SCPS Syllabus Instructions
How to Create Your Class Syllabus & Class Overview
1. If you haven't already done so, download the Syllabus/Class Overview Template.
2. Fill in all of the components and save this completed, full syllabus document as "Your Course Subject.Number.Semester.Year.Syllabus".
For example: ACCT.4020.Summer.2015.Syllabus
3. Copy the top half of your syllabus (identified in the template as General Class Information) and paste it into a new Word document.
4. Save this new Word document as "Your Course Subject.Number.Semester.Year.Class Overview".
For example: ACCT.4020.Summer.2015.Class Overview
How to Upload Your Class Syllabus & Class Overview to UVa Collab
1. In your new UVa Collab site, click on the Syllabus link in the left menu.
2. Click the Edit button located directly beneath the title of your class.
3. On the next screen, click on the pencil iconlocated to the right of Class Syllabus.
4. On the next page, scroll down to Attachments and click Add Attachments. (Note: To avoid formatting issues, do not copy and paste your syllabus into the text editor box. Just attach either as a Word document or PDF.)
5. At the top of the next page and to the right of Upload local file, click on the Choose File button. Locate the correct file on your computer and click Open (PC) or Choose (Mac). Once it has finished uploading, the file that you selected will appear at the top of the screen under Items to attach. Click Continue.
6. On the next screen, scroll to the bottom and you will see the file that you have just uploaded. If you do not see your file, repeat Steps 4-5. If you do see your file, click the Post button.
7. To post your Class Overview, repeat Steps 2-6. However, on Step 3, click on the pencil iconlocated to the right of Class Overview for SIS.
8. Your Class Syllabus and Course Overview should now appear in UVa Collab for your students to download and view. In addition, the information contained in your Class Overview will be viewable in the Student Information System (SIS) within 24 hours.
9. To confirm that you have correctly posted your Class Syllabus and Class Overview, make sure that the light bulb iconnext to each item is yellow. Click once on this icon to change it from gray to yellow.
10. If you are unable to see your Class Syllabus or Class Overview, you may need to expand the menu by clicking on either of the two arrow icons:or.
August 2015