In association with Kent AFT

Call for workshop proposals

“Peace and Values”

connecting spirituality,systems thinking and activism

Thursday 10 September to Saturdaty 12 September 2015 at

Keynes College, the University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NZ

For many centuries the historic City of Canterbury has been at the heart of religious, social and political intrigue and activism. Canterbury has also been an important centre of literature and narrative; from Chaucer’s epic “Canterbury Tales”, as the birthplace and schooling of Shakespeare’s contemporary, dramatist Christopher Marlowe and the setting for TS Eliot’s ‘Murder in the Cathedral’. We warmly invite you to join us as we go the heart of systems thinking; the understanding that all systems are interconnected, have both a secular and spiritual quality and often require an activist approach to inequality within and between them. We offer an opportunity to explore meanings for the families we work with as well as the relevance in our own lives.

Confirmed Speakers include:

Satish Kumar, Editor of Resurgence and Ecologist, Founder of Schumacher College, systems thinker and activist whose books include Soil, Soul and Society and You Are , Therefore I Am.

Dr. Marie Keenan,specialises in public policy and therapeutic responses to crime. Her research interests focus on sexual trauma and abuse and on restorative and transformative justice. She is a systemic and forensic psychotherapist and a lecturer at The University of Dublin.Dr. Keenan is also Chairperson of the Family Therapy Association of Ireland. Her most recent publications include,Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church: Gender Power and Organizational Culture.

Other speakers, to be confirmed, cover topics that include social action and family therapy perspectives on spirituality.

Call for Workshops

Workshop proposals that conform to the conference theme are currently being sought with a deadline for submission of January 5th, 2015. Alongside traditional workshops there will be a dedicated space for experiential and creative presentations such as singing groups, storytelling, tai chi, meditation etc. for which proposals are also invited. Please complete the form below.

Workshop Proposal Form – 2015 AFT Annual Conference

Please complete and return this form to by 5 January

Name of Lead Presenter
Name (s) of additional presenters / Job Title/Role

Please note the information given above will be used in the Programme if your workshop is accepted.

Contact email address of Lead Presenter:

Tel No (Work): (Home):

Title of Workshop:

What would be the maximum number of people you would like in the workshop?

How long would you ideally like for this workshop?

Any preferred day?

Abstract of Workshop: Please type carefully as this information will be used in the programme.

·  Please indicate how this will relate to the title and attend to issues of diversity and equality.

·  Please describe in what ways the audience will be actively engaged with the workshop

Please indicate below any special requirements in terms of AVA or access, set up. If you are using powerpoint, please bring your own laptop.

Each Workshop attracts a £40 payment towards conference attendance. If more than one presenter, the reduction to be agreed with the AFT office.

Thank you.

Please complete and return this form to

For Office Use Only
Date / Room / Time Slot / Offered yes/no / Accepted yes/no