Tel. No. 0151 934 3737
If you have any difficulties carrying out everyday tasks at home or if you wish to refer someone to the Rehabilitation Team then contact the Sefton Customer Access Team.
Action for Blind People
Tel. No. 0151 708 9008
35-37 Bold Street, L1 4DN
Web: email: Liverpool
Contact for advice on housing benefits; employment issues; computer skills.
Bradbury Fields (LVSB)
Bradbury Centre, Youens Way L14 2EP
Tel: 0151 221 0888
Provides a wide range of information, advice and social activities to city of Liverpool residents only.
Christopher Grange Rehabilitation Centre
Youens Way, L14 2EW
Tel: 0151 220 2525
The centre is for anyone with a visual impairment age 17 and above. There are a wide range of skills taught within the Centre such as travelling independently, cookery, crafts, English, Braille and typing.
Crosby Friends of the Blind
Mr L Barber, 48 Ennismore Road, Crosby L23 7UQ
Tel: 0151 924 7368
A registered charity whose aim is to give assistance to registered blind and partially sighted people living in the old Borough of Crosby.
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Bradbury Centre, Youens Way, East Prescott road, L14 2EW
Tel: 0151 221 0999
Applicants should be: over the age of 16, experiencing difficulties getting about because of a visual impairment. Guide dog owners include people with some useful remaining vision, varying degrees of hearing loss, other physical disabilities and health problems.
Henshaw’s Society for Blind People (HSBP), Merseyside Regional Resource Centre, Wellington Buildings, The Strand, L2 0PP
Tel: 0151 227 1226
The Centre offers a comprehensive range of advice and information on many subjects. There is a Resource Centre showing equipment and giving demonstrations. Ring to make an appointment. There are also self-help groups. Training Courses on Computers etc are also available.
Liverpool Talking Newspaper
Speke Training & Education Centre, 24 Booth House, Speke Boulevard, Speke, L24 9HZ
Tel: 0151 486 1400 Fax: 0151 486 3305
A free news tape sent out once a week.
Merseyside Centre of the Deaf
Queens Drive, West Derby, L13 0DJ
Tel: 0151 228 0888
The Centre aims to provide support and promote independent living for those with a hearing impairment.
Beetham Court, Tithebarn Street, L2 3ZB
Tel: 0151 709 1929
Merseylink is Merseytravel’s Dial-a-Ride Bus Service for people with mobility impairment. To qualify for the service you must be in receipt of either; Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance (higher rate) or be registered Blind.
Ticket Unit, 24 Hatton Garden, Liverpool L3 2AN
Tel: 0151 236 6056
Mon-Fri 9am-4.30pm
If you are registered blind or partially sighted and are able to use public transport you can obtain a Disabled Travel Pass which will enable to travel free of charge on buses, ferries and Merseyrail at all times.
National League for the Blind and Disabled
Local Branch Secretary, 60A Stonedale Crescent, L11 9BT
Tel: 0151 225 5511
A trade union organisation for blind and disabled people.
Partially Sighted Society – Merseyside Branch
Tel: Margaret Guppy – 0151 726 0161
The group meet every first Thursday in the month at Henshaws Society for Blind People at 1.30 pm. There is usually a speaker at each meeting. The aim of the group is to make friends and to give support and confidence to each other.
The Gateway Centre, 71 London Road, Liverpool L3 8HY
Tel: 0151 298 3220 Fax: 0151 298 3250
In RNIB’s Resource Centre you can try out and buy a wide range of items that will help with daily living, leisure, education and employment.
Sefton Talking Newspaper – North Merseyside Association for the Blind
Tel: 0151 928 9775
Available by free post and comes out once a week.
Sightline Vision (North West)
Tel: 0800 587 2252 (Freephone)
A telephone support line offering support and encouragement given by people in a similar situation. Call between 6pm-10pm on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Southport Blind Aid Society
Paton House, 22 Wright Street, Southport PR9 0TL
Tel: 01704 534555
A voluntary society providing a range of support for visually impaired people living in the Southport Area. The Society runs a social club, which includes speakers, light refreshments, raffle, bingo, dancing, keep fit and other general activities.
Southport Talking Newspaper
Tel: 01704 564042/01704 565003
Available by freepost and comes out once a week.
RNIB, Big Print, PO Box 173,
Peterborough PE2 6WS
TEL; 0800 124007
This is a newspaper produced weekly in large bold typeface. It gives a weekly television and radio listings and also carries national and international news, sport, special features, pictures, and competions.
British Rail: Journeycare
Tel: 0345 443366
Journeycare can arrange a porter service at most stations for the traveller with a visual impairment. They will also book your tickets for you.
British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society
Lynda Cantor, PO Box 350, Buckingham MK18 1GZ
Tel: 01280 821 334
Calibre Audio Library
Aylesbury, Bucks HP22 5XQ
Tel: 01296 432 339
This is a library of books on standard cassette and many books are now on digital MP3 disk. The service is free but you have to pay for the catalogue. Postage is free.
Deafblind UK
Cygnet Road, Hampton, Peterborough
Tel: 0800 132 320
Disabled Rail Card
The Disabled Person’s Railcard allows you to by discounted rail tickets. If another adult is travelling with you, they can also travel at the same discounted fare.
International Glaucoma Association
Mrs. Wright, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8RS
Tel: 02077 37 32 65
In Touch
In Touch, Room 6084, Broadcasting House, London W1A 1AA
Tel Action Line: 0800 044 044
In Touch is a weekly programme on Radio 4, Tuesday Evenings, featuring news, views and information of interest to people who are blind and/or partially sighted.
Macular Disease Society
Darwin House, 13A Bridge Street, Andover, Hampshire SP10 1BE
Tel: 0845 241 2041
National Federation of the Blind
Sir John Wilson House, 215 Kirkgate, Wakefield WF1 1JG
Tel: 01924 291313
Partially Sighted Society – Headquarters
Queens Road, Doncaster DN1 2NX
Tel: 01302 323132
RNIB (Supporting blind and partially sighted people)
Head Office: 105 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE
Tel: 020 7388 1266
Tel: 0845 702 3153 (charged at local rate) for ordering leaflets and products.
Tel: 0845 766 9999 RNIB Helpline if someone you know has a sight problem. Helpline is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
RNIB Talking Book Service,
PO Box 173, Peterborough PE2 6WS
Tel: 0845 762 6843
Most of the books are now on CD and have to be played on RNIB’s own
machine which is rented from them for annual fee. Books are chosen from catalogues which are available free as is the postage of the CD’s.
St Dunstan’s
12-14 Harcourt Street, London W1H 4HD
Tel: 0800 389 7979
St. Dunstan’s is a national charity, founded in 1915. Its objective is to provide training, rehabilation, and lifelong
after-care for ex-Service men and women who have lost their sight and to help them
to overcome the difficulties experience related to their loss of sight. This also covers those who service in the Merchant navy during WWII or in the Polish Forces under British command.