Notes of the Disability Consultation Panel

Held on Friday 3 October 2014 at 10.30am

In, The Boardroom, the Cottage, Ballymena

Present:David Humphreys, Arthritis Care (Chair)

Lyn Campbell, Carers NI

Susan Campbell, British Deaf Association

Ursula Campbell, Compass

Elaine Coulter, NHSCT, Acute Services Rep

Torie Tennant, Guide Dogs for the Blind

Alison Irwin, NHSCT, Head of Equality

Kate Kelly, NHSCT, Childrens Services

Rosemary McAuley, Ballee Visually Impaired Club

Samuel McAuley, Ballee Visually Impaired Club

Clair McElhone, Ballymoney Community Resource Centre

Marlene Ritchie, NHSCT, Physical Disability Rep

Chris Tay, NIAMH Advocacy Rep

In Attendance:Claire Campbell, Equality Unit


/ Action
Mr Humphreys welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
1. / Apologies
Elizabeth Black, Ballymena Access
Elizabeth Brisbane, Disability Action
Jane Brady, NHSCT, Human Resources Rep
John Davies, Action Mental Health
Patricia Glackin, Guide Dogs for the Blind
Joy Hammond, NHSCT, Mental Health
Wendy Longshawe, NHSCT, Physical Disability, Sensory Imp
Janet Schofield, Compass
2. / Notes of last meeting – 16 June 2014
Ms Coulter advised that she had forwarded apologies for the last meeting, detail to be changed on notes.
Item / Action
Mrs Irwin confirmed that although today’s meeting was held on a Friday the day is reverting back to a Monday for the December meeting.
Mrs Irwin checked with Miss Tennant and Mr McAuley if Karen Moore, who attended the last meeting had been in touch as requested. Both parties confirmed that she had. Ms Susan Campbell to follow up if Ms Moore made contact with Majella McAteer regarding meeting with group of deaf people. / Ms Susan Campbell
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and will be added to the Trust’s website. / Equality Unit
3. / Disability Action Plan
A copy of the current Disability Action Plan will be issued to all members for information on what is happening locally. / Equality Unit
Mrs Irwin informed those present of an event held on Tuesday 30 September at Stormont, on Public Appointments. This event is a regional action in the Trust’s Disability Action Plan. The event was aimed at encouraging people with disabilities to apply to become Board members of public bodies. Just over 1% of Board members across the public sector have a disability.
Mr Humphreys attended the event as did Mrs Lyn Campbell. Mrs Campbell thought the application process was too bureaucratic and the application form needs to be revised. Miss Torie Tennant advised that upon reading the initial invitation email that she thought it was out of touch and was discouragedfrom attending. Ms Susan Campbell advised that deaf people always face barriers but when an application form is in English and that is not your first language it is off-putting however she felt the meeting was useful as a first step. Mrs L Campbell suggested meeting with representatives as a group to offer advice in this process. Mrs Irwin will give this feedback to the working group and offer support through a meeting with Panel reps. Susan Campbell, Lyn Campbell, Ursula Campbell, David Humphreys and Torie Tennant to be involved in this. / Mrs Irwin
Item / Action
The Assistance Dogs Policy is now an approved Trust policy. Members suggested that the Trust should conduct a couple of staff awareness sessions with help from Miss TorieTennant and Ms Elizabeth Black. Ms Marlene Ritchie advised that a client in the Trust area has recently acquired a hearing dog and could also be included. Mrs Irwin to arrange dates and advise Miss Tennant, Ms Black and Ms Ritchie of same. / Mrs Irwin
Mrs Irwin acknowledged that while the Trust tries to keep members up to date she is mindful that a lot of information has been emailedrecently. She reminded members that if anyone wants to query anything they should contact the office. Panel members were reminded that if they attend anything as service user representatives they will have their travel reimbursed.
4. / Disability Equality Training
As discussed at the previous meeting Mrs Irwin advised that the Trust’s training programme for 2014-2015 has been finalised and asked the Panel if anyone would like to co-train with her on the Disability Equality Sessions. It was agreed that facilitating sessions is as follows; on 27 November in Causeway, Elizabeth Black (to be confirmed) and 27 January in Braid Valley, Torie Tennant. Third and fourth sessions in Mid Ulster and Antrim are to be arranged by the Equality Unit. Miss Ursula Campbellalso agreed to be involved. Mrs Irwin to follow-up prior to next Panel meeting. It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged with some panel members to review the training. Mrs Irwin to contact Elizabeth Brisbane regarding Disability Action training model.
Mrs Irwin informed members that feedback from staff on this training course is always very positive when disabled people are involved in the training. / Equality Unit
Mrs Irwin
Item / Action
5. / Current Consultations
The Trust currently has two documents out for public consultation.
Reprovision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
Currently Mental Health Inpatient Services are provided from Ross Thomson Unit and Holywell Hospital. A modernisation programme was recommended within the Bamford Review in that people should be treated at home as much as possible. As a result of this the Trust proposes to build a new mental health inpatient unit on Antrim Hospital site.
Chris Tay informed the group that at an early stage of this process focus groups were held to gather views on the proposal. The options were a new building in Antrim Hospital site or Causeway or a complete refurbishment of Holywell. Feedback from service users was that they preferred the Holywell site as the grounds are available to walk around. They felt the Antrim site was too heavily trafficked. The proposed new build on the Antrim Hospital site will be away from the main building to avoid the traffic. The completed build is scheduled for 2019.
Mrs Lyn Campbell to forward the consultation document to carers in the Causeway area and talk to the Carers Group within Causeway. Anne Cummings to inform carers through the carers register. The Trust has also held two local consultation meetings in Coleraine andAntrim. / Mrs Lyn Campbell
Anne Cummings
The closing date for comments on this consultation is 21 October. The document can be sent to any Panel member who wants a copy and is currently available on the Trust’s website
Item / Action
Good Relations Strategy
Mrs Irwininformed those present that the Trust has a legal obligation to promote good relations amongst staff and provide a welcoming environment for service users. Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Equality Steering Group, Ms Pamela Montgomery supported and helped drive the development of a Good Relations Strategy within the Northern Trust. Mrs Irwin shared a presentation on the work and development of the Good Relations Strategy. The strategy is currently out for consultation. Surveys were carried out with staff and service users on their experiences. While the responses were positive, some feedback suggested that there should be more awareness raising of good relations, multi-cultural training and more good news stories published. Further recommendations are training for managers and a review of Trust policies.
The Trust’s proposed Good Relations statement is as follows: “We are committed to ensuring that our staff feel comfortable at work and everyone feels welcome when using our services. We will not tolerate sectarianism or racism in any form.” The statement will be displayed on posters in every Trust facility.
Mrs Irwin is committed to producing an annual Good Relations news bulletin in January and an Equality News bulleting in September – the first issue of which has already been circulated. Ms Susan Campbell requested that she be added to our consultee list individually from Ms McAteer so no information is missed. Miss Ursula Campbell also requested being added to the circulation list as an individual. / Equality Unit
A copy of the Good Relations Strategy will be circulated to Panel members and comments must be received by the closing date, 31 October. / Equality Unit
Ms Susan Campbell requested a copy of the presentation. / Equality Unit
Item / Action
6. / Local Issues
Miss Ursula Campbell gave an update on her recent trip to America to the Best Buddies international conference. Miss Campbell gave a speech at the conference. It was agreed that Mrs Irwin should invite Mrs Lynda McKendry from Compass Advocacy Network (CAN) to the next Panel meeting to give a presentation on the Best Buddies scheme. Mrs Irwin advised Panel members that the Trust now facilitates a user group for adults who use learning disability services called The Forum – chaired by Miss Ursula Campbell. / Mrs Irwin
7. / Any Other Business
Ballymena Health and Care Centre
Mrs Irwin advised that Lyn Hanvey will be invited to the next Panel meeting to give an update on the new Health and Care Centre in Ballymena. Panel members requested that reception/admin staff receive some disability awareness training. Ms Coulter advised that admin staff are to receive Customer Care training. Mrs Irwin queried if there is a disability element to the training. Mrs Irwin to contact Ms Elaine Russell from Organisational Development within the Trust to have an involvement in this training with help from Torie Tennant and Ursula Campbell. / Equality Unit
Mrs Irwin
Membership Review
It was agreed that membership of the Disability Consultation Panel should be offered to other disability groups and individuals. Mr McAuley advised there is a new member in Ballee Visually Impaired Club who may be interested in attending, Mr McAuley to invite him. / Mr McAuley
An invite will be created and circulated. / Equality Unit
Item / Action
Ballee Visually Impaired Club is holding a Christmas Fayre on 19 November at 7.30pm in Ballymena Rugby Club. Mrs Irwin to advertise on Staffnet. Miss Campbell advised that CAN CAN Ballymoney are also planning a Christmas Fayre, she is to check date. / Mrs Irwin
Mr Humphreys is not available to Chair the next meeting, therefore it was agreed that Mrs Irwin would Chair in his absence.
8. / Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 8 December at 10.30am in the Boardroom, The Cottage.


Signed: ......

Date: 8 December 2014