See sample before beginning this.

Your Name: Corey Anne Youree Genre*: ____Folklore______

Book One
Title: The Brothers Grimm Hansel and Gretel
Author/date: Elizabeth D. Crawford/1979
Illustrator: Lisbeth Zweiger
If Caldecott winner what year:
ONE-THREE SENTENCE SYNOPSIS: In this translation, a famine causes an evil stepmother to persuade her husband to get rid of his children. After the children are taken deep into the forest to die, the come upon a witch’s house made of candy and are invited in, with plans to be eaten by the wicked witch. In the end, they return home with riches for their father.
Quote or Illustration: Pg. 2 “Be of good cheer, dear little sister, and sleep well,” he said to Gretel as he lay down to sleep again. “God will not forsake us.”
This reminds me that in times of trouble God will not forsake us.
Book Two
Title: Goldilocks and The Three Bears
Author/date: James Marshall/1988 I love James Marshall.
Illustrator: James Marshall
If Caldecott winner what year:
ONE-THREE SENTENCE SYNOPSIS: Goldilocks, a mischievous little girl, takes a short cut home and comes upon the house of the three little bears and makes herself at home. When the three bears return home, they discovered a sleeping Goldilocks. Frightened, she runs all the way home.
Quote or Illustration:Pg.1 “What a sweet child,” said someone new in town. “That’s what you think,” said a neighbor.
Goldilocks reminds me of my cousin. She acted so sweet at school but was very mean to me at home.
Book Three
Title: Jack and The Beanstalk
Author/date: Retold by Matt Faulkner/1965
Illustrator: Matt Faulkner/1986
If Caldecott winner what year:
ONE-THREE SENTENCE SYNOPSIS: Jack was sent to sell the family cow for money but was tricked by an old man to trade his cow for five magic beans, which luckily grew to a tall beanstalk where a giant lived. Jack climbed three times stealing a bag of gold, a hen that laid golden eggs, and a harp. His mother lived a wealthy happy life.
Quote or Illustration:Pg. 20 “Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive or be he dead. I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.”
This quote reminds me of my grandfather chasing me and playing hide and seek with me as a child.
Book Four
Title: Town Mouse Country Mouse
Author/date: Jan Brett/1994
Illustrator: Jan Brett
If Caldecott winner what year:
ONE-THREE SENTENCE SYNOPSIS: A couple of town mice and a couple of country mice decide to swap houses because they are tired of their own homes. They soon find out that they miss the comfort of their old homes and decide to return back to their old lives.
Quote or Illustration: Pg. 25 “There’s no place like home,” sighed the town mouse, as he and his wife settled into a warm old slipper, “There’s no place like home.”
This makes me think about how excited I was to go college but when I go home I realize how much I do love being at home and sleeping in my old bed.
Book Five
Title: Rapunzel
Author/date: Retold by Paul O. Zelinsky/1997
Illustrator: Paul O. Zelinsky
If Caldecott winner what year:
ONE-THREE SENTENCE SYNOPSIS: Rapunzel was given away at birth to an evil sorceress after her dad traded her for the food Rapunzel. She was a beautiful girl and was kept in a very tall tower. A prince married her and they had two children.
Quote or Illustration: Pg. 12 “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.” This reminds me of being little and when I would let my long hair down my mother would say this quote.

You picked some very good classics.


ALL questions need to be completed for full credit. Any plagiarism of the sample materials will result in a failed grade; disciplinary action will be taken by the university council. See sample before beginning this.Do not copy and paste text from the internet. Use your own words and cite your sources where necessary.

Your Name: Corey Anne Youree

Title: ?????? / GENRE: Folklore
Author: Julius Lester / Illustrator: Jerry Pinkney
Publisher: Dial Books / Copyright Date: 1994
Number of pages in the book: 35 / Your own opinion about the reading level:
3rd grade
  1. List ALL of the criteria for considering quality books for this genre (copy this from your text).

Language echoes spoken language, with rich, natural rythms. Language reflects the cultural integrity of early retellings. Language preserves the straightforward structure of oral stories. Explores significant universal themes. Illustrations serves as examples of artistic excellence. Illustrations complement and extend the narrative. Illustrations offer authentic cultural detail.

  1. List any information on the illustrator and/or illustrations (book cover).

Jerry Pinkney is a three-time Caldecott Honor book artist, and is the only artist to have ever won three Coretta Scott King Awards for Illustration and two Coretta Scott King Honor awards. He used watercolor paintings to show John Henry’s thriving spirit.

  1. Give a brief summary of the book in your own words.

John Henry was a man her grew rapidly tall and strong and was able to do more work than any machine or any team of men. His legend lives on as the man who helped build the railroad, and worked so hard that he died.Tell more of the story. Wasn’t there a contest between John Henry and the machine? How did it end? Remember to summarize the complete story.

  1. Give a memorable passage (include page #) and your personal connection to the book.

Memorable passage:“After lunch he chopped down an acre of trees and split them into fireplace logs and still had time for a nap before supper.” Pg.5

Personal connection:John Henry reminds me of my grandfather. He was always up before sunrise working and accomplishing all he could before the sun went back down. I love this story because it talks about a man who is not afraid of hard work.

  1. Give a professional evaluation using one or two of the selection criteria for this genre and give supportive examples from the book.

The illustrations expand on the story. In the pictures you are able to draw conclusions about other things that the text does not include. For example, page 2 shows a picture of John Henry as a baby lifting his crib over his head, which is never quoted in the text. 

The illustrations set the mood for the story. The first pictures are of the animals gathering in awe of the growing, strong boy. This lets the reader know that this is an unusual occurrence, but it was a joyful occurrence.

  1. How would you use this book and who would be your intended audience? List three (3) discussion questions and one (1) extension activity related to the book that a teacher could use to expand and enhance the book.See sample.

How would you use this book?I would use this book during social studies when we are learning about the 50 states.

Intended audience:4rd grade

Discussion questions:

1. What did John Henry’s dad give him before he left?

2. What did John Henry help build?

3. How did John Henry die?

Extension Activity:

The legend of John Henry originated in West Virginia. Research facts about West Virginia including the state bird, state flower, industry, agriculture, natural resources, etc.What will they do with this research? Make a poster? Present an oral report? Make a power point? Will each student research everything or will the topics be divided among the students? Be specific. See the sample.

  1. State any extra interesting information or comments such as awards or tantalizing tidbits about the book or its author.

The author Julius Lester is a Newberry Honor winner. He has also written a number of ALA notables and two Coretta Scott King Honors. He teaches at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.


*NOTE: For the historical fiction and nonfiction genres, no biographies will be accepted. Books with collections of stories or poems must be evaluated on the whole book. Do not select one story or poem from the book to evaluate. You may, however, use one story or poem from the book to plan your learning activity around.Be sure to indicate if the book is a Newbery winner.

Score: 18 pts.