Minutes of the 3rdMeeting of the World Alliance for Quality

Monday September 25, 2006

The Singapore Quality Institute



Paul / Borawski / ASQ / USA
Yury / Gusakov / EOQ / Russia
Bertrand / Jouslin de Noray / EOQ / France
Noriaki / Kano / ANQ / Japan
Hitoshi / Kamikubo / JUSE / JAPAN
Chih-Han / Wang / ANQ / R.O.C


Chih-I / Ts'ao / ANQ / R.O.C
Kenneth / Liang / CQI / Singapore


Spencer / Hutchens / IAQ / USA
Tito / Conti / IAQ / Italy
Frank / Steer / EOQ / UK
Ichiro / Kotsuka / JUSE / Japan
Sherif / El-Araby / MEQA / Egypt
Mansoor / AlAwar / MEQA / Dubai
Chuck / Aubrey / APQO / USA


1)Welcome by MrChih-HanWang

2)Welcome and Introduction to World Quality Alliance by Mr..YuriGousakov

3)Agreement of last minutes meeting (Antwerp)

4)Round table of all participants on news from their organization and reflection on the World Alliance for Quality

5)Key issues (see attached document)

a) Discussion and rewording of the key issues

b) Plan to develop projects around the key issues

6) Fields of action

1)Quality Security and environment:

a)How to speak with one voice at world level

b)How to adapt Quality to globalization

c)How to answer the needs of today’s CEOs

2)Transformation (new field of action of Quality and change Management)

3)Gather world experienced leaders to explore directions in which to go to increase the likelihood that quality will reach its full potential in society.

7) World Alliance for Quality management (see attached documents)

8) Closing

1.Welcome addressed by EOQ and Introduction to World Quality Alliance by Mr.Chih-HanWang

MrChih-HanWang opened the meeting on behalf of ANQ. He welcomed the participants to Asia and thanked CQI for having prepared the meeting.

MrYuriGousakov on behalf of EOQ welcomed the initiation of a World Alliance for Quality.

Mr Wee Siew Kim President of CQI sent a welcome message to the participant of the WAQ meeting

2.Reflection on the initiative

MrChih-Han stressed the need to move towards the Quality of human beings. Quality has started by improving the quality of products and services, then works on environment. It is time to work on Quality of life taking care of Education and wellbeing of people.

MrYuriGousakof stressed the need to share data on Quality. The initiative of setting a database on Quality accessed by all and developed by EOQ could be spread to other continents

4.Key Issues

The three key issues chosen are the following:

Maintain and improve the Quality of products and services.

Help under recognised countries and organizations to develop their richness and find their place in the world community.

Improve the quality of life of world citizens.

Among the different possible projects, the WAQ focused on developing a Quality of life index.

How to run a project on one of the 3 key issues.

There are two ways:

1) Launch a specific project

It was decided that anybody interested in one projects can invite others to join him. The WAQ will open the space and inform on proposed projects.

When someone wants to propose a project, he will fill a one page document describing the proposition and will ask for collaboration. PaulBorawski will propose a format.

The following projects have been proposed:

1) Quality of life index

Leader: EOQ BertrandJouslinde Noray

Contributor: ANQ Chih-Han Wang and ASQ PaulBorawski

2) Improve existing quality including:

- Top management commitment to Quality

- Advanced Statistic tools

- Value of ISO 9000

Leader: JUSEHitoshiKamikubo

Contributor: ASQPaulBorawski

3) Meeting of National Quality organizations

Organize the second World Summit of National Quality Organization in Houston in 2008

Leader: ASQ PaulBorawski

Contributor: EOQ BertrandJouslinde Noray

4)Increase the quality of National and regional Quality organizations

Leader: EOQ YuriGousakov

Contributor: ASQ PaulBorawski

5)Have Support from UN for having Quality as a world issue

Leader: EOQ YuriGousakov

6) Confront new ideas in a special meeting Noriaki Kano, RussellAckoff, PeterSenge, Shoji Shiba

Leader: ASQ PaulBorawski

Contributor: EOQ BertrandJousinde Noray

7) World information on Quality

Leader: EOQ YuriGousakov

The leaders are invited to fill the one page document which defines the projects.

Everyone is invited to launch new projects.

2) Inform on existing experiences which can be used by others

Many experiences have been successfully processed but are not known.

"Those who have are willing to give,

Those who want are able to experiment"

WAQ proposes to work in three steps.

1) Anyone who has a good experience to share informs on the experience

2) People interested contact the author

3) The author is ready to help in the implementation of his experience in another country.

3.World alliance for Quality

Today the World Alliance for Quality consists of 5 founding organizations ( ANQ, ASQ, EOQ, IAQ and JUSE)

Two international networks have asked to join World Alliance for Quality namely APQO and MEQA. They are both welcome to become active in the World Alliance for Quality (there is no formal membership). They will be invited to attend the next meeting.

World Alliance for Quality management (see conclusions of the meeting in annex)

The alliance will follow the simple rules:

1) Action oriented

2) Informal organization

3) Attraction instead of constraint

The alliance will be driven by a steering committee of the leaders of projects who will meet every three years at the occasion of the world Quality conference.

A contact group will do the necessary actions. This team is composed of:


Chih-Han Wang ANQ


BertrandJouslinde Noray EOQ

IchiroKotsuka from JUSE

The idea is to stick with the World Quality conference (the last one in Tokyo in 2005 and the next one in USA in Houston in May 2008) and having the organizing country in charge of driving the alliance between two conferences.

The logo of WAQ was agreed.

There is already one web site for the WAQ ( (password "camp" in small letter)). There will be a need to develop one open to the public.

5.Next meeting

The next meeting will be held in Prague in May 2007 and Huston in May 2008

For the minutes: BertrandJouslinde Noray

October 6, 2006

WAQ 0609 minutes Meeting Singapore

Three Key issues (Singapore September 2006)

WAQ Management

WAQ 0609 minutes Meeting Singapore