Color In Fashion

Color / Meaning / Fashion Situation
/ Passion, attention, and love, and the most emotionally intense color. Regarded as a sexy colorbut also makes the wearer look heavier and is an appetite stimulant / Avoid red when carrying out negotiations, as it may work against you.
/ Very gentle and calming color that stimulates feelings of innocent romance.
Pale pink draws energy and relaxes making its wearers more approachable / A wonderful color to wear on a date!
/ Absorbs light and is hands-down the most stylish and timeless color in the world of fashion.
Black makes people look thinner. Color of authority and power.
Very elegant color / For business attire black is less common (besides on shoes and belt).
For formal attire on the other hand black is the only choice on tuxedo andbowties.
/ A color rarely found in nature.
Very spiritual and powerful color. Traditionally represented luxury, royalty, wealth and sophistication; purple is a color of power also has a feminine and romantic appeal, especially lighter shades. / In France purple is commonly worn at funerals.
/ Trust and peace.
It is also associated with loving, high regard, knowledge, social status, goodhealth, happiness, and integrity.
Blue is one of the most popular colorto the forever fashionableblue jeans. / Wearing blue tojob interviews shown to symbolize loyalty.
Light blue is a great color for the spring and summer.
/ Less aggressive and more soothing.
A fantastic way to command attention.
“The Happy Color”
It also resembles success, courage, adventure, warmth, and enthusiasm. / Avoid orange on formal occasions.
Avoid wearing orange balloon dresses or else you will look like a human pumpkin.
/ Very playful color that often times is associated with anxiety, alertness, optimism, and confidence.
Most difficult color for the eye to process, yellow can be overpowering.
It is also believed that yellow may speed up your metabolism! / Yellow is good to wear in summer together with the pink and light blue Avoid yellow dressesfor prom and weddings.
/ A calming and refreshing color, green represents nature.
Green is easy on the eye, and studies suggest that it may even improve vision!
The color ofmoney, dark green is masculine, and suggests wealth. / Medieval brides wore green to symbolize fertility and fruitfulness.
/ An earthy color that is abundant in nature, which makes it perfect for safari styles.
Shades of brown symbolize reliability and structure. / It’s an ideal shade to wear in the office.
Dark browns are especially well suited for the fall and winter, while lighter browns, such as tan and beige are great suit colors for the spring.
/ The color or virtue and purity.
It’s a calm and refreshing color and does reflect sunlight / White can be good for outings but the disadvantage of color white is that it can easily get stain.
/ A romantic and imaginative color. / It is a popular color for wedding in the spring and summer.
/ Color of prestige and luxury.
It also stands for wisdom and illumination / Gold is good for parties and attracts attention for it symbolizes luxury.
Silver / A very elegant color that is prestigious but also much colder than gold. / Silver is always present in formal occasions.