Nanotechnology and Innovations in the Medical Field:

Applying the Precautionary Principle to Smart Drugs


The concept of nanotechnology is associated with the manipulation of matter at the scale of atoms and molecules. The potential medical applications of nanotechnology are significant, with human-engineered devices interacting with biological processes in sophisticated ways. An example of such an application would be the creation of a "smart drug," a nano-scale device designed to perform a particular medical task. Examples of such tasks range from destroying cancer cells and cleaning out clogged arteries to constructing needed proteins or mimicking anti-bodies.

Although this technology promises to deliver numerous benefits to society, there are also concerns associated with manipulating living material at this scale. The concerns include:

• Environmental contamination. Smart drugs and other nano-devices used in medical applications could contaminate the environment after being expelled from the body.

• Mutation. Smart drugs or other nano-devices capable of manipulating organic molecules could interact with cellular activity in unexpected ways.

• Runaway condition. A smart drug or nano-device capable of replicating itself could result in a runaway condition.

• Weapons. This technology has the potential to be used as a weapon that would be difficult to control.

Clearly, the technology is in its infancy. The applications referred to above--and the concerns that come with them--are years away. However, successful innovations can diffuse rapidly, and addressing concerns after a technology takes root in a society is difficult. As a result, the federal government is encouraging researchers and engineers to identify and seriously discuss potential concerns as they proceed in developing the science and technology associated with nano-scale devices.

Here, you are being asked to apply an ethical guideline known as the "precautionary principle" to generate a set of policy recommendations for the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF provides research funds to scientists and engineers. This case example is more open-ended than those that focus on decisions leading to specific design failures, but the concern it addresses is just as real.


1.  Read the synopsis as a group and discuss the following questions before performing any additional research.

• Chemical engineers have been manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular level for years. For example, even the simplest chemical reaction involves changes at the atomic and molecular level. In what way is nanotechnology new and different?

• Advances in genetic engineering already allow firms to manipulate organisms in complex ways. Is there anything about nano-scale devices and their potential interactions with cells that raise different concerns?

• Organic cells can already reproduce themselves and mutate. Is there anything that makes nano-scale devices with an ability to create new proteins or other material more dangerous?

• Our society already has lots of testing procedures that firms must perform before they receive approval to release a new drug. Would these existing regulations be sufficient for smart drugs? Why or why not?

2. Perform the research necessary to get more information about nanotechnology, smart drugs, medical ethics, and the ethical guideline known as the "precautionary principle."

3. Write a two-page report that applies the precautionary principle to the development of this technology. Your report should:

• Evaluate the state of the art in nanotechnology and the potential for significant innovations to occur in the medical field.

• Evaluate the concerns associated with this technology by comparing it with the concerns of similar technologies.

• Define what is meant by the precautionary principle.

• Generate specific guidelines based on the precautionary principle and your evaluation of the technology.

4. Your report should document your sources.

5. Prepare an eight-minute presentation for the class. This should include a two-minute question and answer session. Your presentation needs to include:

• Title and Introduction slides.

• Synopis of the issue, including a brief description of nanotechnology, its potential medical applications, and the concerns associated with those applications.

• A definition of the precautionary principle.

• Recommendations based on your applications of the precautionary principle.

6. Be prepared to answer pointed questions from the audience that challenge the recommendations you make.


1. Some useful books on nanotechnology are: Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner, Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea (Prentice Hall, 2003); B. C. Crandall, ed., Nanotechnology: Molecular Speculations on Global Abundance (MIT Press, 1996); David E. Newton, Recent Advances in Molecular Nanotechnology (Greenwood Press, 2002); Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001).

2. A book that explores ethical concerns associated with technological advances in the medical field is Gregory E. Pence. Re-creating Medicine: Ethical Issues at the Frontier of Medicine (Rowman and Littlefield, 2000). The following article discusses the risk of nanotechnology: "Point of Impact--Chemist Vicki Colvin on the Safety of Nanotechnology," in Technology Review 106, no. 3 (2003): 71-74. A good general survey with articles on many aspects of engineering and ethics is Joseph R. Herkert, ed., Social, Ethical, and Policy Implications of Engineering: Selected Readings Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2000).

3. Numerous websites discuss the precautionary principle. However, many define the concept in slightly different ways. Be sure to examine several discussions of the precautionary principle.

4. Your recommendations should be designed to guide program officers at NSF in their decisions involving the development of nano-devices in the medical field. (Are people getting excited about nothing or do serious concerns exist? If the latter, what guidelines should the NSF use in shaping the development of the field through its funding decisions?)

An Introduction to Nanotechnology



Proceedings of a Conference held at the National Science Foundation, March 2001, pp. 1-10. ( )


A revolution is occurring in science and technology, based on the recently developed

ability to measure, manipulate and organize matter on the nanoscale — 1 to 100

billionths of a meter. At the nanoscale, physics, chemistry, biology, materials science,

and engineering converge toward the same principles and tools. As a result, progress in

nanoscience will have very far-reaching impact.

The nanoscale is not just another step toward miniaturization, but a qualitatively new

scale. The new behavior is dominated by quantum mechanics, material confinement in

small structures, large interfacial volume fraction, and other unique properties,

phenomena and processes. Many current theories of matter at the microscale have

critical lengths of nanometer dimensions. These theories will be inadequate to describe

the new phenomena at the nanoscale.

As knowledge in nanoscience increases worldwide, there will likely be fundamental

scientific advances. In turn, this will lead to dramatic changes in the ways materials,

devices, and systems are understood and created. Innovative nanoscale properties and

functions will be achieved through the control of matter at its building blocks: atom-by- atom, molecule-by-molecule, and nanostructure-by-nanostructure. Nanotechnology will

include the integration of these nanoscale structures into larger material components,

systems, and architectures. However, within these larger scale systems the control and

construction will remain at the nanoscale.

Today, nanotechnology is still in its infancy, because only rudimentary nanostructures

can be created with some control. However, among the envisioned breakthroughs are

orders-of-magnitude increases in computer efficiency, human organ restoration using

engineered tissue, “designer” materials created from directed assembly of atoms and

molecules, as well as emergence of entirely new phenomena in chemistry and physics.

Nanotechnology has captured the imaginations of scientists, engineers and economists

not only because of the explosion of discoveries at the nanoscale, but also because of the

potential societal implications. A White House letter (from the Office of Science and

Technology Policy and Office of Management and Budget) sent in the fall of 2000 to all

Federal agencies has placed nanotechnology at the top of the list of emerging fields of

research and development in the United States. The National Nanotechnology Initiative

was approved by Congress in November 2000, providing a total of $422 million spread

over six departments and agencies.

Nanotechnology’s relevance is underlined by the importance of controlling matter at the

nanoscale for healthcare, the environment, sustainability, and almost every industry.

There is little doubt that the broader implications of this nanoscience and nanotechnology

revolution for society at large will be profound.

National Nanotechnology Initiative

The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI, is a multi-agency effort

within the U.S. Government that supports a broad program of Federal nanoscale research

Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


in materials, physics, chemistry, and biology. It explicitly seeks to create opportunities

for interdisciplinary work integrating these traditional disciplines. The NNI will

accelerate the pace of fundamental research in nanoscale science and engineering,

creating the knowledge needed to enable technological innovation, training the workforce

needed to exploit that knowledge, and providing the manufacturing science base needed

for future commercial production. Potential breakthroughs are possible in areas such as

materials and manufacturing, medicine and healthcare, environment and energy,

biotechnology and agriculture, electronics and information technology, and national

security. The effect of nanotechnology on the health, wealth, and standard of living for

people in this century could be at least as significant as the combined influences of

microelectronics, medical imaging, computer-aided engineering, and man-made polymers

developed in the past century.

The NNI is balanced across five broad activities: fundamental research; grand challenges;

centers and networks of excellence; research infrastructure; and societal/workforce

implications. Under this last activity, nanotechnology’s effect on society – legal, ethical,

social, economic, and workforce preparation – will be studied to help identify potential

concerns and ways to address them. As the NNI is commencing, there is a rare

opportunity to integrate the societal studies and dialogues from the very beginning and to

include societal studies as a core part of the NNI investment strategy.

NSET Workshop on “Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”

Research on societal implications will boost the NNI’s success and help us to take

advantage of the new technology sooner, better, and with greater confidence. Toward

this end, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Committee on

Technology (CT), Subcommittee on Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology

(NSET) ¾ the Federal interagency group that coordinates the NNI ¾ sponsored a

workshop on “Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.” Held

September 28-29, 2000 at the National Science Foundation, this workshop brought

together nanotechnology researchers, social scientists, and policy makers representing

academia, government, and the private sector. It had four principal objectives:

· Survey current studies on the societal implications of nanotechnology (educational,

technological, economic, medical, environmental, ethical, legal, cultural, etc.).

· Identify investigative and assessment methods for future studies of societal


· Propose a vision and alternative pathways toward that vision integrating short-term (3

to 5 year), medium-term (5 to 20 year), and long-term (more than 20 year)


· Recommend areas for research investment and education improvement.

This report addresses issues far broader than science and engineering, such as how

nanotechnology will change society and the measures to be taken to prepare for these

Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


transformations. The conclusions and recommendations in this report will provide a basis

for the NNI participants and the public to address future societal implications issues.

Chapters 2 through 5 of this report present the conclusions and recommendations that

arose from the workshop. The participants’ statements on societal implications are in

Chapter 6, and a list of participants and contributors is in Appendix A. Selected

endorsements of the NNI are provided as a reference (Appendix B).


Nanoscale science and engineering will lead to better understanding of nature; advances

in fundamental research and education; and significant changes in industrial

manufacturing, the economy, healthcare, and environmental management and

sustainability. Examples of the promise of nanotechnology, with projected total

worldwide market size of over $1 trillion annually in 10 to 15 years, include the


Manufacturing: The nanometer scale is expected to become a highly efficient length

scale for manufacturing once nanoscience provides the understanding and

nanoengineering develops the tools. Materials with high performance, unique

properties and functions will be produced that traditional chemistry could not create.

Nanostructured materials and processes are estimated to increase their market impact

to about $340 billion per year in the next 10 years (Hitachi Research Institute,

personal communication, 2001).

Electronics: Nanotechnology is projected to yield annual production of about $300

billion for the semiconductor industry and about the same amount more for global

integrated circuits sales within 10 to 15 years (see R. Doering, page 74-75 of this


Improved Healthcare: Nanotechnology will help prolong life, improve its quality, and

extend human physical capabilities.

Pharmaceuticals: About half of all production will be dependent on nanotechnology

— affecting over $180 billion per year in 10 to 15 years (E. Cooper,

Elan/Nanosystems, personal communication, 2000).

Chemical Plants: Nanostructured catalysts have applications in the petroleum and

chemical processing industries, with an estimated annual impact of $100 billion in 10

to 15 years (assuming a historical rate of increase of about 10% from $30 billion in

1999; “NNI: The Initiative and Its Implementation Plan,” page 84).

Transportation: Nanomaterials and nanoelectronics will yield lighter, faster, and safer

vehicles and more durable, reliable, and cost-effective roads, bridges, runways,

pipelines, and rail systems. Nanotechnology-enabled aerospace products alone are

projected to have an annual market value of about $70 billion in ten years (Hitachi

Research Institute, personal communication, 2001).

Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Sustainability: Nanotechnology will improve agricultural yields for an increased

population, provide more economical water filtration and desalination, and enable

renewable energy sources such as highly efficient solar energy conversion; it will