Social Justice Committee Meeting Minutes
March 25, 2004
I. Call to order -
A. The meeting was called to order at 8:15am by James.
II. Minutes/Attendance -
A. Raza motioned for the approval of minutes. James seconded the motion.
B. Those in attendance – Angela, Sheridy, Janet, Jasdeep, Raza, Vivian, Maria, Delia, Jennifer, Arlene, James, Veronica, Olivia, Monica Clara, Sarah G.
III. Results of Elections -
A. Arlene distributed an updated copy of all newly elected members and volunteers.
IV. Budget and Narrative for Committee on Budgets
A. The committee suggested cutting down transportation and accommodation costs for the proposed Social Justice retreat budget by one half. This would be achieved by decreasing the number of proposed participants from 40 to 20 and by taking rental vans instead of a chartered bus.
B. Maria motioned for approval of the budget. Raza seconded the motion.
V. Calendar -
A. Clear the Shelves,
i. Raza gave the committee an update. Bins for food and clothing should be out within the next 2 weeks and posters advertising the event have been sent out.
B. Buzzwords
i. James reported that there was strong support from the House Committee for a Social Justice Buzzwords. The committee would like to hold an event there before the school term ends.
VI. Peace Week and Social Justice Fair
- Sarah and Veronica will be the Social Justice Representatives at the Peace Week meetings
- What left is to decide how the Social Justice Committee will be involved (ie. what they want us to do)
VII Sudan Film Support -
A.The committee discussed possible ways to help out. Ideas proposed included a film screening at Hart House and helping with publicity. It was also suggested that the film screening could be combined with Peace Week.
VIII Wrap Up – What have we accomplished so far?
A. James summarized all the events that the Social Justice Committee participated in this year. This included group building, the Social Justice Fair, Community Kitchens, $5 Lunches, the Social Justice Website, Networking Breakfasts, Delectable Divas, Creative Sustainability, Clear the Shelves and Buzzwords.
IX Wardens Club and Committee Mixer – April 27, 5-7
X. – Social Justice Potluck at Jen’s
A. Jen will send out an email to everyone regarding a date.
XI. Social Justice Retreat
A. A proposal will be put forth to the committee at an upcoming meeting
X. Other Business
A. None.
XIII. Next Meeting – April 14th at 8am
XIV. Adjournment
A. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15am.