CCAC Highlights

December 2016

CTC Meeting Highlights


Chair’s Report:

Chair Linda Darling-Hammond provided a report on the annual performance evaluation of Executive Director, Mary Sandy. The 2016 performance evaluation of Dr. Sandy yielded a positive assessment of her leadership. Dr. Sandy’s greatest strengths were identified in the areas of program management and vision, mission and strategy.

Executive Director’s Report:

Executive Director, Mary Sandy highlighted some of the work and policy changes implemented this year.

·  Adopted a new accreditation framework

·  Adopted new standards for preparation of Induction for teachers and administrators

·  Adopted and revised the new performance assessment for teachers and administrators

·  Developed and implemented the TPSL

·  Provided funding to the field to support the development and recruitment of teachers

·  Revised the California Teaching Performance Assessment and built a new administer assessment

·  Changed regulations to remove barriers for new teachers

·  Provided technical assistance to the field

·  Created Dashboards to provide data

·  Continued work on early childhood education including new standards in development

·  Continued review of special education


2016-17 State Funded Grant Programs: Announcement of Awards

Michele Perrault, Director, Administrative Services Division presented an update on the process of funding the three 2016-17 state grant programs and announced the grant recipients.

A list of the grant recipients can be found in the agenda.

For complete agenda item see:

Action Item

Proposed Revision of the Enrollment Requirement for the Clear Administrative Services Credential Standards

Gay Roby, Consultant, Professional Services Division provided information on the current waiver of the 120-day enrollment requirement contained in the Clear Administrative Services Standards and proposes revisions to the provision.

Given the issues raised by programs and candidates, staff recommends the following:

1)  The Commission consider revising the language of Program Standard 1 to read as follows:

California’s Administrator Induction is an individualized, job embedded, two-year program, with enrollment in a program expected upon placement in an administrative position, but no later than one year from activation of the preliminary credential.

2)  Implement the new enrollment requirement on January 1, 2017. Administrators employed prior to that date will need to clear their credential within the life of their preliminary credential, usually a five-year period, with no enrollment requirement.

The staff asked that the Commission modify the 120-day enrollment requirement for all programs to require enrollment within one year and establish the enrollment requirement to begin effective January 1, 2017.

Action: Approved the modification, as stated in the item.

For complete agenda item see:

Action Item

Initial Institutional Approval: Review of Criteria and Process

Cheryl Hickey, Administrator and Teri Clark, Director, Professional Services Division provided a review of the Initial Institutional Approval process adopted in February 2016. The item also identifies some Factors to Consider for the Commission to consider as decisions are made about an institution’s Eligibility to offer an educator preparation program in California.

The staff asked, how the Commission can best apply adopted eligibility criteria to their evaluation of institutions seeking to offer an educator preparation program in California. In addition they ask that the Commission discuss the Initial Institutional Approval process and provide direction to staff. This item is not asking for revision of the adopted policy but rather a modification of the procedures as the Commission sees fit.

Staff Recommendation

1.  Approve the renumbering of the twelve Eligibility Criteria and the designation of the first nine criteria as ministerial and the last three criteria as discretionary.

2.  Provide guidance to staff regarding the Factors to Consider as described in this agenda item.

3.  Institute a procedure that when a member of the Commission makes a motion related to Institutional Eligibility that either denies the request for eligibility or asks for additional information, that the motion include the criterion or criteria that the Commission does not find to be met at the time of the motion, and specify the additional information that the program sponsor must provide to be considered for approval in the future.

Action: No motion was made rather the Commission provided staff with suggestions on renumbering of the twelve eligibility criteria. They also provided feedback on the additional recommendations and ask they bring this item back at a future meeting.

For complete agenda item see:

Action Item

Proposed Revisions to the Accreditation Cost Recovery Fees

Lynette Roby, Consultant, and Catherine Kearney, Administrator, Professional Services Division presented proposed revisions to cost recovery fees for consideration and possible action. Taking into account the revised accreditation system, updates to program standards and the affect these changes have on Cost Recovery fees, staff is proposing that modifications be made to the fee structure.

Staff recommends the following in relation to the proposed revisions to the Cost Recovery fees: 1) That the Commission adopt all or some aspects of the proposed revisions to the cost recovery plan; 2) Direct staff to proceed with preparing a regulatory file; and 3) Direct staff to begin the regular rulemaking process, including the scheduling of a public hearing, to adopt the proposed revisions to the Cost Recovery plan.

Detailed information on the proposed revision can be viewed in the agenda.

Action: Approved to adopt the proposed revisions, as stated in the item.

For complete agenda item see:

Information/Action Item

William Hatrick and Sarah Solari Colombini, Consultants, Professional Services Division presented information about the continuing work to improve educator preparation for special education teachers and asks the Commission to provide feedback on the work to date.

Status of Current Work

The Education Specialist Preliminary Credential Work Group is charged with the following tasks:

1.  To identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by teachers seeking an initial education specialist credential.

2.  To develop some possible credential structures for the initial level Education Specialist Credential(s).

3.  To recommend what the subject matter requirement should be for Education Specialist candidates given that the credential authorizes teaching for a wide range of grades and all content areas

Staff recommends 1) that the Commission expand the authorization for the Early Childhood Special Education Credential to include birth to kindergarten, and 2) that the Commission work with the legislature to require all ECSE candidates to pass the RICA examination.


The Commission did not take any action on this agenda item.

For complete agenda item see:

Information/Action Item

Subject Matter Competency for Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Programs

Teri Clark, Director, Professional Services Division provided information on when candidates must demonstrate subject matter competency and asks the Commission for direction on this topic related to integrated undergraduate teacher preparation programs.

The Commission is asked to discuss what integrated undergraduate program candidates should be required to complete in terms of subject matter preparation and demonstrated subject matter competency in order to be eligible (a) to participate fully in early classroom-based field and clinical experiences, and (b) to begin solo teaching.

Action: No action

For complete agenda item including data see:

Information/Action Item

Update on the Commission’s Work Related to Dual Certification for Single Subject and Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Teaching Credentials

Bob Loux, Consultant, Professional Services Division, and Sheryl Ryder, Executive Director, CTE Placer County Office of Education presented information about short-term and long-term options for teachers to earn dual certification for Single Subject and Designated Subjects (DS) Career Technical Education (CTE) teaching credentials.

Action: No action

For complete agenda item see:

Information Item

Division of Professional Practices Workload Report

Vanessa Whitnell, Director, Division of Professional Practices provided a report on the Division of Professional Practices’ current workload.

For complete agenda item see:

Action Item

Committee of Credentials Vacancies for FY 2017-18

Vanessa Whitnell, Director, Division of Professional Practices provided information on the terms of the current members of the Committee of Credentials for review to determine whether to reappoint or declare vacancies for one public member, one school an administrator member and one secondary member.
Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Commission determine whether to reappoint or declare vacancies for three positions on the Committee of Credentials.

Action: Moved to reappoint the members that currently sit in the positions.

For complete agenda item see:

Information Item

Annual Report of the Committee on Accreditation

Pia Wong and Anna Moore, COA CoChairs, and Cheryl Hickey, Administrator, Professional Services Division presented the 2015-16 Annual Accreditation Report from the Committee on Accreditation (COA).

For complete agenda item see:

Information Item

Update on the Commission’s Program Surveys

Mike Taylor, Consultant, Professional Services Division provided an update on implementation of the Commission’s program completer surveys, master teacher survey, and employer survey.

For complete agenda item see:

Action Item

Legislative Proposals and Concepts

Joshua Speaks, Governmental Relations & Public Affairs Manager, Administrative Services Division presented legislative proposals and concepts for the 2017 legislative year for Commission consideration.

Staff asked that the Commission approve the legislative proposals presented in this agenda item for Commission sponsorship and directed staff to seek authors for the proposals; that the Commission review and provide direction regarding the legislative concepts presented


This proposal would amend section 44010 to include these missing Penal Code sections (listed below), as well as any other sex offenses involving minors that may be identified as this proposal moves forward

Action: Approved to amend section 44010, as stated in the item.


This proposal would amend Education Code section 44283 to remove a reference to the outdated “Reading Program Advisory” published by the Department of Education in 1996. The proposal would also replace references to “reading” with references to “literacy.”

Action: Based on previous day’s discussion, staff is not recommending to move forward with this proposal.

Proposed Concept

Staff proposes that the Commission consider amending the law to allow the Commission to determine that a country has academic and credentialing standards equivalent to those of regionally accredited institutions in the United States, and allowing applicants from those countries to forego a foreign transcript evaluation by the Commission or an approved evaluator.

Action: Approved to move forward with this concept.

Proposed Concept

Staff proposes that the Commission consider redefining Preliminary Designated Subjects Career Technical Education and Preliminary Adult Education credentials as Intern credentials.

Action: Approved to move forward with this concept.

Proposed Concept

Staff proposes that the Commission consider reducing the term of Preliminary credentials from five to three years.

Action: It was suggested not to move forward with this concept at this time but instead to look at alternate direction as suggested by the Commission.

Proposed Concept

The Commission should explore revisions to the assignment monitoring process that would allow more complete and timely monitoring of whether educators are properly credentialed for their positions.

Action: Approved to move forward with this concept.

For complete agenda item see:

Submitted by:

Tina Torres