Marine Biology and Marine Biology Honors

Ms. Brown


E-mail: Best method of contact.
I will respond within ~24 hours.

Victoria Brown

Telephone: 720-424-1795

Call before or after school hours; leave a voicemail if no answer.

Students (only) can call, or text,me on my cell phone. Responses will be as soon as possible:303-949-6228 (Please keep texts from 7:00 am- 9:00 pm.)

Parent Conferences:Parents, please contact me at the above e-mail, or office phone number, to schedule a meeting before or after school hours. I am available after school till

3:20 every day except Monday, and Friday.

Student Tutoring Hours: Students, tutoring is available during lunch hours upon prior request, or after school until 3:20, Tuesday and Thursday.

Web Site:The web site will have all assignments posted on it, and will be updated only on a weekly basis. Planners are encouraged as the best way of keeping up with all assignments. Due to the open communication allowed between students and myself on my cell phone (some months I have 3,000+ texts) my web site will be in outline form.

Welcome students!

It is going to be another great year in science!We have a lot to learn together and a lot of new exciting experiences to have! You and your group will be responsible for a fish tank and all that lives in it. Everyone paid a lab fee for this class and you will notice all the equipment that you have to work with. We will all learn to use our resources wisely and still have the ability to create unique tanks that fit your personality. I will provide the basic fish for your tank, and all the salt, and chemicals needed to test your tanks. If you decide after that to get a special fish, or a special invertebrate like a ghost shrimp or a sea horse, you will have to purchase that yourself. In the spring all the living organisms in the water will need to be adopted out, as the tanks are left empty over the summer. You may take anything from your tank home, but all tanks, equipment and chemicals stay in the classroom. We will learn all we can about the ocean including the ocean floor, the water, chemistry and anything living in it. We will study life from a microcellular level, to an ecological view of how all the living organisms interact with one another. You and your group will be responsible for feeding your fish everyday. This is an integral part of maintaining a salt water tank.

ThisMarine Biology curriculum is very interesting, with lots of hands on activities, while covering a wide variety of concepts including Earth Science, Chemistry, Zoology and Microbiology.Every class period you will spend almost one half the class working in your tank. If there is a particular marine science topic you are really interested in, or very knowledgeable about, please let meknow, and I will try to incorporate it into the class curriculum.

Study Guide

We will be using the Marine Biology Castro and Hubler book this year(5th-8th edition are all about the exact same). You can find them used on or Amazon for about $5-$10. This book is your responsibility throughout the length of the class. If at the end of the year you do not want to keep it I will purchase it from you. It is expected that you will have your name written in pen inside the book. This is a college level book that we will use as a good resource for content and vocabulary to accompany the hands on activities of the classroom. We will also use a Zoology book that will be provided for you for details about all the organisms in the Seas and Oceans.

Semester One:Semester Two


Set upAnnelidia

Nitrogen CycleChordata (All mammals in the Ocean)

Bacterial Growth Osteoicthyes

Fish selection Chondroicthyes

Sea Water Cetacea

Chemical and Physical Traits Tsunami

Water in the World—Maps Whaling

Sea Floor and Plate Tectonics Man’s effect on the Oceans

Salinity, Temperature effects

Marine Animal Traits

Microbial World in the Ocean

Algae, Protists and Bacteria




Cnidarians and Coral Reefs

Class Expectations:

  • Students and teacher will respect each other at all times in the classroom. If respect is not shown a student can and will be removed from the class.
  • Students will be expected to pay attention and be quiet during teacher instructional time.
  • Students may have food, drink and gum in the classroom, as long as it is not a distraction for themselves or anyone around them, including the teacher.
  • Students are not to open the snake cage at ANY time for ANY reason.
  • Students are not to touch anyone else’s Fish Tank at ANY time. (no tapping on tanks)
  • During a lab, students are to be on their best behavior and remain in their seat as much as the lab allows. (No one will ever be forced to dissect.)
  • Students are to show respect to all organisms that are being dissected.
  • Students will not swear and will not use put-downs.
  • Students are not to play with the air and gas outlets, or the eye wash station.
  • Cell phones can be used as timers or as research tools, but are not to be used for texting or social activities.
  • Students are expected to be on time to class. When coming in late students will be asked to sign in with the date. After 3 times of tardiness parents will be contacted, and students will have one lunch detention.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Plagiarizing will result inappropriate alteration to the assignment grade, up to no credit given, asdetermined by the student, parent and teacher.

Generally, there are not student behavior issues in my science class. However, should issues arise, any disciplinary problems will be dealt with as described on the DPS District discipline ladder.

Not following the above-mentioned rules will result in:

1st time - Teacher-Student Conference

2nd time - Call home to parents, and a lunch detention

3rd time – Meeting with parents and possible detention

4th time - Referral to Mr. Loera


100% - 90% = A

89% - 80% = B

79% - 70% = C

69% - 60% = D

59% - 0% = F

Late Papers:

Late papers will be marked 20% off.

Any missing paper can be turned in up

to the end of the present quarter the

assignment was given in.

Students get two days to make up any work missed for every one excused absence as per district attendance policy. Unexcused absences and their make up work are up to the teacher’s discretion. Any student with an extended leave from school should notify the teacher at least 1 month in advance, or as early as is possible.

Please refer to the DSA handbook for the definition of excused and unexcused absences. Unexcused absences will be handled based on the DSA handbook, and may or may not allow a student to made up missed work.

If you are going to miss class due to an activity in

your major, please let me know 2 class periods ahead

to get your make up work


Your grade will be weighted as follows:

70% -- Assessments

30% -- Process work

Process work will include any homework, labs, activities, research papers or class work that aids in you mastering the science standards that are taught in class. Although each assignment will have different point values, as a whole they will not be more than 30% of your grade. Each semester will be divided into 2 quarters, with the first quarter being 55%, the second quarter being 45%, and the Final being 10% of the total grade.

Assessments will be any culminating activity that allows you to show what you what you have learned, and your level of understanding of the concept. These activities can include tests, quizzes and projects. Since most of your grade is based on how well you understand the material, be sure to ask questions and advocate for yourself if you need some help with a topic in class. There are no test or quiz make ups, but there may be opportunities to revise assessments for added points.

Honors Credit Option

All students have the option of taking this Marine Biology class for regular credit, or weighted credit. Students, if you choose to have HonorsMarine Biology credit you will need to write an additional research paper each quarter, a presentation that aligns with your paper’s topic, and 2 additional extensions of regular class tests. The papers will be 15% of the Assessments weighted category within each quarter, and will affect the total grade. As a student, you have until September 11th to decide if you want honors credit.A form must be completed by the student confirming your choice.Honors students must complete the Honors assignment for each quarter.


Students must have the following by September 8th or 9th.

  • Any type of notebook that has lined paper and can hold handouts.
  • Pens and/or pencils (which ever you are most comfortable with, but no red ink, or neon color.)
  • Every student will need a flash drive. (doesn’t have to be for science only)

I have students each bring 1 item to class to be used by the community. For example, one child may bring paper towels, but they will also be able to use anything anyone else brought to class such as Kleenex, tape, glue, scissors, Clorox wipes etc. If there is an issue with not being able to bring an item please email me or call me or just send a note with your student, I can work with you.

1 turkey baster(last name A - C)

1 bottle of Glass Cleaner (last name D – H)

1 roll of paper towel(last name I - N)

2 Glue sticks (last name O – Q)

1 box Latex or Nitrile Gloves (last name R - Z) (these are medical gloves- not dish washing, usually in pharmacy, in a small square box of 40-50. I can’t accept vinyl gloves- they do not stretch and are very hard to dissect with. If your student has a latex allergy please bring Nitrile gloves.) We will use a lot of gloves during the year!

Each student will need an absorbent hand towel (used or from a thrift store is fine)—You will spill a lot!

If you have the means and would like to purchase other Marine Biology items in place of those mentioned above it would be greatly appreciated. Although there was a $30 fee for the class, it is costly to maintain the aquariums for the year. Below is a list of alternative items that are needed for the class if you would like to donate that can be found at any pet store.

API Saltwater tests: Nitrate, Ammonia, and pH

Frozen Brine shrimp, Mysis Shrimp, or Omnivore feeding cubes(can’t be thawed)

If you ever see Instant Ocean Sea Salt in a bucket for sale please let me know. Petsmart has 50% off sometimes, and I like to buy as many as I can. We will go through 75-100 gallons of salt water a week.

I will assume that every parent has signed up for the Parent Portal to be able to view his or her child’s grade online. Students need to be proactive in looking at the Student Portal to keep up on their grades and missing assignments. I will use the email address given at registration to contact you regarding your child’s behavior and academic performance. If Internet access is difficult, or for any reason does not work, please let me know the best way to contact you about your child. Once an assignment has been collected please allow a few days for grading, and to input the results into the grading program. A blank in I.C. does not mean it is missing, it means it is not graded yet. A ‘0’ in IC means the date to turn it in has passed and your student did not turn it in. A ‘M’ in IC means that the assignment is missing and can still be turned in. You may email me with any questions you may have about your student’s progress.

This is going to be an awesome year! It is important for you to know that you will have to work to make it successful!What you get out of this class is dependant on what you put into it!

Thank you,

Victoria Brown

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I have read the Marine Biology Syllabus.

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I have read the Marine Biology Syllabus.

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I have read the Marine Biology Syllabus.

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I have read the Marine Biology Syllabus.

Student Name______Period______

Student Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______