The Market System and the Circular Flow
The Market System and the circular flow
This chapter begins with a brief comparison of command and market system, followed by a more detailed description of the characteristics of a market system: private property, freedom of enterprise and choice, the role of self-interest, competition, markets and prices, the reliance on technology and capital goods, specialization, use of money, and the active, but limited role of government. The authors then introduce the Four Fundamental Questions faced by every economy, explain how a market economy answers each one, and why command systems have struggled to answer them in recent years.
The chapter concludes by introducing the circular flow model, a graphical representation of a market economy.
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Highlight the main features of a market economy and a command economy.
2. List and explain nine important characteristics of a market system.
3. State the Four Fundamental Questions faced by any economic system.
4. Describe how the market system answers each of these four fundamental questions.
5. Explain how the consumer influences the “What goods and services will be produced?” question.
6. Explain how a market system achieves economic efficiency.
7. Explain the role of income distribution on the “Who will get the goods and services?” question.
8. Describe the guiding function of prices.
9. Describe how the market system promotes technological improvements and capital accumulation.
10. Explain the role of competition and the “invisible hand” in promoting economic efficiency.
11. Identify the decision makers and the markets in a market system using the circular flow diagram.
12. Identify the two roles each that households and businesses play using the circular flow diagram.
13. Differentiate between product and resource markets.
14. Define and identify the terms and concepts listed at the end of the chapter.
I. Economic systems differ in two important ways: Who owns the factors of production and the method used to coordinate economic activity.
A. Command economy, socialism or communism:
1. There is public (state) ownership of resources.
2. Economic activity is coordinated by central planning.
B. The market system:
1. There is private ownership of resources.
2. Markets and prices coordinate and direct economic activity.
3. Each participant acts in his or her own self-interest.
4. In pure capitalism the government plays a very limited role (laissez-faire).
5. In the U.S. version of capitalism, the government plays a substantial role.
II. Characteristics of the Market System
A. Private individuals and firms own most of the property (land and capital).
1. Private property, coupled with the freedom to negotiate binding legal contracts, enables individuals and businesses to obtain, control, use, and dispose of this property.
2. Private property rights encourage investment, innovation, exchange of assets, maintenance of property, and economic growth.
3. Property rights extend to intellectual property through patents, copyrights, and trademarks.
B. Freedom of enterprise and choice
1. Freedom of enterprise means that entrepreneurs and businesses have the freedom to obtain and use resources, to produce products of their choice, and to sell these products in the markets of their choice.
2. Freedom of choice means:
a. Owners of property and money resources can use resources as they choose.
b. Workers can choose the training, occupations, and job of their choice.
c. Consumers are free to spend their income in such a way as to best satisfy their wants (consumer sovereignty).
3. Global snapshot 2.1 – Index of Economic Freedom
C. Self-interest
a. Self interest is one of the driving forces in a market system. Entrepreneurs try to maximize profits or minimize losses; resource suppliers try to maximize income; consumers maximize satisfaction.
b. As each tries to maximize profits, income, satisfaction, the economy will benefit if competition is present.
D. Competition among buyers and sellers is a controlling mechanism.
1. Large numbers of independently acting sellers mean that no single producer or seller can control the price or market supply.
2. Large number of independently acting buyers means that no single consumer or employer can control the price or market demand.
3. Producers can enter or leave industry easily in response to market conditions.
E. Markets and prices
1. A market is an institution that brings buyers and sellers together.
2. A market system conveys the decisions of the many buyers and sellers of the product and resource markets.
3. A change in the market price signals that a change in the market has occurred.
4. Those who respond to the market signals will be rewarded with profits and income.
F. Reliance on technology and capital goods
1. Competition, freedom of choice, self-interest, and the potential of profits provide the incentive for capital accumulation (investment).
2. Advanced technology and capital goods uses the more efficient roundabout method of technology.
G. Specialization
1. Specialization is using resources to produce one or few goods or services, rather than the entire range. It is doing what one does relatively best, and buying the rest.
2. Division of labor allows workers to specialize.
a. People can take advantage of differences in abilities and skills.
b. People with identical skills may still benefit from specialization and improving
certain skills (learning by doing).
c. Specialization saves time involved in shifting from one task to another.
3. Geographic specialization: Regional and international specialization take advantage of
localized resources.
H. Use of money as a medium of exchange
1. Money substitutes for barter, which requires a coincidence of wants. (I may want what you produce but you may not want to exchange for what I have.)
2. Willingness to accept money in place of goods permits 3-way trades (or multilateral trades). See Figure 2.1 and examples in text.
a. Floridians give money to Nebraskans for wheat who give money to Idahoans for potatoes who give money to Florida for oranges.
b. Foreign exchange markets permit Americans, Japanese, Germans, Britons, and Mexicans to complete international exchanges of goods and services.
I. Active, but limited government
1. Although the market system promotes efficiency, it has certain shortcomings (over production of goods with social costs, under production of goods with social benefits, tendency for business to increase monopoly power, macro instability).
2. Chapter 5 deals with how the government can increase the overall effectiveness of the market system.
III. Four Fundamental Questions
A. There are four fundamental questions that must be answered by all economic systems.
1. What goods and services will be produced?
2. How will the goods and services be produced?
3. Who will get the goods and services?
4. How will the system promote progress?
B. What will be produced?
1. In order to be profitable, businesses must respond to consumers’ (individuals, other businesses, and the government) wants and desires.
2. When businesses allocate resources in a way that is responsive, businesses will be profitable.
3. In economics, the return to the entrepreneur is treated just like the return to the worker, i.e., it is an economic cost and must be received if the entrepreneur is going to continue to produce in that industry.
4. If producers in an industry are receiving economic profits (TR>TC), additional producers will move into the industry.
5. If producers in an industry are experiencing economic losses, some of these producers will exit the industry.
6. Consumer Sovereignty
a. Consumer sovereignty is the key to determining the types and quantities of the various products that will be produced. “Dollar votes” for a product when purchases are made and “dollar votes” against a product when products are ignored will determine which industries continue to exist and which individual products survive or fail.
b. Applying the Analysis: McHits and McMisses
In an effort to stimulate demand and respond to market trends and conditions, McDonald’s has introduced a number of new menu items over the years. The success and failure of these new items illustrates the important role of the consumer in determining what will be produced.
c. Businesses are not really “free” to produce what they wish. They must match their production choices with consumer choices or face losses and eventual bankruptcy. Profit-seeking firms must consider the allocation of the “dollar votes” when they make their production decisions.
E. How will the goods and services be produced?
1. The market system encourages and rewards those producers who are achieving productive efficiency, i.e., least-cost production.
2. Least-cost production techniques include: locating firms in the optimum location considering resource prices, resource productivity, and transportation costs, available technology, and resource prices in general.
3. The most efficient technique will be the one that produces a given amount of output with the smallest input of scarce resources when both inputs and outputs are measured in monetary terms.
F. Who will get the output?
1. The answer to this question is directly related to how the income is distributed among the individuals and the households and the tastes and preferences of consumers.
2. Products go to those who are willing and able to pay for them.
3. Consumers’ ability to pay (income) depends on 1) the property and human resources they supply to the market, and 2) the prices these resources command in the market.
4. The resource markets, which determine income, are linked to this decision.
G. How will the system promote progress?
1. The market system promotes technological improvements.
a. An entrepreneur or firm that introduces a popular new product will be rewarded with
increased revenue and profits.
b. New technologies that reduce production costs, and thus product price, will spread
throughout the industry as a result of competition.
c. Creative destruction occurs when new products and production methods destroy the
market positions of firms that are not able or willing to adjust.
2. Technological advancements promote accumulation of capital goods.
a. Dollar votes for consumer goods become dollar votes for capital goods as well.
b. Entrepreneurs use profits to “vote” for additional capital goods, and are further
encouraged by technological advancements expected to make that capital more
H. Applying the Analysis: The “Invisible Hand”
1. Adam Smith talked of the “invisible hand” which promotes public interest through a market system where the primary motivation is selfinterest. By attempting to maximize profits, firms will also be producing the goods and services most wanted by society.
2. The “invisible hand” implies a harmony rather than a conflict of interests. The pursuit of individual self-interest, rather than opposing the public interest, supports it, though quite unintentionally.
I. Applying the Analysis: The Demise of the Command Systems
1. Command economies in the Soviet Union, eastern Europe, and prereform China failed to answer adequately the four fundamental questions.
2. Command economies suffered from coordination problems.
a. Planners had to correctly coordinate the millions of consumer and business decisions to ensure that producers had the necessary inputs to deliver the right amount of goods to consumers.
b. The interdependency of production processes meant that failure in any industry would set off a chain reaction that would disrupt activity in many industries.
c. Increased size and complexity of an economic system exacerbates coordination problems.
d. The ambiguity of plan objectives led to output distortions.
3. Command economies also suffered from incentive problems.
a. Producer rewards were based on meeting production goals; there was no incentive (in fact there was disincentive) to exceed plan goals.
b. There were no price signals to encourage changes in the mix of goods produced.
c. There were no rewards for entrepreneurial activity that could have spurred innovation and enterprise. Greater rewards were to be found through political advancement.
IV. The Circular Flow Model (Figure 2.2)
A. There are two groups of decision makers in the private economy (no government yet): households and businesses.
1. The market system coordinates these decisions in a series of continuous, repetitive flows of goods and services, resources, and money.
2. What happens in the resource markets?
a. Households sell resources directly or indirectly (through ownership of corporations).
b. Businesses buy resources in order to produce goods and services.
c. Flow of payments from businesses for the resources constitutes business costs and resource owners’ incomes.
d. Resources flow from households to businesses; money flows from businesses to households.
3. What happens in the product markets?
a. Households are on the buying side of these markets, purchasing goods and services.
b. Businesses are on the selling side of these markets, offering products for sale.
c. Sellers adjust their production based on what is profitable.
d. Flow of consumer expenditures constitutes sales receipts for businesses.
e. Products flow from businesses to households; money flows from households to businesses.
4. Circular flow model illustrates this complex web of decision-making and economic activity that give rise to the real and money flows.
B. Applying the Analysis: Some Facts about U.S. Businesses
1. The business sector is incredibly diverse, including both large corporations and single- person enterprises.
2. There are three main legal business forms: sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.
a. Sole proprietorships have a single owner, account for 72% of all U.S. firms, but receive only 5% of total revenue.
b. Partnerships are owned and operated by two or more individuals, account for 8% of all U.S. firms, and receive 11% of total revenue.
c. Corporations are legal entities owned by shareholders with limited liability, account for only 20% of all U.S. firms, but receive 84% of total revenue.
C. Applying the Analysis: Some Facts about U.S. Households
1. There are approximately 109 million households in the U.S. economy.
2. Income is divided between wages, rent, interest, and profits.
a. Wages and salaries are paid to workers (labor), and constitute 72% of total earned income in the U.S.
b. Rental income is received for providing buildings and natural resources, and comprises about 2% of total earned income.