell. The Chair welcomed Susie Cooke and Claire Davey to the meeting. Susie was attending in the capacity of seconded Critical Care Lead, and Claire Davey was attending in place of Harriet Shannon on the Research Officer role.
2. / Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd April 2014
The minutes of the last meeting were approved with one correction. Minute 6.3 should read that the PR Officer had agreed to remain in post until after the 2015 conference.
3. / Matters arising
3.1 / Specific matters arising from last minutes were discussed in detailed under agenda items for this meeting.
4. / Website
4.1 / AH reported that there still problems relating to new members completing the direct debit form to finalise the membership application process. In particularly, new members were not completing and returning the direct debit mandate. AH stated she followed up on each of these applications and sent a further copy of the direct debit mandate, although some applicants had responded that they had been unable to open the mandate automatically sent to them with their original application. It was agreed a sentence be added to the website stating “Your membership application will not be processed until we receive your direct debit mandate. If we do not receive your direct debit mandate within 30 days of your application, we will assume you do not wish to be a member”.
4.2 / AH reported that she was still not receiving emails from the system when members updated their address and email address. She added that it was important to be able to update contact details on the Smart Debit system, in order that members with direct debits receive the notification of collection of their direct debits at the annual subscription renewal date. MC to discuss this issue with Arkom. / MC
4.3 / AH queried whether it was in order for her to send log-on problems that she had not been able to resolve directly to Arkom. The Chair stated that it was important that MC take these matters up with Arkom in order that these interactions were not charged as “add-ons” to the Arkom contract. Post meeting note: AH discussed the matter further with MC, who advised that it was in order to send unresolvable log-in problems directly to Arkom and they should not be chargeable over and above the contract costs. / MC/AH
4.4 / A drop-box facility had now been created and it was agreed that this link should be added to the Committee Resources page of the website. MC to circulate a list of passwords to enable access to the Dropbox, Facebook, Twitter and other ACPRC accounts. / MC
5. / Results of on-line AGM
Committee members were encouraged to vote on-line. It was agreed that the AGM voting be held at conference in 2015. Questions should be circulated in delegate packs. / AH/LG
6. / Committee Reports
6.1 / Chair’s Report
This is my last report as Chair of ACPRC. I have had a thoroughly enjoyable 8 years as a committee member and am honoured to have been able to serve as Chair. Lizzie Grillo, who accedes to the role of Chair in January will be an excellent driving force for the continued development of ACPRC.
Respiratory Futures
I have been in contact with Aileen Muir who is the project manager for RF. RF is the successor to the Respiratory Alliance and will be an online portal and repository for respiratory resources. Further development is expected over the coming months and I anticipate that the website will be ‘ive’ early next year.
On Call Project
In order to best manage capacity to undertake the on-call project work, I have co-opted Sian Goddard onto the committee to lead this piece of work. I have had discussions with CSP about collaboration on this work and they are keen to engage further with us. A more detailed update will be included as part of today’s agenda.
This is progressing well. The secondary care data collection is complete and should report in November. PR data collection is progressing well however there have been some problems with data collection in primary care. I have been invited to be part of the national steering group and will do this in addition to the secondary care steering group.
British Lung Foundation projects
I have been in liaison with BLF and Boehringer about a revised version of the ‘move on up’ DVD. BLF initially contacted Julia Bott to lead the project and she agreed on the condition that ACPRC was involved. The DVD is now in the editing stages and I look forward to seeing the finished version.
BLF are extending their badged nursing programme to be ‘BLF professionals’, a scheme where a wider range of professionals will be badged by BLF. There are currently two BLF physios and BLF hope to increase this number quite quickly, starting in October. ACPRC, CSP and BLF met to discuss the practicalities of this and discuss how we might work together.
Other activities
I attended the BTS summer meeting (with Matt) in July. We had quite a lot of interest at the stand and were able to give out many conference flyers.
I met with Sarah Keilty to keep her informed of ACPRC work plans and discuss development ideas and also met with Simon Williamson (R. Cegla) about the potential for collaboration on a patient choice project.
In conjunction with Dr Jo Congleton (Worthing) I have submitted a nomination for Julia Bott for the BTS medal.
In June I represented ACPRC at a one day workshop for a NICE guideline for acute medical emergencies, and participated in some post-event follow up. There has not as yet been any out-put from this event and I expect more scoping exercises will take place.
Catherine Thompson
September 2014
6.2 / Vice Chair’s Report
  • The vice Chair reported that BLF was to produce some new leaflets. The Vice Chair and Julia Bott was supporting this venture.
  • LG had not received detailed information on the revised SIGN Asthma Guidelines, but she had sent comments on the draft Guideline.
  • LG is working with Alex Harvey with a Bronchiectasis Guideline.
  • LG responded on behalf of the ACPRC to Physical Activity Quality Standard
  • Lynn McDonnell has been working with Julia Boot on the ACPRC response to the Ambulatory Oxygen Guideline.

6.3 / Treasurer’s Report
AGILE Project
No further questions or queries from AGILE regarding the joint ACPRC/AGILE project.
The balance in the accounts as of the 30th July 2014 is £44772.88. The primary change is costs incurred for running and managing the website. Monthly fees total £102 (For payments to affinity IT services, Arkom and my CRM). In addition, Arkom invoice as needed in response to changes made to the website.
Sponsorship has been paid from both Forest and Ategy generating a net profit of £5000.
Surgical Study Day
Income: Course Fees £859.25
Outgoings: Room £500
Catering £381
Speakers Expenses £449.40
Total: -£471.15
Sponsorship money received from Actegy and Forest has enabled conference delegate fees for 2015 to kept to a minimum.
6.4 / Chronic Disease Champion Report
NICE CG101 Surveillance Review
Update due for CG101, recommendation was that based on new evidence a full update was not required at this time.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation DVD
BLF and Boehringer have updated the ‘Move on Up’ DVD with input from ACPRC via Julia Bott and Julie Moore. I have assisted with script and content included on behalf of ACPRC committee. Filming was due in Summer but I am yet to see a copy, however Catherine was involved in discussion with Boehringer re: distribution. Concerns were raised about DVD being giving out as easy option instead of PR referral but obviously it is a support material as opposed to a replacement.
PCRS-UK Collaboration
The CEO of PCRS-UK was approached by RC-Cornet manufacturers requesting some primary care perspective as to why it does not have a foothold in the market. They offered to fund a sputum clearance / devices opinion sheet which could be jointly produced by ACPRC and PCRS-UK however the funding was pulled. RC-Cornet company informed the PCRS-UK CEO that they would be holding off their investment until more market research is conducted. I will be discussing with the PCRS team at conference next week regarding sputum clearance information for GP’s along lines of advising:
“PEP/OPEP devices should only be done with referral to Resp Physio.”
I was asked to contribute to APPG on Respiratory Deaths, highlighting lack of action in Asthma, COPD etc. Recommendations were made including increased access to Pulmonary Rehab.
Acapella onto Drug Tariff
Contact made by SMITHS representative. The marketing material is very ‘anti-physio’ (describing physio as expensive and time-consuming) and Americanised. Promo material does not mention physiotherapy except in detrimental way. Points were raised via email and a response is still awaited. ACPRC members have been informed via newsletter of availability of devices.
Chronic Disease Study Day
Lizzie raised the option of a joint study day with a physio called Lynne Schofield based around PCD / Bronchiectasis / similarities… I have been in contact with Lynne who has been approached as a possible Paeds champion but she was awaiting further information/contact from Lizzie. Due to time constraints I have been unable to firm a day up but was considering end Nov/Dec in NW England.
The previous meeting highlighted ILD / Bronchiectasis as a possible subject but consultants at my hospital are very reluctant to be involved. A Manchester or Leeds venue would be preferable but obviously this would require some speakers in these areas for expense purposes etc. This is on my jobs list for next few weeks.
6.5 / Publications Report
Matt Cox
The new website is now running well. After some initial problems with the membership process, which prevented new members from joining, all the issues have been rectified and the membership processes are working as they should. ARKOM are going to test the SmartDebit processes before next year’s direct debits to ensure that these processes will also work as they should. Work on the mobile website has now started. This won’t be advertised to members until it is complete to avoid the problems experienced with delays in launching the current website.
Eventbrite registration for next year’s Conference has been set up and advertised to members. The transaction charges are slightly higher than we anticipated (2.5% service fee plus 3.5% credit card fee on each conference place booked online). Registration is open and we have already had places booked online. Conference dinner booking is also available when registering online.
I have set up a Facebook page for the conference to increase awareness. It would help if Committee members can ‘like’ this page and share relevant links with friends, if they are happy to do so. If the page proves useful we could consider keeping this as a permanent ACPRC page in the future. I will keep the Facebook and website conference pages up to date with programme announcements. If anyone else wants to be able to add to the Facebook page as an administrator please let me know and I will add your details (you need a Facebook account to do this).
Jenny Plummer
The newsletter has continued to go out on or near to the 1st of each month. Mailchimp continues to provide the newsletter at no cost. Now the member database issues have been sorted out, the link to mailchimp to ensure updates emails willneed to be confirmed. I will be standing down this term
Respiratory Review
Robyn Stiger
Awaiting report
Una Jones/Emma Chaplin
The articles for this year’s journal have been sent to the printers at the beginning of August and we are currently waiting for the printers to send PDF versions to be proof read by ourselves and the authors.
We have struggled this year for research articles as there had been a few that just weren’t ready for publication this year. We have 4 full articles, a commentary on the Cochrane review on pneumonia and a piece on the changing NHS, policy and impact on respiratory physiotherapists from Catherine as well as a book review.
Una, Emma and Harriet have developed some new guidelines for authors that are more distinct and hopefully will help authors with writing different types of articles. Guidelines for writing a case study, literature review, experimental study, qualitative study and service evaluation have now been uploaded onto the web site and a piece has written for the newsletter to highlight this to members. To compliment this, the reviewers guidance tables/comments form is also being updated for those reviewing the different types of articles and will be completed by the end of the year ready for next year’s submissions.
A decision still needs to be made about what format we send the journal out in. A poll was carried out in the newsletter to find out members preferences. However the response rate was poor. The quote below is from the printers for paper or a mix of paper and e. There are obvious cost savings having an e-version but the feeling at the away days was it would be good to have some paper copies to have on stands at conferences.
Description : Journals
(Quantity :1000 x 52pp + 4pp cover; Ink Colours : 4 colour process + machine seal throughout; Paper Material :Cover : 250gsm silk / Inners : 100gsm silk; Final Size :A3 folded to A4; Finishing :Matt laminate outer cover, collate, fold, stitch x 2)
Artwork :£995.00 based on last years
Printing : £2828.00
Additional costs :Postage, insertion into envelopes, adhering labels, colour letters
To supply an electronic version£96.00
Table of Contents (up to 10 entries)£25.00
Each further entry£ 2.00
Artwork £995.00
Prices exclude VAT (where applicable) and are valid for 30 days from the date of quotation.
During the Committee meeting there was some discussion on the viability of translating a Masters dissertation into a Journal publication. It was suggested that Una Jones and Emma Chaplin compile a draft explaining what a short report would comprise. IC added that he could forward copies of PCRS Journal to compare how their approach. Committee present at the meeting were asked to submit short articles for short report section o Journal.
There was some discussion on whether the Journal should be converted to paperless format. It was agreed that this should be discussed at the 2015 conference.
JP to check with MC to ensure that the website database could support an option for paper or electronic copies of the Journal. / UJ/EC
6.6 / Surgical Champion Report
The surgical study day was held on Friday 13th June 2014 at the Education and Conference centre at The Royal Marsden Hospital. Pricing for the day was £30 for member and £50 for non-members. All registration was done via Eventbrite, which was very easy to set up and use. Links were embedded into the new ACPRC members website including a hidden link for members for the reduced price.
The day was attended by 23 delegates, of which 11 were members.
Topics for the study day are listed below:
  • Update on the Evidence in NIV – Dr Sunny Kaul
  • Advances in Cardiology: TAVI – Dr Miles Dalby
  • Psychological Impact of Major Surgery - Dr Melissa Sanchez,
  • Peri-operative Pain Management in the Surgical Patient – Felicia Cox
  • Physiotherapy for Thoracic Surgery, what are we doing? – Julia Clarke
  • Physiotherapy following VATS - Routine or Referral? - Elaine Weatherston
  • The Importance of a Good Cough – Ema Swingwood
Feedback for the day was excellent with everyone rating the day 4/5 or 5/5. Some of the feedback did request that it would have been good to have something related to general/abdominal surgery and this should be considered for the study day in 2016.
7. / Selection of Vice Chair
Jenny Plummer reported that due to her changing work commitments, she would not be able to commit to a full term as Vice Chair. She will, however, commence the role until an alternative can be found.
8. / Review of Subscription rates for 2016
It was felt that an increase in subscription rates should now be considered. Committee will discuss the matter in detail at the Awayday in January, and agree a proposed new rate.
9. / Consultants’ Group
9.1 / No report had been received from the Consultants Group.
9.2 / Sarah Keilty has kindly agreed to remain in post as President until the end of Lizzie Grillo’s first year in post as Chair.
10. / Report from BTS Standards of Care Committee
No report had been received from the BTS Standards of Care Committee.
11. / Conference 2015
11.1 / Arrangements for the 2015 conference were proceeding well. There was still a few session gaps in the conference programme but it was hoped these would be covered in the coming weeks. The Chair encouraged all present to ensure that speakers for their sessions were identified and contacted.
11.2 / The submission date for poster abstracts was the end of January 2015.
12. / On-Call Project
12.1 / The Chair gave some background information on the project for the benefit of new committee representatives; detailing discussions that had been held with the CSP in order to progress the project.
12.2 / Sian Goddard has been co-opted to committee to lead the project. SG reported that she had recently held discussions with Ralph Hammond at the CSP who felt that other CSP professional groups would not be keen to support the project. Nonetheless, it was felt that this was an important project that should be developed.
12.3 / SG asked for comments on the updated statement. She stressed the importance of having specific statements to support competence for on-call, with patient safety and outcome being the first question. She also outlined the necessity to define the meaning of a position statement.
12.4 / In the coming months SG will be defining a support structure for defining minimum standards of competence and confidence and the best way to evaluate these. Those present discussed the possibility of holding on-call study days and a service improvement toolkit. SG stated that if committee is happy to support the position statement, she will forward this to the CSP, after discussion with the Chair and Vice-Chair to incorporate further detail and timescale.
13. / Social Media, including Twitter
Committee discussed the best way for social media activity to be developed within committee roles. Although social media would sit naturally within the role of PRO, this role also incorporates Conference Lead. The Chair reported that it was hoped that the ACPRC conference be held annually in future, rather than bi-annually and therefore the PRO role would not to be discussed in more detail at the January Awayday, as it is a substantial role.
14. / Calendar of Activities
CSP Conference – 10th and 11th October, Birmingham – RS to attend
ICS Conference – CP to attend
BTS Winter Meeting – 3rd to 5th December, London – RS/IC/LM/LF/CT
15. / Dates of next meeting
Awayday 18th and 19th January 2015, Cheltenham Park Hotel
23rd April 2015, 3pm at Cheltenham Park Hotel
15th September 2015 at 10.00am at the CSP (Third Floor meeting room)