Applications are now being accepted for the PC3 Foundation Student Scholarship. Four $1000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors in 2009 whose school districts are members of the Pierce County Careers Connection Partnership. These annual scholarships are intended to provide financial assistance to high school seniors planning to pursue postsecondary education/training at a Washington State supported college in Pierce County whose contributions support the strategic goals of the Pierce County Careers Connections. These Post-Secondary Colleges include Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Pierce Colleges, Central Washington University, Tacoma Community College, and the UW Tacoma. Applicants must provide evidence of participation in Career and Technical Education Programs plus successful completion of Tech Prep Dual Credit College opportunities. A plan to transfer a secondary Program of Study into the same or similar Pathway Program of post secondary education with a commitment to complete a long term certificate or degree is required.


·  Must be current high school senior, graduating with class of 2009.

·  Must have earned Tech Prep credit in an approved Career and Technical Education course offered at the high school. Note: students may be currently enrolled in a second semester course.

·  Must have received a 'B' or better grade in their high school Career & Technical Education Courses. Teacher may provide grade verification if student is currently enrolled.

·  Must identify their Program of Study that supports their transfer to the same or similar Pathway Program of Study at their selected Post-secondary institution in the Pierce County Careers Connection Partnership (i.e. Arts & Communication, Business & Marketing, Engineering & Technology, Human & Human Services, Science & Natural Resources.)

·  Students must be planning to enter College Summer or Fall quarter 2009.

·  Students must be able to document their occupational goals through their Culminating Project, High School Portfolio or their High School’s customized High School and Beyond Plan.

·  The scholarship will be paid directly to the accredited college where the student is registered. Funds may be used by the student at any time during the year for books, special program fees or tuition expenses.

·  Scholarships must be used between July 2009 & June 2010 or funds will be forfeited.


1.  Parts 1-3 of the application are to be completed by student: Personal Data, Education/Occupational Goals, & Personal Statement. All materials must be typed/word processed.

2.  Part 4 is to be written by a high school teacher, Counselor, Career Center Coordinator, Career & Technical Education teacher or administrator. Include one letter of endorsement from a high school Career & Technical Education teacher who was the instructor for your Tech Prep Dual Credit Course(s) nominating the student for this award. Use the form included with the scholarship materials – follow instructions provided on the form.

3.  Attach the following to the completed application:

a.  Copy of high school transcript: highlight the Tech Prep course(s) taken, classes within your Program of Study you plan to link to your post secondary Pathway Program of Study and grade(s) received.

b.  Copy of your college transcript with Tech Prep courses highlighted (May be your unofficial copy you can retrieve from the PC3 website or an official one from the college granting your credit(s).

c.  Evidence of the commitment to your goals, i.e. Culminating Project, Beyond High School Plan, whatever is required for evidence of your post secondary plan by your High School.

d.  Resume is highly recommended.

4. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application must be received by the PC3 Foundation Office by 5:00PM, March 10, 2009.

Mail completed application to:

PC3 Foundation

1551 Broadway, Suite 400

Tacoma, WA 98984021