Missouri Library Association Board

July 25, 2014


Meeting began at 10:30 a.m. with roll call and introductions:

Columbia: Sharla Lair, Cindy Dudenhoffer, Lauren Williams, Angela Scott, Rachel Brekhaus, Jack Beard (Casey & Co.)

Kirkwood: Gerald Brooks, Christina Prucha, Jodie Borgerding, Jane Theissen, Tracy Byerly, Keith Gaertner, Linda Elkow

Mid-Continent: Cindy Stewart-Grant, Stacy Hisle-Chaudri

Kansas City: Seth Hershberger, Eric Petersen

Springfield: Regina Cooper, Jim Schmidt

Warrensburg: Alice Ruleman

Approval of Minutes from – one correction: Report from Conference Committee Discussion: year should be 2014 not 2004. With correction, Regina Motioned to approve; Jane seconded. Approval was unanimous.

2013 Financial Review, presented by Jack Beard of Casey & Co.

Jack walked us through the report page by page. Everything appears in good order.

Reports from Executive Board

President: Gerald Brooks

  • Discussion Item: Supreme Court Committee Request

Gerald received letter from group assigned by Missouri Supreme Court to provide pro bono legal work for Missouri citizens requesting permission to send their newsletter to MLA institutional members. After discussion, it was agreed that Gerald will double check with them to make sure that institutional members is what they are looking for before saying yes. Christina suggested the send the newsletter to Amigos who can then send to institutional members. Everyone agreed that was a good idea.

  • Discussion item: American Civil Liberties Union Request

The American Civil Liberties Union has asked MLA to back ACLU on Amendment 9. Gerald talked with Pam Klipsch who encouraged us to back them. The amendment will secure electronic communication from search and seizure. Rachel noted that there seemed to be bi-partisan support for this amendment. Questions: 1) Have we ever done anything like this before? Not for something unrelated to libraries. 2) Are we sure we want to go down this road? Sharla requested time to read the amendment before deciding. Gerald will send it to the Executive Board for further discussion by Wednesday, July 30th, and then we will vote. This is a time sensitive issue as elections are August 5.

  • Action Item: Management Services Contract for 2015

Contract presented does not include joint conference services. Tracy asked if we wanted a renewal clause included and requested decision by September 15. Sharla requested an itemized list of what is covered and also time to review. It was agreed that Sharla, Gerald, Christina and Seth will meet separately to discuss and will make decision by September 1.

President-Elect: Christina Prucha

  • National Legislative Day

Christina presented her report, expressing her enthusiasm for the event and noted that we need to encourage more academic librarians to attend.

  • MLA brochure has been updated and is ready to send out; however, the list of Missouri libraries is badly in need of update. She asked the Members at Large to help with this project and all are on board. Christina will divide up the list and send it out.
  • MLA Retreat will be held Tuesday, October 7 from 12-4 p.m. in the Columbia Public Library Meeting Room for the Board. Board Dinner and Meeting follow at 6 p.m.

Treasurer: Sharla Lair

  • Sharla moved to approve MLA Review; Regina seconded. All approved.
  • Sharla moved to approve 990 Tax Return, Seth seconded, All approved.
  • Do we need expense form for travel reimbursed by MLA? Everyone agreed that we do. Sharla and Keith will develop a form to be reviewed at the next meeting.
  • Sharla moved to approve April, May, June Financials; no second was needed. All approve.
  • Sharla wanted to add that Keith has been wonderfully helpful during the tax process. He and Linda were both very quick to reply to questions. Thank you AMIGOS!!

Secretary: Jane Theissen – no report

Member-at-Large: Cindy Dudenhoeffer

  • Cindy worked with the Webpage Committee to update the generic e-mail addresses being used for molib.org

Member-at-Large: Seth Hershberger

  • Discussion item: Partnering with Everylibrary PAC or organize an Everylibrary Missouri chapter.

If we started a Missouri chapter the Board would include one MLA Board member, two Everylibrary National Board members and one-two Members at Large. There is no guarantee that all money raised in Missouri would be spent in Missouri. Everylibrary National is willing to invest in Missouri to get us started including a website and social networking to help raise money.

Member-at-Large: Jodie Borgerding

Member-at-Large: Cindy Stewart-Grant

ALA Councilor: Regina Cooper

Reports from Committees

2014 Conference: Lauren Williams & Angela Scott, Co-Chairs

2015 Conference: Dan Brower

Awards: Diane Hunter, Chair

Action Item: Handbook Revision brought by Bylaws & Handbook Committee chair

Alice Ruleman for approval

Budget & Finance: Sharla Lair, Chair

Bylaws & Handbook: Alice Ruleman, Chair

Action Item: Change to Bylaws

Intellectual Freedom: Rob Hallis, Chair

Legislative: Jim Schmidt, Chair

Membership: Sharon McCaslin, Chair

Nominating: Carol Smith, Chair

Media and Publications, Anna Strackeljahn, Chair

Community of Interest Council: Betty Martin, Chair

MACRL: Susan Kromrie

Public Library Community of Interest

RGICI Tiffany Davis

Other Reports

Archivist: Stacy Hisle-Chaudri

Webmaster: Rachel Brekhus

Management Service (Amigos): Keith Gaertner

Unfinished Business

New Business

Comments from Guests

