HuffmanHargraveIndependentSchool District

Board of Trustees

President…………………………………………Ray Burt

Vice President……………………………………Matt Dutton

Secretary………………………………………….Jacob Godoy

Assistant Secretary……………………………….Charles Bardwell

Member…………………………………………..Patrick Keith

Member…………………………………………..Becky Streetman

Member…………………………………………..Dean Tinnin


Benny Soileau……………………………Superintendent

Joel Nolte ...... Assistant Superintendent

Mike McEachern…………………………Director of Athletics

Chris Flowers…………………………….Middle School Principal

Mary Kitchel…………………..AssistantMiddle School Principal

It is the policy of Huffman Hargrave ISD not to discriminate on the basis of color, nation of origin, sex, or handicap in its programs, services or activities required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.


Huffman Hargrave ISD Student-Athletes & Parents,

Welcome to another great school year in Huffman ISD. The faculty, staff and coaches are excited about the 2013-2014 school year. We hope you enjoy success in all facets of your education with Huffman Hargrave ISD. Huffman Hargrave ISD is pleased to afford the students of HuffmanMiddle School the opportunity to participate in any and all extracurricular activities. The intent of the Athletic Handbook is to help both students and parents with the operating procedures of the Athletic Department. This handbook has been developed to familiarize parents and students with the policies and procedures of the Huffman Middle School Athletic Program. It defines various policies and procedures that are to be followed in order to facilitate communication within the HHISD school board policy. This handbook will be an effective form of orientation for new as well as veteran parents of the Athletic Program.

In the event that:

  • Unusual situations arise (not covered by the Handbook): and/or
  • Complications surrounding a policy or procedure negate fairness to an athlete or compromise the integrity of the athletic program,

The Athletic Director has the right and the responsibility to make appropriate adjustments. This final authority rests with the Athletic Director.

Good luck in all your endeavors, both in the classroom and in the athletic arena.

Jerry Bradford, HMS Coordinator

Huffman Hargrave ISD

281-324-1871 ext. 7312



The role of athletics in the public schools has increased in importance over the last couple of decades. The athletic program should provide an area of physical improvement, moral enrichment, self-discipline and mental focus. The development of mental discipline, hard work, courage and strong character are all justifications for the importance of athletics in the school and community. As the level of competition increases, so does the development of integrity, self-discipline, self-esteem and character. Excellence should be the goal in athletics and academics.

Athletics plays an important role in the life of the Huffman Hargrave ISD student. Young people learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic athletics. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and the art of winning and losing gracefully are an integral part, too, in helping the individual student develop a healthy self-concept as well as a healthy body. Athletic competition adds to our school spirit and helps all students and spectators, as well as participants, develop pride in their school.

It is the goal of the athletic program of HuffmanMiddle School to offer the opportunity of participation to every student who has the ability and desire to do so. Student athletes must realize it is a privilege to represent one’s school and community, not an inherent right. Therefore, proper conduct at all times is the foundation of a successful athletic program. Since it is a privilege, the athletic department has the authority to revoke the privilege when rules and policies are not followed. The special standards for athletes provide the security which the youth of today need.

The ultimate goals of the athletic department are: 1) to realize the value of participation while developing self esteem through victories and positive character through defeats, 2) to develop and portray positive citizens of our community and state, 3) to emphasize academic success to our athletes.


  1. Athletic Class
  1. Middle School student-athletes who wish to participate in sports will be required to enroll in the athletic period. Athletes may be removed from the athletic period for multiple reasons, and this is under the discretion of the Head Coach or Athletic Director. Any student who will no longer be competing for the Middle School in a sport may be moved out of athletics at the conclusion of his competitive season.
  2. Academic conflicts will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis to determine the academic need of the conflicting problem.
  1. Strength and Conditioning Program

The purpose of the Huffman strength and conditioning program is to build strength, agility, quickness, speed, endurance, confidence, self-esteem and competitiveness in every athlete. Every student who chooses to participate in athletics shall also participate in the strength and conditioning program. Any student who quits or chooses not to participate in the strength and conditioning program will not be allowed to participate in athletics the remainder of the current and/or the following semester.


Athletes are encouraged to play as many sports as they wish, as long as they are able to remain physically, mentally, and academically healthy. As stated above, all student-athletes will be required to participate in the Strength and Conditioning Program throughout the school year.



The following set of rules and guidelines will be in place for all student-athletes competing in any and all athletic events as a representative of HuffmanHargraveIndependentSchool District from 7th to 8th grades. The athletic program at HuffmanMiddle School is a voluntary program. It is a privilege, not a right, to be in athletics; therefore, it is necessary for student-athletes to hold a certain code of conduct that is above and beyond those followed by their peers. Expectation of discipline, character and integrity are integral parts of the HuffmanMiddle School athletic program.

Academic success is necessary to compete in the athletic program. Academic success is necessary for successful team participation. A student-athlete is expected to be a student first and an athlete second.

All athletes shall abide by a code of ethics which will earn them the honor and respect that participation and competition in interscholastic programs afford. Any conduct that results in dishonor to the athlete, the team, or the school will not be tolerated. Acts of unacceptable conduct tarnish the reputation of everyone associated with the athletic program and will not be tolerated. Negative attitudes and behaviors violate team goals and philosophies. Violations will result in losing the privilege of participating in athletics.

A student is not required to take part in athletics. Therefore, athletics is a privilege; consequently, when the high ideals and standards are violated, this privilege can be revoked. HuffmanMiddle School athletes will act with pride and dignity.

Coaches have the right to discipline athletes on their individual teams, but should exercise sound judgment in evaluating specific penalties, keeping in mind the welfare of the team, as well as the individual. Discipline must be consistent with Athletic Policy and is subject for review by the Athletic Director.


  • Profanity and unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely.
  • Learn to win and lose with character and dignity.
  • Any on the field or on the court behavior deemed unsportsmanlike or outside the desired character of a Falcon athlete will be dealt with immediately, with suspensions from future events or removal from the athletic program entirely as possible options.
  • Falcon athletes are expected to represent our school, community, and ourselves in a positive manner at all times.
  • All student athletes will address all coaches, teachers, officials and all other adults with “YES SIR and NO SIR” or “YES MA’AM and NO MA’AM.”
  • All student athletes must be on time to catch all buses to and from an athletic contest or practices. Any student-athlete of any sport or level failing to ride to an event with the team will be prohibited from competing in the athletic contest. There are no exceptions, unless extenuating circumstances exist and prior arrangements were approved by the Athletic Coordinator prior to departure to the contest.
  • All student athletes will ride the bus to and from all out of town contests unless there is a last minute emergency. Coaches will then use individual discretion when allowing players not to return from a game on the team bus.
  • Stealing from your school, your teammates, or from other schools is unacceptable and will be punished in accordance with the student code of conduct with possible removal from the team and/or entire athletic program.
  • Damage to school equipment, dressing rooms or other school equipment will not be tolerated and will result in financial replacement or repair, and possible removal from the team or program.
  • Student athletes will be required to maintain the cleanliness and neatness of all equipment, lockers and locker room areas as well as all other athletic areas. Clean-up crews will be assigned to clean up dressing rooms and will rotate weekly.
  • Leave the locker-rooms used on away games cleaner than when we arrived.
  • Finally, all athletes are required to treat all coaches, fellow players, opponents, officials and fans with the respect they deserve and in return, they will be treated with the same respect. BE SURE TO HAVE EYE CONTACT with your coach when being addressed.


Any student athlete who does not finish a sport that he has started will not be eligible to compete in another sport until:

  • The sport that he did not finish has completed the season.
  • He is released on good terms and in good standing by the head coach of the sport they quit.
  • All athletes choosing to quit a sport will have a 24 hour “cooling-off” period to contemplate their decision. However, they will be required to complete any and all disciplinary punishment prior to being accepted back onto the team. Repeat “quitters” are subject to removal from the entire athletic program.
  • All head coaches have the right to exclude individuals from their sport who have quit their program in the past.


Any student-athlete, who over an extended amount of time continually fails, without regaining eligibility, may be removed from athletics. Each situation will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


  • There will be a weekly athletic grade check. Coaches may inquire about the grades and/or conduct of their athletes on an individual basis as well.
  • All athletes in all sports will be highly encouraged to voluntarily attend tutorials and/or be required to attend study halls and tutorials during each season. This would be on a daily basis, Monday through Thursday, with the times to be determined by the head coaches of each sport.
  • Any student-athlete who is failing a class or having behavioral problems in a specific class or classes may be required to do extra “motivational training.” The amount and the severity of the motivational training will be at each head coach’s discretion.


Team and player appearance and behavior are extremely important ingredients to the success of the overall athletic program. The image and pride displayed by our athletes and coaches should represent a positive impression to everyone at all times about our school, our district, and our community. Therefore, the following dress code policies will be required of ALL STUDENT-ATHLETES COMPETING FOR HHISD, BOTH FOR IN-SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON SPORTS. If you are an athlete in a HMS sport then these procedures will remain in effect for the entire school year, in or out of school, Sunday through Saturday and including holidays:


  • No facial hair of any kind will be permitted on male athletes. Beards and mustaches of any kind are strictly prohibited on all student-athletes.
  • Side-burns will be neatly trimmed and never go below the bottom of the earlobe.
  • Hair on the head should be above the collar (not touching) and never extend below the bottom of the earlobes and should not touch the eyebrows. All hair should be kept neat and groomed at all times.
  • No unusual haircuts or hair styles will be allowed to be worn, including but not limited to “Mohawks” and other abnormal cuts. No art designs, signs, names, beads, etc. may be cut or put into the scalps or hair of athletes.
  • Unusual hair colorings (multiple colors, etc.) that can draw attention to an individual are prohibited on student-athletes.
  • Braids or “knobs” of any kind are prohibited on male athletes.


  • Earrings of any kind are strictly prohibited at all times on male athletes, both in and out of school.
  • Body piercing is prohibited for all male athletes. This includes piercing of the tongue, belly button, nose, etc.


Tattoos of any kind are discouraged. However, if an athlete has any visible markings, they must be covered while participating in athletic competition, whether it be practice or games, during the entire school year. Head coaches will use their discretion regarding this guideline.


Daily attire guidelines:

  • All student-athletes will dress appropriately at school and at all school sponsored events as well as events on Huffman Hargrave property. Refer to the HMS handbook for dress code rules.
  • No headgear will be worn to school, any school athletic contest, or any school event unless the headgear is part of the school issued uniform and is worn as a part of the overall uniform.
  • All student-athletes are prohibited from wearing any type of athletic shorts (mesh) to school or athletic contests. Shorts must be of a style that meets HMS or HHISD athletic standards in order to be permitted. Pleated khaki shorts, cargo and other “dress” shorts are permitted.
  • ALL MALE ATHLETES ARE REQUIRED to follow HMS dress code.

Game day attire guidelines:

  • GAME UNIFORMS: All athletes are required to wear all uniforms, both practice and game, as game rules intend at all times. Simply put, if we don’t issue it to you, do not wear it without prior permission from your coach. Student-athletes must wear the uniforms properly at all times, with shirt tails tucked in, and proper shoes at all times, before or after contests.
  • GAME DAY DRESS: All student-athletes may be required by the head coach to dress up on game days. This is up to the discretion of the head coach.

EXCEPTION: If a game or tournament requires a team to leave school early and the head coach chooses to allow athletes to come to school dressed in uniforms to save time, then the uniform guidelines above will be followed by all members of the team at all times. Gray sweats are strictly prohibited from being worn to school on game days.

  • Any student not following these guidelines or committing any other dress code violation will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Habitual violators in school or within the program may be removed from all HMS athletics programs if the problem persists.


All student-athletes are responsible for any and all equipment or uniforms issued to them, and must return them at the end of the season. Any equipment lost or not returned, no matter the reason, will need to be replaced and financial responsibility for payment on any lost or stolen equipment not returned to the school goes to the person that the equipment was issued to.


Locker rooms will be kept locked whenever possible. Each athlete will be issued an athletic locker. It is the responsibility of each athlete to ensure their personal belongings are locked in their lockers at all times. Any items left on the floor will be taken up. Students may retrieve items that were left out, but it may result in punishment (coach’s discretion). The HMS Athletic Department does not take responsibility for any items that are lost or stolen. School Administration and HMS coaching staff have the authority to search student lockers at any time.


School contests have undeniable priority over any and all outside sporting events not affiliated with Huffman Hargrave ISD. Any athlete missing a Huffman Hargrave game or practice in order to play in a non-school athletic contest/club sport or practice will be in violation of this policy and will have their status on the team determined on a case-by-case basis by the head coach of their sport and/or the athletic director.


All student-athletes must be on time to all practices unless cleared with a coach PRIOR to the tardiness to practice. Failure to call or make prior arrangements with the coach will result in “make-up work” and possibly not starting or not playing in the next contest. This will be at the discretion of the coach of that particular sport. If your attendance or tardiness becomes a habitual problem, you may be removed from the program. Please remember when you miss for whatever reason, excused or unexcused, someone present must replace you. Therefore, your playing time in games may be affected by any absence. This will be determined by the coach of that sport on a case-by-case basis, with the best interest of the team in mind.