Dear Parent/Guardian,

BBC Ten Pieces is an exciting classical music initiative in which our school is involved.

One of the key aims of the Ten Pieces project is to encourage children to get creative with classical music. (Go to for more details). Pupils are being asked to develop their own creative responses to the music in the Ten Pieces film through various art forms e.g. dance, digital art and their own musical compositions.

The children have been working very hard on this – and we are keen to film their performances and submit them to the BBC, so they can be showcased alongside the work of pupils around the country.

How will the film be used?

Uploaded films will be reviewed by the BBC, and selected performances may be featured on the BBC Ten Pieces website; on TV and radio; on screens around the UK, in print media or in a Ten Pieces concert. Films, or clips taken from films, may also be published on the BBC’s social media accounts, for example Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.

The BBC has rigorous safeguarding policies and procedures and will handle the content sensitively and with care. Children’s surnames will not be shared with the BBC.

The school’s contribution will be collected through the StreamUK uploader and stored securely by Collier Pickard on behalf of the BBC and it will be kept until no later than 31st July 2020. Prior to this we may contact you if we wish to keep your content up beyond the suggested date. If you would like your child’s content taken down before this date please contact .

Please complete the below to indicate whether you consent to your child appearing in a performance that will be filmed and shared across the various BBC platforms, including social media. Where consent is not given, your child will not take part in the performance that is filmed however he/she will still be involved in the rehearsals and any performances that are not filmed.

Teachers will film performances with the school’s own equipment.

Ten Pieces performance, permission to film child
As the parent or legal guardian of ______(child’s name),
I DO / DO NOT (delete as appropriate) consent to my child appearing in a performance that is uploaded by the school to the BBC Ten Pieces website and may be used by the BBC in the way explained above.



Date ______