Altar Server Guidelines
revised June, 2016

Your ministry as an altar server follows in a long line of young people assisting the priest and the congregation at Mass. The help you provide is very important to make sure the liturgy takes place in a reverent and enjoyable way. The better you understand your tasks and perform them, the better we will be able to participate in these holy actions. Thank you for your good service at the altar! If you feel like you are forgetting anything, say a quick prayer to St. John Berchmans. He is the patron saint of altar servers.

  1. We walk slowly and reverently.
    When you walk from your chair to the priest or deacon, walk up and down the ramp.
  2. Please dress appropriately, especially shoes.
    Clothing that is too casual can distract from the holiness and celebration of the Mass.

Before Mass

  1. Arrive 15-20 minutes early and sign in. This is very helpful to the Sacristan!
  2. Light all four candles around the altar.
  3. Servers divide duties:
  4. Sacramentary (big red book) - keep the book by your chair
  5. Candles during gospel reading
  6. Prepare altar during collection
    (corporal, sacramentary, chalice and purificator, water and cruet)
  7. Two servers return with dish and towel. (when Fr. Mark washes his hands)
  8. Check to make sure the Sacramentary (big red book) is on one of your chairs.
  9. Make sure there is a music book for you on your chair if you are carrying the cross.
  10. If you are not carrying anything during the procession, please carry your song book in with you and join in the singing of the opening song.

Entrance Procession (See diagram)

  1. The Cross Bearer processes first. If there are only two servers, the second server follows the first. If three servers, the extra two walk side by side behind the cross bearer.
  2. When you reach the sanctuary, go to the right side of the steps all the way over to where the railing begins.
  3. Bow to the altar with the presider and lectors. The cross bearer does not bow.
  4. Walk slowly to your seats. Cross bearer: place the cross inholder

Opening Prayer

  1. Be prepared to bring the sacramentary to the presider or the deacon. Have it in your hands right away and bring it to the presider when he says “Let us Pray”.
  2. Carry the sacramentary reverently to the presider or the deacon.
  3. After the prayer take the sacramentary back to your chair.

Liturgy of the Word

  1. Listen attentively to the readings and psalm.
  2. During Christmas and Easter only: when the presider stands for the gospel procession, two servers immediately go to the altar, pickup the back two candles, and carry them to the front of the altar. The priest or deacon will go to the front of the altar to pick up the gospel book. When the priest or deacon nods to you, walk down the steps. He will follow you. Turn to your right and walk on the floor next to the steps. Walk past the ambo and up the steps behind the ambo and stand at the front corners of the ambo facing each other while the gospel is read. When the gospel is finished return the candles directly to their stands by the altar and walk down the ramp to your seats.

Preparation of the Gifts

  1. While the ushers take up the collection, place the following items on the altar:
  2. The corporal (unfold it at the altar)
  3. The sacramentary
  4. Gold chalice and one purificator (be sure the chalice is right side up)
  5. The water cruet
  6. Carry the other six gold cups to the altar. The sacristan or deacon will take them from you and place them on the altar, so the presider or deacon can fill them with wine.
  7. Return to your seat.
  8. If the presider is taking the children’s collection, wait for him to stand up after the children are finished bringing up their offering. Then go stand by him in front of the altar. He will hand various gifts to the servers. After all of them are handed out, the servers go behind the altar to place them. The money basket goes off to the side by the ambo.The bread and wine go on top of the altar.
  9. Go to the credence table and get the bowl and towel for the washing of the hands. If there is only one server, drape the towel over one arm and carry the bowl with the same arm. If there are two servers, one holds the bowl and the other holds the towel.
  10. Go to the altar. The server with the bowl picks up the water cruet. After washing the presider’s hands return to the credence table and put the towel, bowl, and cruet on the table. The server with the towel takes the wine pitcher back to the credence table.
  11. Return to your seat.
  12. After we sing the “Holy Holy” (when everyone kneels), go to the front step next to the hand railing, kneel on the first step.

Sign of Peace

  1. After exchanging the Sign of Peace with those around you, go to the credence table, carry two gold bowls (one in each hand, never stacked) and set them on the altar. The sacristan will help you carry the six purificators from the credence table and place them the altar.
  2. All communion distributors will stand at the first step in front of the altar. Servers stand next to the cup ministers on the far right.(See diagram)


1.The servers receive Communion at the same time as the Eucharistic ministers and remain standing in their places.

2.While Communion is being distributed remove everything from the altar EXCEPT the corporal.

3.Return to your chair for the rest of the communion time.

4.As soon as the priest and Eucharistic ministers have taken the bowls off the altar and have taken the remaining hosts to the tabernacle, go to the altar and fold up the corporal and bring it back reverently to the credence table.

Closing Prayer

  1. When the presider says “Let us pray,” immediately bring him the Sacramentary. Return to your chair.


  1. While the presider moves to the front of the altar, go to the same place where you stood at the beginning of Mass. Cross bearer: remove the cross from its pedestal near the work sacristy door and bring it along.
  2. Bow to the altar and slowly process out in the same order that you processed in.
  3. After Mass return the processional cross to the stand in the gathering space.
  4. Extinguish the candles by the altar. Use the candle lighter/extinguisher from the work sacristy.
  5. Hang your alb and cincture in the vesting sacristy.