Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Grant Call 2007


The Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC) is announcing its third grant call for collaborative research proposals. The theme for the Third SBIC Grant Call is "The Applications of Novel Technologies and Imaging Modalities in Medical and Biological Imaging".


  • The grant call is funded by BMRC and SERC.
  • The average funding per grant is about S$0.5M up to a maximum limit of S$1M.
  • Grant period is usually three (3) years contingent upon satisfactory progress as assessed during annual reviews.
  • The total available funding will be S$3M.


Researchers from ALL institutions including restructured hospitals, national centres, research institutes, local universities and A*STAR are eligible to apply for Collaborative Grants.

There shall be only one (1) Network Director for each Collaborative Grant application. In the context of collaborative research the Network Director is a Principal Investigator who coordinates team effort and manages the grant award. The research must be conducted in Singapore. Collaborative grants should have at least one (1) PI from the physical sciences and one (1) PI from the biological field. Collaboration between external and A*STAR researchers is strongly encouraged and applications involving such arrangements for collaboration would generally be given preference over those without such efforts. For applications whereby the Network Director is from an A*STAR research institute (RI), justification from the Executive Director of the Institute will be required on why the proposed research could not be covered by the RI’s own budget and what the RI is planning to contribute towards the proposed research.

Through the above theme the Third SBIC Grant Call would seek to encourage collaboration between researchers in the physical and biological sciences.

Inter-institutional collaborations would be preferred over intra-institutional collaborations.


Download Collaborative Grant (outline proposal) Application

An original application (hard copy) endorsed by the Host Institution and a soft copy (Word format) must be submitted to SBIC (Attention: Ms Jessica Lim) through the Host Institution’s research office.

/ Submit hard copy to:
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC)
11 Biopolis Way, Helios, #02-02
Singapore 138667
Tel: 64788732 Fax: 64789957
Submit soft copy to:


All outline proposals for Collaborative Grants must reach SBIC by 12 September 2007, 5.00pm.

Kindly state as the email subject/on your hardcopy application envelope, that you are applying to the "Third SBIC Grant Call".

PI’s of short-listed outline proposals will be informed by mid October 2007 to submit their full proposal. All full proposals will have to reach SBIC by 15 November 2007.

Applications will be peer-reviewed and the outcome will be announced by January 2008.