/ ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 N 1967

DATE: 1999-02-26


Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - ISO/IEC 10646

Secretariat: ANSI

DOC TYPE:Calling Notice and Meeting 36 Agenda

TITLE:2nd Call WG2 Meeting # 36, in Fukuoka, Japan, hosted by JISC from 9 - 15 March 1999.

SOURCE:Mike Ksar, Convener

PROJECT:JTC 1.02.18 – ISO/IEC 10646

STATUS:SC2/WG2 participants are requested to review the attached draft agenda, the relative documents and to prepare for the next meeting in Fukuoka, Japan.



DISTRIBUTION:SC2/WG2 members and Liaison organizations



This is the second call for WG2 meeting # 36, which precedes the next SC2 plenary meeting. The host organization is the Japaanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), in Fukuoka, Japan from 9 - 15 March 1999. Please refer to SC2 document N 3223, a copy of whichwas attached to the 1st call for this meting in document N 1937. Document No. SC2 N 3223 has already been posted on the SC2 website at URL: . Ms Toshiko Kimura is the contact point for logistics. WG2 will be meeting starting at 10:00 am Tuesday, 9 March 1999 and conclude on Monday, 15 March 1999. Please note that SC2/WG3 will NOT be meeting in March 1999.

This second call for WG2 meeting # 36 includes a draft agenda. It will be broadcast by email and posted to the SC2/WG2 website at URL: Documents for this meeting were distributed in early January 1999. A few additional contributions have been made since then. The latest contributions will be distributed at the meeting in Fukuoka.

The objective of this meeting is to continue the WG2 program of work, resolve disposition of comments on recent ballots, review the roadmaps and provisionally freeze the contents of the edition of 10646.

Mike Ksar

Convener – ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2

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Draft Agenda – Meeting # 36 - Fukuoka, Japan

Topic (Document No.) / Proposed Outcome

1.Opening and roll call (N1951)Update WG2Distribution List

2.Approval of the agenda (N1967)Approved agenda

3.Approval of minutes of meeting 35 (N1903)Approved Minutes

4.Review action items from previous meeting (N1903)Updated Action Item List

5.JTC1 and ITTF matters:FYI

5.1.JTC1 plenary and CAW ad hoc meeting (JTC1 N5629/WG2 N1939)

5.2.Summary of Voting - Recent publications announcements FYI

5.2.1.Amendment 10 - Ethiopic Script (N1916)1998-10-15

5.2.2.Amendment 13 - CJK Unified Ideog. (N1927)1998-10-15

5.2.3.Amendment 16 - Braille Patterns (N1928)1998-10-15

5.2.4.Amendment 19 - Runic (N1914)1998-11-01

5.2.5.Amendment 20 - Ogham (N1915)1998-11-01

5.2.6.TR: An Operational Model for Cha/Glyphs1998-12-15

6.SC2 matters:FYI

6.1.Recent submittals to ITTF

6.2.Recently sent out ballotsApprove disp. of comments

6.2.1.PDAM15 - Kang Xi & CJK Radicals (N1965, N1968, N1969)

6.2.2.PDAM28 - Ideographic Desc Char (N1965, N1970, N1971)

6.2.3.PDAM29 - Mongolian (N1965, N1972, N1973, N1980)

6.2.4.PDAM30 - Additional Latin & other characters (N1965, N1974, N1975)

6.2.5.PDAM31 - Tibetan Extensions (N1965, N1976, N1977, N1979)

6.3.Ballot results and disposition of commentsApprove disp. of comments

6.3.1.Amendment 14 - Yi syllables and Yi radicals (N1925, N1926)

6.3.2.Amendment 17 - CJK extension A (N1929)

6.3.3.Amendment 18 - Euro & Others (N1894)

6.3.4.Amendment 21 - Sinhala (N1895, N1896)

6.3.5.Amendment 22 - Keyboard Symbols (N1897, N1898)

6.3.6.Amendment 23 - Bopomofo + (N1899, N1905)

6.3.7.Amendment 24 - Thaana (N1908, N1909)

6.3.8.Amendment 25 - Khmer (N1910, N1911)

6.3.9.Amendment 26 - Myanmar (Burmese) (N1912, N1913)

6.3.10.Amendment 27 - Syriac (N1906, N1907)

6.4.Japanese n.b. recommendations to JTC1 and responsesReview and respond

6.4.1.Japanese n.b. recommendations to JTC1 (JTC1 N5698)

6.4.2.Response from Ireland (WG2 N1963)

6.4.3.Response from U.S. (WG2 N ?)

7.Next Edition of 10646

7.1.Non-repertoire issues:

7.1.1.Editorial corrigenda on Zones and other related features (N1934)

7.1.2.Hangul syllable name rules (N1942)Review and decide

7.1.3.Revision of Annex T for CJK Extension A (N1943)Review and decide

7.1.4.Editorial corrigenda - standing document (N1796 and N1796 att)Confirm

7.1.5.Working draft for proposed update to Annex N - 2nd edition (N1893)

7.1.6.A "fixed collection" for the BMP - 2nd Edition of 10646-1 (N1983)Review and decide

7.2.Repertoire issuesReview and decide

7.2.1.Non-IRG documents for addition of Triangular Overlay Character (N1941) of the Drachma Currency Sign (N1946) additions - Cumulative List # 8 (N1936 S)'s feedback on Armenian in 10646-1 (N1981)

7.2.2.IRG-specific documents corrigenda on CJK compatibility (N1935) Resolutions – Meeting # 13 repertoire issues - 10646 part 1

7.3. Approval Process, contents, format, schedule & responsibilities: Review and confirm

7.3.1.Approval Process - Input from ITTF (N1961-Mail from Keith Brannon)

7.3.2.Contents: text & charts (N1924)

7.3.3.Format: what you see is what you get

7.3.4.Schedule: synchronization with Unicode 3.0

7.3.5.Responsibilities: review for confirmation at WG2 Sept. 1999 meeting

8.10646 part 2Review status and timeline

8.1.Plane 1

8.1.1.Roadmap (N1955)

8.1.2.Encoding Deseret Script (N1891)

8.1.3.Encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphs (N1944)

8.1.4.New submittals (N1947, N1948, N1959,

8.2.Plane 2 Roadmap? IRG

8.3.Plane 14 Roadmap?

9.10646 - Amendments beyond 2nd edition of 10646-1:

9.1.General policy - future of WG2 program of work - what, when and how?Develop and agree on policy

9.2.BMP Roadmap (N1949)

9.3.New Miscellaneous Bucket


9.4.1.Encoding Buginese script (N1930)

9.4.2.Encoding Glagolitic script (N1931)

9.4.3.Encoding Phoenician script (N1932)

9.4.4.Encoding Philippine script (N1933)

9.4.5.Proposal to encode the Ol Cemet' script in BMP (N1956)

9.4.6.Proposal to encode the Sorang Sompeng script in the BMP (N1957)

9.4.7.Proposal to encode the Varang Kshiti script in the BMP (N1958)

9.4.8.Optimizing Georgian representation in the BMP of UCS (N1962)

10.Defect reports

10.1.Defect report No 5 to 10646-1 (N1978)Review and confirm

11.Liaison reports

11.1.Unicode Consortium





12.Other businessReview and confirm

12.1.Web Site Review

12.2.Future Meetings: September 1999, March 2000

12.3.Finalize WG2 report to SC2 (N1940)


13.1.Approval of Resolutions of Meeting 36Approve resolutions

13.2.Adjournment – Monday by lunch time

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