( 2ND , JUNE 2012)

The Executive Committee Members:

Mrs. Shantha Maria James (Chair Person -Gulf Council), Mr. A.K.Shrivastava (Secretary -Gulf Council) Mrs. Rafia Zafar Ali (Treasurer- Gulf Council – UAE) Mrs. Malalthi Das (Custodian of Accounts) Mr. K.R. RadhaKrishnan Nair (Chapter Convenor – UAE)Mr. Syed Masood Ahmed (Chapter Convenor - Saudi Arabia) Mr.Muhammed Ismail (Chapter Convenor – Qatar)Mrs. Anju Dheman (Chapter Convenor – Kuwait)Dr. Mohammad Tayyab(Chapter Convenor – Bahrain) except - Mr. Achuthan Madhav (Chapter Convenor – Oman)

Special Invitee : Mr. Rocky Miller.


  1. All executive members were present except Mr. Achuthan Madhavanfrom Oman chapter.
  2. The Meeting started at 9.30am.
  3. The council chairman Mrs.Shanta Maria James appreciated all schools for their excellent performance in X & XII examination.
  4. Chapter conveners were requested to consolidate the result of X and XII and send to the Secretary of the council by 15th June.
  5. Discussions on the relevance of conducting Proficiency test (PAT) and date also came in to limelight. It was decided to write to the Chairman about its relevance and seriousness and also to have it in February.
  6. Mr. A K Shrivastava, Secretary of the council presented minutes of 24thPrincipal’s Conference.


S.No / Points discussed / Final Decision
The respective school heads propose that the schools need not conduct Olympiads or Sahodaya Exams in the schools due to the following reasons / points. / Executive Committee did not agree to abolishing the Olympiads and the Sahodaya Exams as they are benefitting hundreds of students.
Committee decided to prepare common guidelines to standardize the question papers.
a. / These exams results are not true reflections of the real talent of the students in those subjects.
b. / These tests are not standardized.
c. / The papers contain mistakes and time gets lost / wasted in asking for corrections and making amends.
d. / When different schools / people are given the responsibility of preparing these tests, no mandate with the organizers as to how to prepare the papers, what resource to use, what standards of difficulty to be kept, what bench marks are there against which to set etc.
e. / These tests do not improve the standards of students (Non measurable)
f. / CBSE is moving in the direction of No Exams and hence we need to to do away with such a practice which even the Board is not promoting.
g. / The preparation of 10th Standard Question Paper in Mathematics contained the entire syllabus of the year and it shouldn't have been the case.

Amendments in the Council constitution

Amendments / Description / Remarks
11.1A / Candidate should have been head of member School for a minimum / Proposal agreed with the following :
period of three years as on conference date. She/he should have / For a period of 3 consecutive years in
attended two conferences for being eligible to be elected as on office bearers/chapter conveners / CBSE schools in the Gulf Region.
12.2. / The present chapter convener should handover in writing the name / Accepted with the modification:
of the incoming chapter convener signed by members of the chapter. / If there is no eligible person to the
This election should be held before the annual conference. / designation, the same person can be
Those who hand already held the post of the office bearers should
not be considered for any other post of chapter convener / office bearers. / considered.
12.3 / In the event of any of the office bearers / convener leaving the office, the chapter from where the office bearer comes will propose the name of the new incumbent and will hold the office for the remaining period. / accepted unanimously
19.3. / To convene minimum of three meetings: / Is accepted with a note to UAE chapter
U.A.E chapter pointed out the difficulty for conducting meetings due to distance. The executive committee requested UAE chapter convener Mr.Radha Krishnan to conduct feasible study how to conduct minimum 3 meetings even by dividing in to two zones and assigning assistant conveners to look after their respective zones.
20.2 / If any ex-council member wishes to attend the conference at his / her own expenses he / she should approach the respective chapter convener. The chapter convener will forward the names to host chapter, who will initiate the action. He / she cannot attend the business session. / Amendments passed unanimously
21.2 / A detailed statement of account …………. Add "detailed" / proposed amendment was rejected and
no need of replacement.
General Observation: As there is only provision to select treasurer from UAE, they have to select treasurer as experienced persons.


S.No / Points discussed / Final Decision
1 / Olympiad - Participation fee to be raised from AED 7 to
10 AED to cover costs / As council meets its expenses, there is no reason to raise the fees.
2 / Sahodaya Exams not to be funded by the council / Status Quo.
3 / For the academic purposes - 40% of the membership fee to be sent to each chapter to be used as follows:
80% - For Teacher Training / Workshops & 20% For Other Academic purposes. / Approved unanimously
4 / Council to do away with awards / gifts for the Gulf Toppers and instead give high quality certificates for the first three toppers in all the streams. / Executive approved high quality
certificate and plaques will be awarded.
5 / An enhanced payment of AED 40,000/- to be given to the chapter that will host the silver jubilee conference in 2013. / Accepted unanimously
6 / Special mementoes to be made for Principals during the Silver
Jubilee Celebrations / Approved unanimously


S.No / Points discussed / Final Decision
1 / It was recommended that all the schools conducting internal SA II for Grade X should follow the Common Date for Internal SA II / Approved unanimously
2 / Sahodaya Examination for Class XI
Organizing Principal – Mr. Syed Masood Ahmed - Principal, International Indian School, jEDDAH / Approved unanimously
3 / Question Papers for Sahodaya Examination and Olympiad should be set using only our resources from the member school / Approved unanimously
4 / All communication including dispatch of question papers should be sent by the organizers to the Chapter Convenors to follow it up. / Approved unanimously
5 / Olympiad In-Charges
Physics Abu Dhabi Indian School
Chemistry -International Indian School
Jeddah – KSA
Mathematics International Indian School
Al-Jubail, KSA. / Approved unanimously

The outgoing treasurer

The Executive committee acknowledges and praises the efforts of Mr. Rocky Miller for his prompt and effective services to the fraternity and wishes success to the newly inducted treasurer Mrs.Rafia Zafar Ali

Discussion on Silver Jubilee

Mr. Radha Krishnan, the UAE chapter convener explained the pre-plan for the conference and different proposals were discussed in the meeting.

1.Proposed dates of conference are 16th to 19th January

2. Conference will start at 8am and afternoon session should not exceed beyond 2.30pm

3. Main focus on assessment and evaluation prevailing in the curriculums of the world. The members were entrusted to find out two experts from outside and others from Gulf Council regions.

4. Experts should submit the synopsis of their presentation a fortnight in advance to the secretary for approval by a group of responsible persons.

5. After the inauguration first session should be a business session.

6. All principals should send their details online for the preparation of directory as format will be sent soon. Directory shall be finalized shortly.

7.Committee decided to draft a code of conduct and requested members to send their contribution to make it perfect.

8. There will be four workshops and 3 business sessions.


Mr. A.K. Shrivastava prepared council website and launched Beta Version in the committee meeting and will be available for use after the suggested modifications and release at the 25th Anniversary of Establishment of the Gulf Council.

Secretary will maintain the website every year, & Dhs.1000.00 will be allotted to maintain it.

For hosting website 350 Dhs is allotted by the committee or actuals.

Further discussions;

The committee discussed the letter forwarded from IBN Al Hyath School regarding appointing of teachers from one school by another school without prior notice and information. The Council informed IBN Al Hyath School that there is no such provision available for the Council to intervene in such cases and it should be solved internally by the chapter itself however a letter of consensus will be sent to the concerned school.

Another clarification brought in to the notice of the council that one School changed its name to Royal academy and requested the status in the council. Committee decided to send a note of clarification whether they got approvalfrom CBSE for their changed name.

Bhavan school from Qatar forwarded their application for the membership and was discussed .As their middle syllabus approval, can be an Associate Member. They paid a fees of AED 500/-

Committee members shared common concern over the CBSE website where Gulf Council’s name is not included. The council decided to take initiative to include it.

The Meeting dissolved at 1.30pm.