DRAFT 07/27/2017

FAS gsa.gov Business Process

Roles & Responsibilities

CASE will coordinate and facilitate the FAS use of the gsa.gov web channel by working with a representative from each of FAS’ two-letter organizations (as well as an OSC representative for the FAS Commissioner’s Office).

Customer and Stakeholder Engagement (CASE)

Managing Web Editor (MWE) – Serves as the primary point of contact for FAS and integrates FAS needs and its use of the gsa.gov web channel. All FAS content development, changes, and final content approvals will come through the CASE MWE.

Strategy Director – Serves as the champion representative on behalf of FAS and its stakeholders to OSC.

Campaign Management Director – Serves as the liaison for gsa.gov and the communication and outreach activity scheduled through Salesforce and the National Marketing & Communication Division.

Two-Letter FAS Divisions

Managing Web Coordinator (1 per division) – Serves as the primary point of contact for their organization with the responsibility to manage needs and use of the gsa.gov web channel. Organization may decide whether they would like to have an organizational-level content approval workflow.

Business Area Web Coordinator (As many as needed) – Serves as the primary point of contact for business areas as defined by their organization’s managing web coordinator.

Web Strategist/Page Owner (As many as needed) – Works with their organization’s web coordinator(s) to develop user-focused business needs and a strategy for supporting those user tasks and measuring the gsa.gov’s effectiveness in supporting their stakeholders. Direct the work of the CMP Technical Support personnel in the role of a subject matter expert.

CMP Technical Support (As many as needed) – Works with the strategist/owner and their organization’s coordinator(s) to code web content, consult as the technical web specialist in using leading digital communication strategy, and assists with the technical implementation of web tracking and traffic analysis.

External Stakeholder Segments

CASE will assist FAS divisions connect their gsa.gov web communication to the NAM/CSD business engagement process, Salesforce CRM, Surveys/Voice of the Customer/Supplier, Issues Management/Resolution, and Events and Campaign management activities as led through the sister sections of CASE.

Federal Agency/Government (incl. State & Local)

Acquisition Workforce: Contracting Officer, Procurement Policy Officer, Contract Specialist, Contracting Officer’s Representative, and Technical Monitor

Program/Business Manager: Requiring official, Statement of Need, Subject Matter Expert

Senior-Level/Policy Manager:


Existing Vendors: Newly awarded, Mature

Potential Vendors:

Small-Business Disadvantaged Socio-economic:

Internal Stakeholders

Office of Strategic Communications (OSC) – Assists FAS utilize the services of the gsa.gov platform at the enterprise system-level and assists with the integration of content and messaging as related to video services, press/media/public relations, commercial social media channels, graphics, and agency-level priorities.

Office of Customer Experience (OCE) – Assists with external surveys and matters related to an agency-wide customer experience strategy.

Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) – Represents the agency’s commitment to facilitating business opportunities for this vendor segment.

Office of the GSA Ombudsman – The representative of GSA vendors and represents the agency’s commitment to serving our vendor partners.

Office of Strategy Management – Represents the commitment to improve govermentwide federal acquisition. Major initiatives include; Category Management and Acquisition Gateway.

Customer & Stakeholder Engagement – Although this division is the FAS lead on the gsa.gov initiative, it is important to formally recognize the initiatives led by sister branches.

National Account Management Strategy (NAMs) – Facilitate GSA’s relationship with the 24 CFO act agencies serving as the integrator between senior executives at GSA and target agency, coordinating acquisition transactional data and reports, and gathering business intelligence targeting forecasted opportunities and challenges.

Customer Service Directors/Representatives (CSDs) – Facilitate GSA’s relationship with customers throughout the country and world directly supporting agency’s operational units use of FAS acquisition vehicles, gathering “ground-truth” intelligence, and providing training and customer support.

Voice of the Stakeholder – FAS wide initiative intended to listen to stakeholder challenges, develop a strategy for addressing the challenge, and communicating back to the stakeholder with the FAS response in addressing the challenge.

Vendor Relations – This division coordinates FAS’ relationship with its vendor partners by integrating the OSDBU and Ombudsman office’s activities, representing FAS vendors to the FAS business units, and facilitating vendor training.

Events & Training – This division coordinates FAS’ presence at externally facing events, assists FAS in facilitating agency sponsored/co-sponsored events, and FAS training (including CLP certification)

National Marketing & Communications Division – Assists FAS business lines with their use of Salesforce CRM campaigns, marketing automation, development of marketing and communication collateral, and email promotions.

National Customer Service Center – Assists FAS business lines as the primary contact center for issue resolution management, FAQs, and customer support.

*Technology Transformation Service (TTS) – This service is included as a result of its merger with FAS and the digital governance/leading practice mission that it serves for governmentwide implementation & use of digital communication and engagement channels (web, social media, mobile, contact center)

Information Architecture/Taxonomy/User Path

CASE will represent FAS business needs to OSC, OCE, and FAS leadership as related to the configuration and management of the gsa.gov information architecture so that the FAS stakeholder is more effectively served in performing tasks and finding information that supports their ability to do business with and through FAS.

Review and identify areas of Improvement – Once a year the FAS task-force will review the existing Information Architecture (IA), when/where available cross-validate user path analysis and metrics, and identify performance of the existing IA to suggest modifications. (See below)

Ad-Hoc Category Requests – On an as-needed basis, categories will be reviewed by the FAS Task force and agreed upon changes submitted to OSC for review and implementation.

Cross-Reference/Web Service integration to Federated GSA digital channels – On an as-needed basis, consistent methods to promote and direct stakeholders to content communicated/supported by federated GSA platforms will be developed and implemented. FAS Taskforce will identify and recommend the priority and prospective integration details that benefit the largest stakeholder segment and would have the greatest likelihood of improving their user path.


CASE will coordinate with each Managing Web Coordinator a user-focused business needs and strategy document for each 2nd-level category area. (i.e. Acquisition > Professional Services).

Web Pages – Pursuant to the business strategy plan, web pages will be developed and reviewed at least semi-annually by the web strategist/page owner and configured by the CMP Technical Support personnel.

Event Content – FAS will default its use of Salesforce event/training campaigns unless there is a business reason to create an exception

Contacts – FAS will develop a consistent strategy for providing customer contacts as negotiated with our agency-level internal stakeholders.

Attachments – FAS will use the file document uploader for attachments and files that would not best be supported on the FAS CMLS application. Document management strategy will be developed to ensure that information delivered through attachments remain valuable and relevant.

Videos – FAS will coordinate the development of videos with CASE and our OSC liaison.

Integrated/”Landing Pages” – FAS taskforce will assume responsibility for developing the business strategy of these FAS enterprise content pages.

User Interface/ Graphic Styles

Graphics – FAS will coordinate its use of graphics and images to support the business purpose of its web content with the FAS MWE, NMCD and OSC internal stakeholder segments.

Styles – FAS Task force will review the existing styles and presentation standards on the gsa.gov platform and identify any potential improvements/changes that will support FAS’ use of the gsa.gov channel

Identified Content Improvement Projects

Multiple Awards Schedules