Short Course 2003
Design and Application of Geosynthetics in Waste Containment Structures
4 December 2003
AITConferenceCenter, AIT Campus
Km 42, Paholyothin Road
Pathumthani, Thailand
Organized by
International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) – Thailand Chapter and the AsianCenter for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics (ACSIG)
GTE Program, School of Civil Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani, 12120 Thailand
(Tel: 662-524-5523; Fax: 662-524-5509; Email: )
The addition of man-made (geosynthetic) materials to enhance the properties of the soil has been done long before our historical records. The concepts of reinforcing poor soils has continued until the present. Moreover, geosynthetics are also used as intermediate barrier between two dissimilar materials for water drainage and soil filtration. In addition, geosynthetics are also applied to create a leak-proof barrier to prevent liquid movement from one point to another. Thus, geosynthetics perform five major functions, namely: separation, reinforcement, filtration, drainage, and containment. The family of geosynthetics includes: geotextiles (GT), geogrids (GG), geonets (GN), geomembranes (GM), geopipe (GP), geocomposites (GC), geosynthetic clay liners (GCL), and geo-others. With increasing development and industrial activities, waste disposal and ground contamination have become serious problems. Geosynthetics have been utilized in waste containment structures as barrier, drainage, protection filter and reinforcement components.
In conjunction with the International Symposium on Soil/Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics for Waste Containment Applications to be held on 2 to 3 December 2003, the IGS-Thailand and ACSIG are jointly organizing this Short Course on Design and Application of Geosynthetics in Waste Containment Structures. This Short Course will be held on 4 December 2003 at the AITConferenceCenter, AIT Campus, Klong Luang, Pathumthani, Thailand.
The IGS – Thailand Chapter was organized in 2002 with the following objectives:
1)To collect, evaluate and disseminate knowledge on all matters relevant to geosynthetics as well as promote seminars, symposia, conferences, etc, related to geosynthetics.
2)To improve communication and understanding regarding geosynthetics and their applications, especially between the manufacturing and civil engineering communities.
3) To promote the advancement of the state-of-the-art of geosynthetics and their applications.
a)encourage, coordinate and/or sponsor research and development in industries, universities, laboratories and other organizations.
b)afford recognition of achievement in the advancement of the science and the practical use of geosynthetics.
c)encourage academic institutions to provide courses on geosynthetics and their applications.
d)encourage, through its members, the standardization of geosynthetics test methods, equipment and criteria.
Founded in 1959, the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is in its 43rd year of service of being an autonomous, international post-graduate institution of engineering and management which houses four Schools and five Academic Centers, including the AITCenter in Vietnam. Geared with the following mission, AIT caters to the growing need for advanced and sustainable engineering education in Asia and the Pacific Region.
"AIT will take a leadership role in the promotion of technological change and its management for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific Region, through high level education, research and outreach activities which integrate technology, planning and management. The focus of the Institute's activities is in technology, with special emphasis on the interdisciplinary interface among the above three fields and will include attention to environmental and socio-economical considerations”.
To date, AIT has produced more than 11,000 alumni holding key positions in private and public sectors throughout the Asian region and other parts of the world.
The AsianCenter for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics (ACSIG) was established in 1998 with the aim of accomplishing the following mission:
"to consolidate the current soil/ground improvement related activities in the Soil Engineering Program, to liaise with other Centers relevant to ACSIG, and to act as catalyst in the advancement of soil/ground improvement techniques and the subsequent effective utilization of geosysthetics to mitigate existing geotechnical problems in Asia and the Pacific through competent, updated and sustainable education, research and outreach activities"
ACSIG aims to serve Asia and the Pacific through consultancy and sponsored research projects, laboratory testing of geosynthetics, training and seminars, memberships and affiliation, cooperative/innovative research, information services and publications.
To date, several personalities in the field of geosynthetics have confirmed their attendance as resource speakers to the Symposium. Prof. S. Hayashi, Prof. K. Yasuhara, Prof. D.T. Bergado, Ir. Chris Lawson, Dr. Anupong Cajornsakbampen, Dr. Montri Dechasakulsom, Dr. Kanop Ketchart and many other experts in Geosynthetics have agreed to share their knowledge and expertise to the participants. The participants will have the chance to hear from them new developments and advancement in geosynthetics that will not only increase the strength of the soil and reduce settlement but will also shorten construction time and reduce construction cost. The reasons why more and more designers now include geosynthetics in their projects, such as subsoil drainage and filtration, subgrade stabilization and soil reinforcement, will also be discussed. Case studies indicating the proper and effective applications of the different types of geosynthetics will be extensively illustrated.
The technical program will consist of the following general topics on Design and Application of Geosynthetics in Waste Containment Structures:
1) Course Introduction
2) Design and Application for Separation
3) Design and Application for Reinforcement
4) Design and Application for Drainage
5) Design and Application for Filtration
6) Design for Protective Cover
7) Designing for Leak-Proof Barrier
The Registration Fee which covers the Short Course documents, lunch and coffee break are as follows:
IGS – Thailand MembersBaht 1,500
Thai ParticipantsBaht 2,000
ForeignerUS$ 100
AIT AlumniBaht 1,500
StudentBaht 500
Name ______
Mailing Address ______
Email ______
Indicate method of payment: ______
1) Bank Draft or Money Order (US$ or Baht): Payable to: Asian Institute of Technology
2) Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Asian Institute of Technology
Account Number: 381 – 1 – 00099 – 9
Bank Name and Address: Thai Farmers Bank, AIT Sub-branch, AIT Campus, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand
3) Credit Card:
American Express Visa Card Master Card
Card Number: ______
Expiry Date: ______
Cardholder’s Name: ______
Cardholder’s Signature:______
Date: ______
Please complete and return with remittance in favor of:
Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Director (ACSIG) and Secretary-General (IGS-Thailand) AsianCenter for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics (ACSIG)
School of Civil Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, PO. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand
(Tel: (662) 524-5512, 524-5500; Fax: (662) 524-6050; Email: )