Hey Everyone!

Short and sweet this week since I am getting this out early because I’ll be in the Dominican Republic for about a week and a half! If you have any questions, hit up the Facebook Group. Other coaches can surely give some advice, and there is a chance I’ll check that a couple times while I am away.

Kipping Handstand Push Ups

We had a great discussion last week about kipping HSPU in workouts on our FB Forum. Since we are doing them on Sunday, I figured it would be appropriate to re-post it. In case you missed it, here are the highlights!

Willem:Jeremy do you have a good rule of thumb when to allow members to do kipping HSPU in a metcon.

Personally, I think the increased intensity of the kipping HSPU does not outweigh the risks, unless you do really serious competitions. So even for Athletic and Performance level I prefer not to do them kipping.

Me:First, check out this video if you haven't already about a quick screen for people who want to start handstand progressions.

For the 'push up' part, my rule of thumb is that they need to be able to do a strict down to 1 abmat (roughly 2in/5cm) before they attempt any kipping - ONLY IN THE SKILL WORK.

When it comes to a particular workout, I like to know that a person has can complete at least half of the reps in an unbroken set (because they have done it on a skill day). Now they don't have to do that during the metcon, but they should be able to if needed!

I understand people's hesitancy to do kipping HSPU in gen pop, but they aren't risky if people are properly prepared for them, they have practiced the skill adequately for months beforehand, AND they are programmed intelligently.

For example, the only workout I have created, in the last 4 or 5 years, where I have programmed more than 12 HSPU is "The Shed", and it is only one set of 16. I think there is another one called "Down Side Up" that starts with a single set of 15 that is a mini from a few years back...

That said, I still occasionally post "Diane" with it's 21-15-9. And I have been forced to post Open 16.4/17.4 twice due to the Open (in all of its terrible 55 reps...).

The crazy thing is that even though we don't do large volumes in metcons, because we are always working the strict, and working depth and quality over total reps, people get really good at them! And they can also do well on them in competition even if there is a good chunk of volume (as long as they have a good strategy).

I hope that helps!

Willem:Thanks JJ. This screen is very helpful. 50% unbroken in a rested state would certainly be a good standard. I would like to see a minimum of 5 strict unbroken HSPU before doing kipping.

But in general I don't see the real benefit of any kipping push exercises Open Chain push exercises with forceful hip extension like the Jerk/Push Press, make sense I think, but Closed chain push exercises with forceful hip flexion like the kipping HSPU, the kipping Dip (or kipping regular pushups) always seem strange to me.

I see a benefit in kipping pull exercises. Is it about the higher intensity you can have with kipping push exercises?

Or is there a "transferable, functional" benefit. Core to extremity, hip extension. Throwing your legs up and then pushing the body in the same direction. Is there any function.

I have the same "concern" with the kipping dips.

Me:It is for the conditioning piece for sure... and because it is 'badass' for clients (don't discount the fact that our clients like being able to do cool shit).

Strict presses and strict hspu do okay in metcons, but generally they slow things down. People hit muscle failure much too fast compared to many other movements.

There is also a component of equipment. I use HSPU as an overhead pressing movement when things like barbells are being used elsewhere.

As an aside, we average about 1.6 HSPU a month. This works out to be at maximum (if someone comes every time it is posted) about 8.2% of all pressing movements (push presses come up almost 3x as much).

I can't argue much for the 'functionality' of it, other than body awareness, and a new skill to practice to keep things interesting.

Thrive on.


What I am reading/watching (content for you or to share on your social media):

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? – The Atlantic
Psychologically, however, they are more vulnerable than Millennials were: Rates of teen depression and suicide have skyrocketed since 2011. It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Much of this deterioration can be traced to their phones.

Happiness is a Compass, Not a Destination – Medium
the feeling of happiness is not an endpoint of being at which one might arrive, it’s an indicator that one is moving — successfully — toward a meaningful goal. In other words, happiness is a compass, not a destination.

Fix Your Posture with This Animated Guide to Sitting Right – Lifehacker

Youth sports study: Declining participation, rising costs and unqualified coaches – Washington Post
Athletic participation for kids ages 6 through 12 is down almost 8 percent over the last decade, according to SFIA and Aspen data, and children from low-income households are half as likely to play one day’s worth of team sports than children from households earning at least $100,000.

The hidden truth about our prescription medications – TED
Some researchers are looking at what kinds of results get published and which ones don’t. Not surprisingly, it appears that more results from trials which show a medicine works are released than from trials that show a medicine doesn’t work. In fact, trials giving a positive result are twice as likely to have published their findings than trials with a negative result. Besides the problem of incomplete information, the information that does get released to us is often biased.

On to the Programming!


Monday: 171023 Mon wk 43 Bad Moon Rising -
Mental Toughness Context, hip mobility for cleans, why double under practice is important, scaling the pull up properly for the workout, hypertrophy notes, weekly overview

Tuesday: 171024 Tue wk 43 30in to Freedom -
Practice context and being smart about high box jumps, using the dynamic warm ups for skill development, supine ring row notes, hang power cleans vs from the floor, pushing the pace on the wall ball, hypertrophy notes

Wednesday: 171025 Wedwk 43 Like a G6 -
Competition context, hip mobility for squats, ohs in the warm up, going for a max on competition day, squat snatching counts as an ohs rep, changing the workout when people can’t do ohs, glute bridge notes

Thursday: 171026 Thu wk 43Delfin–
Practice context notes, letting advanced people deadlift longer and stagger starting the row, going for a row benchmark, 2 min is not enough rest (and that is on purpose), time guide

Friday: 171027 Fri wk 43 Sweet Dreams -
Practice context notes, toy soldiers in the dynamic warm up, hip mobility and violent hip extension, teaching the difference between cleans and snatches, time guide, what are Jones squats

Saturday: 171028 Sat wk 43Mud and Guts -
Bracing the core, handstand push ups as skill work, skills being a sneak peak into the programming, not lowering the jerks, team version of the workout, time guide

Sunday: 171029 Sun wk 43 Moore -
Competition context and going for ‘Performance’ scaling, coach’s choice warm up, heavy thruster tips, rope climbs and hspu in metcons, team version, switching Saturday and Sunday programming