The Friday program begins at 8:30 am
Hunger in CT
Connecticut is the wealthiest state in the nation; there should be no hunger. Yet, every day
some Connecticut residents wonder where their next meal will come from. Without food, a
family cannot function, a child cannot learn and an adult cannot work. None will be healthy. Good nutrition, and regular meals, put a family, a child, a working person on the road to self-sufficiency.
Presenters: Representatives of End Hunger CT! and CT No Kid Hungry Campaign
Are you leaving $$ on the Table? Utilizing USDA food dollars effectively for your district
The USDA Foods Program, formerly known as commodities, has changed dramatically. There is no reason to be leaving any dollars on the table! Learn the basics of the USDA Foods Program, the numerous options available to school food authorities in Connecticut and find ways to improve your offerings – and your bottom line.
Presenter: Cliff Meyers, Vice President of Business Development, K12 Services .
K12 Services is a consulting and data management firm specializing in the administration of the USDA donated food program.
Keeping your eyes on your Dollars
Security and fraud control are hidden but crucial components of any business. Professionals share their experiences and best practices.
Being Successful on the ever changing Administrative Review
The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 made many changes to Child Nutrition Programs – as they did to the Administrative Review. Just as each of us are refining our programs, USDA continues to refine the requirements of the review. Learn from State Agency representatives expectations and best practices to ensure compliance.
Presenters: Teri Dandeneau, MSRD and Fionnuala Brown, Connecticut State Department of Education, Child Nutrition Programs
SNACT 66th Annual Industry Show - 1:00-4:30pm
FREE to all SNACT members whether the are attending the conference or not!
Does not include the HighRoller event.
Highroller event event begins at 6:30pm.
HighRoller admission is included with your Friday or Saturday Conference Registration
Friday CEU: up to 5.75
Saturday-Director and Business Manager Track
Continental Breakfast and Registration 7:00-8:45
Saturday Sessions begin at 8:45am
Building and Monitoring Your Budget
Each district has unique programs and needs. Learn to create a budget that meets your district's individual needs and how to benchmark with others and evaluate performance data, such and food cost to ensure sound business decisions are made.
Panelists: Madeleine DIker, Food Service DIrector and Vincent J. Masciana, Director of Management Services Cheshire Public Schools
Margaret Dreher, Director of Nutrition Services Avon, Region 10 and Canton and Susan Laone, Director of Finance and Operations for Regional School District #10
Keeping your Food Budget on Target! Help us Help You!
Approximately 40-50% of your budget is spent on food. Are you getting the most "bang for your buck"? Learn from the experts – manufacturers, food brokers and distributors – in this interactive session to define and determine ethical and effective practices and how to maximize cost savings for your district.
Yolanda (Lonnie) Burt, MS, RD – Senior Director of Food and Child Nutrition Services, Hartford Public Schools and 2015- 2016 SNACT President
David Nichols, Owner, Food for Thought Brokerage and SNACT Industry Council Chairperson
Communications, Marketing and Social Media
Today's technologically savvy students and families expect it. School Food Authorities need to provide improved communication and implement the use of social media. Learn how to effectively use social media and "change the conversation" around school meals and portray a professional and positive of your district and your department.
Amanda Mueller, Senior Vice President, Cashman + Katz Integrated Communications
Components, Compliance and Cash: The Benefits of Making Yours a Smarter Lunchroom
In 2010, the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs (the B.E.N. Center) was formed, as an experimental think tank devoted to child health, school environments and the behavioral sciences (psychology, behavioral economics and business). The BEN Center has driven the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement into schools across the country and is now a required component of the Healthier US Schools Challenge (HUSSC).
Smarter Lunchrooms demonstrate core values including:
●Low cost/No-Cost Solutions
●Lunchroom Environment Focus
●Promotion of healthful eating behaviors, potentially reducing costs
Learn best practices to make your lunchroom smarter and be ready to apply for your first (or next) HUSSC Award in this interactive session.
Christine Wallace
Saturday -Manager and SN Staff Track
Continental Breakfast and Registration 7:00-8:45
Saturday Sessions begin at 8:45am
What to expect in an Administrative Review?
You and your co-workers at the school level are a critical component of your district's review. Find out what reviewers are focusing on at the site level and how to ensure you and your peers are in compliance.
Presenters: CSDE
Keeping your Food Budget on Target! Help us Help You! (joint session)
What's for Breakfast and Lunch?
The latest guidance from USDA, published in July 2015 ,on the Final Rule for " Nutrition Standards for the School Breakfast and National School Lunch Program" is 59 pages long! Become an expert in providing appealing, high quality and nutritious meals in compliance with USDA Regulations.
Presenters: CSDE
Production Records
If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen. Now that you understand the meal patterns and required components, be sure your documentation (production records) is in compliance with USDA regulations. Learn how to improve your districts compliance and ensure success in this area on the Administrative Review.
Peer Solutions: Sharing Best Practices and Secrets to Success
Saturday CEUs: 6
Please note: Presenters, session topics and CEUs are subject to change