Micro Intensive Programme in Marketing Communications

“Healthy food for young people”

March 14 - 18, 2016

Porto, Portugal

ISCAP – School of Accounting and Administration of Porto


Entry deadline: June 30, 2015


MACOMIP is a micro intensive programme – Marketing Communications - where students and teachers from different countries will work together and create a Marketing Communication Campaign. MACOMIP explores the potential of Marketing Communications when applied to a specific subject.MACOMIP features workshops, classes, company visits, a city tour and group work. Workshops and classes’ panels will be facilitated by personalitiesin Marketing Communications.

The main goal of this challenge is to develop the ability to analyse and create a Marketing Communication Plan about “Healthy Food for Young People”.Students from interested partners will be invited to prepare a marketing communication plan during the 1stsemester of the academic year 2015-2016 at their own school. During this period we recommend that students gather data / study / analyse aspects related with the topic under study. Then, the best group of students / best students will attend MACOMIP 3 - 2016that will take place in Porto – 14th – 18 th March 2015 – under the topic “Healthy Food for Young People”. During the week in Porto there will be mixed groups (from different nationalities) working together under the topic presented and students will present the result of their documented work as a pitch / contest for a jury.

The development of attributes like initiative, creativity and communication with the students that will become communication managers is also one of the objectives of this work.

Main Topic: “Healthy food for young people” - Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, improving your outlook, and stabilising your mood.We all know that eating right can help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain health problems, but your diet can also have a profound effect on your mood and sense of wellbeing.


First prize: €250 (Winning Team)

All the participants will receive a certificate.


  • The application mentioning the name of the school, the teacher in charge, the subject, where this project is going to take place, and the details of the contact person should be sent to the chair of the Marketing Communications Committee under the SPACE network - .
  • Participants are expected to cover their flight and accommodation expenses.
  • Participant schools should pay €150 to cover food expenses.
  • Expenses exceeding this amount will be covered by the host organization and SPACE network.
  • The jury is composed of one member of each partner school, an external consultant and the coach of the project.
  • Cheap apartments can be found in or
  • The deadline to apply for participation is 30 June, 2015.

Forinquiries, please contact

Susana Pinto:

SPACE Marketing Communications Committee