Cereal Project: The Fiber-Sugar Experiment
Your mission: Test the hypothesis that cereals that are high in fiber have less sugar than low fiber cereals.
Your purpose: To examine data so you can make healthy, informed breakfast choices.
Your method:
1. Find at least five boxes of cereal and record the amount of fiber and sugar per serving. Also record the first three ingredients.
a. Be sure to record the specific type of cereal. Honey Nut Cheerios has different nutrition facts than Multigrain Cheerios.
2. Graph your data on fiber and sugar per serving using excel, or a similar program.
a. Print your graph and make sure it is labeled and colored.
b. Detailed directions for using excel are found in this packet.
3. Explain and analyze your results using your graph, as well as your lists of ingredients.
a. Introduction Paragraph
i. State the purpose, the hypothesis, state whether you proved or disproved the hypothesis.
b. Body
i. Summarize your data
ii. Explain your method (where did you get your data?)
iii. Whether you proved or disproved the hypothesis
iv. Take an educated guess about why you got your result.
1. Be sure to discuss the ingredients!
v. Give advice or information for others who are planning their breakfasts
c. Conclusion
i. Wrap it all up, summarizing your body paragraph(s).
4. Turn in your graph, your write up, and the rubric found on the last page of this packet.
a. Due by ______
How to graph your data in Microsoft excel:
Note: If you have access to other graphing software, you may use it instead.
1. Sign in to your Office365 account.
a. On the PASD website, find Students and then Student Resources to find the log-in link.
b. Select excel from the app choices.
c. You may stay in the online version, or open a document for the following steps.
2. Once excel is open, enter your data.
a. Start by entering your cereal types. Your first cereal should be in cell A2, your second in A3, your third in A4, and so on.
b. In the second column, second row (cell B1), type the word fiber. Right next to that (cell C1), type the word sugar.
c. Then enter your data.
3. Graph your data.
a. Highlight all the data you entered, including the cereal names and “fiber” and “sugar”.
b. In the toolbar at the top the screen, select “Insert” and go to charts. Click on “column” and then “2 D clustered column.”
i. A graph should appear in the center of your screen.
c. Add a title to your graph. When the graph is selected, the toolbar above will display Chart Tools. Click on “Chart Title” and select one of the options. Name your graph.
4. Print your graph. To print, make sure your graph is selected (click on it.). If working on the browser version, you will see a pop-up. Select “current selection.” If working on an installed version, make sure in settings it says “Print selected chart.” Then click the print button. If you can, print in color. If you cannot print in color, use crayon or colored pencil to color the bars after you print.
Browser view installed view
Optional: Use this chart to record your research. Note that you DO NOT need to hand in your raw data; you only need to hand in the graph and reflection.
Cereal Name / Grams of sugar per serving / Grams of fiber per serving / 1st Three Ingredients1.
Name ______Section ______
Rubric for Cereal Project: the Fiber-Sugar Experiment
Graph Includes:
ð Created on computer, printed, and turned in ______/10
ð Fiber column and sugar column for each cereal ______/10
ð Bars colored ______/5
ð Bars labeled ______/5
ð Graph titled ______/5
Written Analysis Includes:
ð Introduction Paragraph ______/7
ð Summary of data (fiber, sugar, and ingredients) ______/6
ð Explanation of method ______/5
ð Whether hypothesis was proved or disproved ______/10
ð An educated guess about why you found your result ______/10
o Includes discussion of ingredients
ð Advice for breakfast eaters ______/10
ð Conclusion Paragraph ______/7
Turned in on time ______/5
Rubric included ______/5
Total Score ______/100
Suggested Timeline:
Gather your data by ______
Create your graph and print it by ______
Write your analysis by ______
Turn in graph, analysis, and rubric on ______