Ice Phenology Investigation

River Break-Up Data Sheet

School Name: ____Tri-Valley______Study Site: ICE-___HLY______

Observer Names:_Mark Martin______

Date: Year: 2009______Month: _April______Day: __28______

Local Time (hour:min): ___11:45pm______Universal Time (hour:min): ______

General Break-Up Ice Observations:

Ice present? / X❒ Yes ❒ No
Static Ice:
Ice fractured: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Water on ice: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Holes in ice: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Channel through ice: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Ice fractured: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Water on ice: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Holes in ice: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Channel through ice: / X ❒ Yes ❒ No
Moving ice:
Upstream: / ❒ Yes X❒ No
Downstream: / ❒ Yes X❒ No
Ice surface:
(may choose more than one) / X❒ Smooth X❒ Rough X ❒ Blocky/Broken/Jumbled
X❒ Melt ponds X❒ Wet/Flooded X❒ Ice jam

Environmental Observations:

Cloud Cover: / ·  If Three-quarters or More of the Sky is Visible: (Check one)
No Clouds Clear Isolated Scattered
X ❑ 0%-No Clouds ❑ <10% Clouds ❑ 10-25% Clouds ❑ 25-50% Clouds
Broken Overcast
❑ 50-90% Clouds ❑ >90% Clouds
·  If View of More than One-quarter of the Sky is Blocked:
Obscured ❑ Check here
Why is the view of the sky blocked? (Check all that apply)
❑ Blowing Snow ❑ Heavy Snow ❑ Heavy Rain ❑ Fog ❑ Spray
❑ Volcanic Ash ❑ Smoke ❑ Dust ❑ Sand ❑ Haze
Wind*: / ❒ Calm (0 m/s) ❒ Light wind (0.3-5.4 m/s) X❒ Windy (>5.4 m/s)
Precipitation type: / X❒ None ❒ Snow flurries ❒ Snowing ❒ Fog/Drizzle ❒ Rain ❒ Freezing rain

*See Ice Phenology Investigation Field Guide for definitions.

Environmental Observation Comments:

The temperature at the time of observation was 11.2 degrees C. We have had high winds over the last several days. The open lead downriver has continued to increase a little in size over the last few days. There is new and significant overflow upstream covering a majority of the width of the river.

Standard Photograph Set of River Ice Break-Up:

When you download the photos from your camera, rename them to follow the convention

study site ID_ date_ photo view (so the format would be: ICE-99_YYMMDD_XXXXXX where XXXXXX is Up, Down, or Across).

Enter the filename, and optional comments, for each photo here:Environmental Observation Comments:



Standard Photograph Set of River Ice Break-Up:

Across photo: ICE- HLY_280409_Acr Across
Upstream photo: ICE- HLY_280409_Up Up
Downstream photo: ICE- HLY_280409_Dn Down

Enter the filename of each photo and accompanying comments here:

Across Photo:
Downstream Photo:
Upstream Photo:

Optional Additional Photographs of River Ice Break-Up:

Enter the filename of each photo and accompanying comments here:

Additional photo 1: ICE-________________
Additional photo 2: ICE-________________
Additional photo 3: ICE-________________
Additional Photo 1:
Additional Photo 2:
Additional Photo 3:

Other Comments:
